Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 295 The Prelude Opened In Advance

While Ye Zhou was busy collecting data for simulation and remotely participating in the promotion of the topological quantum computer project, a small fleet was traveling along the scheduled route in the high seas of the Western Pacific Ocean, intending to bypass the Kuril Islands and complete an ocean voyage After training, go to a port in Xiong Daguo to berth, log in there, and participate in the upcoming 202x International Military Competition.

The so-called international military competition is an international military cooperation and exchange activity initiated and led by Xiong University and attended by many countries.

This competition started in 2013. Once a year, the elites of the multinational military continue to refresh and create new records in the world's military training. A large number of new equipment will also be unveiled in the competition to compete for awards in special subjects.

The International Military Competition is known as the "Military Olympiad". Its main purpose is to promote military exchanges and cooperation among countries, increase information transparency between countries, and eliminate vicious competition caused by information black holes, so as to avoid recurrence as in the last century. adverse consequences.

Of course, another consideration that the organizers did not mention is actually obvious in the eyes of the participating countries.

That is, through this game, various countries can selectively display their military training and equipment achievements, so as to achieve the effect of "talking on paper" to some extent, and avoid irrational misjudgment of each other's strength. Conflicts occur, which in turn maintains world peace to a certain extent.

This idea itself is not a problem. Objectively speaking, after several consecutive military competitions, the confrontation situation of some countries has indeed improved, but this is only for small countries.

For a giant like Wuchang, this game is actually more like a trade fair. The louder the noise, the better their products will sell.

The most typical case is that after a military competition in 201X, the sales of Rabbit drones began to skyrocket, and even reached the level of one order for local tyrants in the Middle East.

However, in such a grand competition with an average of more than 200 participating teams per year, there is one figure that is always absent, and that is the ugly country.

In fact, not only did they not participate, but they even continued to pick things up during the game. It was like a neighbor who couldn't see your good friend. Your party was so lively that he would make a bigger noise next door. The purpose is not to In order to attract other guests, and just not want you to have a good time.

During the holding of more than one international military competition, the ugly countries are organizing large-scale military exercises synchronously, such as "Malabar" and "Noble Alliance", once a year, and there is no offensive action, just use a sentence To sum up, don't bite people, just respond to people.

However, this year's international military competition has ushered in a major change, that is, more than 100 countries headed by the ugly country have signed up to participate in the competition, and organized teams at the fastest speed, preparing to rush to the big country.

As the organizer and host country of the event, Xiong Da had an urgent internal discussion, and the final conclusion was also very simple: open the door to welcome guests.

When friends come, they have fine wine, and when jackals come, they have shotguns. On the site of the big bear, no matter how many people escape, it is impossible to make any moths - at most, it is just a little trick on the field.

As a result, the race schedule will also follow the original plan. This competition includes two items of tank, reconnaissance vanguard, ocean ring, sea landing, aviation darts, etc. It is divided into 20 sub-items, which basically cover the three aspects of sea, land and air in the process of military operations. The selected items It is also a project with the highest requirements for equipment and personnel training.

For example, the aviation dart project includes small projects such as low-altitude aerobatics, aerial visual reconnaissance, etc. Although it is out of date in terms of content, the test of equipment and technology contained in it cannot be underestimated.

Aviation powers like Xiongda basically win most of the championships every year, while Huaxia generally has the strength to compete for championships in fighter aircraft and transport aircraft.

But after the Ugly Country participated in the competition this year, no one dared to guarantee the final result.

As for offshore projects, Huaxia basically missed the award - except for marine landing subjects.

In this subject, Huaxia basically has to win a "Best Marine Platoon" award every year.

And this year, the best land platoon team from the previous year will represent the Chinese team in the competition again.

On the deck of a Type 075 landing ship, two Marines are standing leisurely on the side of the ship, looking at the seascape in the distance.

A soldier looked back at the archipelago that was gradually being left behind, and said with some emotion:

"This Da Deng sits up differently. It doesn't shake at all. I remember that when I first got on the ship, I was still sitting on a 067. It was small and broken. As soon as I got on the ship, I felt dizzy and vomited for three days and three nights. adapt."

The soldier who speaks is named Ma Zhubo. He has been in the army for more than ten years. He started as a seaman at the lowest level and has become the current captain of the Marine Corps. The hard work and sweat he has put in do not need to be said.

"Yeah, everyone has to go through this. Isn't it the same when I got on the boat? You brought me back then - but I was a little stronger than you, and I vomited for two days."

Hearing this, Ma Zhubo glanced at the other party with some amusing, and said:

"I said He Jinghai, you still have to compete with me in this kind of thing? Why did you only vomit for two days at the time? Didn't I teach you to tie the horse? Come on, neither of us counts What a natural warrior king, don't take the taller one out of the dwarfs."

"It's really awesome, we have a new recruit. Our ancestors have been fishing in the South China Sea for three lifetimes. It is said that he has also worked as a householder. They are called amphibious, and diving in the water is like playing. Last time Our amphibious vehicle broke down in the sea, and he was the one who brought it up."

"That guy didn't come up for two minutes after getting out of the water. I thought he was going to die, but guess what? He drove the car back by himself."

He Jinghai on the side nodded slightly and replied:

"I heard that, didn't you give them a first-class credit? But let me tell you, don't let them do such a dangerous thing next time. How much the fuck is a car worth? If you lose a soldier , I will be sad for a lifetime."

"Yes, he's rich now. However, his spirit is worth promoting, it's just that the method is not right."

"Well, anyway, you have to take care of your own soldiers. This time we are going to the competition, not the war. If we can get the ranking, we will get it. If we can't get it, there is no need to risk our lives. It's not worth it. Where they serve the country."

Ma Zhubo nodded in agreement, but then suddenly sighed with a worried expression on his face.

After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly asked:

"What's your tone, do you think you're not optimistic in the future?"

He Jinghai was stunned and replied:

"It's not that it's not optimistic. What can I say, our confrontation will always go to the deep water area in the future. You also know that the deeper the water, the easier it is to get into trouble."

"No one can guarantee that your opponent will not jump over the wall in a hurry. We must make all preparations and have the consciousness to dare to fight at any time."

"How many years have you been engaged in military competitions like this time, they have never participated in it, and suddenly participated in this year, what does this mean?"

Ma Zhubo frowned. After thinking for a while, he replied:

"I think this is also a kind of test - to see how our level is up close. Or a demonstration, maybe people are ready to win all the awards in this competition and get a grand slam. ?"

"But don't talk shit. If they really had that strength, they wouldn't come to participate in this competition."

He Jinghai smiled and shook his head, then sighed and said:

"You're actually right, it's a demonstration, but again, it's within the rules and it doesn't show any offensive demonstrations."

"They want to show their strength in front of us and want us to retreat in spite of difficulties, but the problem is that we are not the kind of masters who retreat in spite of difficulties."

"So, the final result is actually very easy to speculate."

"The confrontation on the field will definitely continue outside the field. It is possible that the intensity will not increase, but the scale will definitely become larger - but the increase in scale is enough to give us a headache."

"We're still short of ships. If there are two more formations, we won't have to suffer from this kind of cowardice."

Hearing this, Ma Zhubo finally laughed.

"Fuck, you deflated calf, co-authored and talked for a long time and ended up crying poor with me here?"

"What's the use of telling me? I'm not a shipbuilder. You have the ability to take your set to Shanghai Shipyard and talk about it."

"Then I don't have the patience."

When the topic came to this point, the two of them chatted about new aircraft carriers, electromagnetic guns, and laser anti-missiles. The new equipment that emerged one after another seemed to make their mood a lot easier, and the smiles on their faces also became relaxed. .

However, just as they were chatting enthusiastically about whether electromagnetic guns could be used in this year's artillery-to-shore shooting project, a hurried whistle suddenly sounded behind them, and they looked back together, just to see a scene of a helicopter taking off in an emergency.

The two walked in the direction of the combat duty room in confusion, trying to figure out what happened.

Logically speaking, if there is an emergency, the emergency assembly should be pulled by the ship, but if there is no emergency, what is the helicopter flying for?

Can you still meet pirates here?

When they entered the command room, they finally learned of the situation through the captain who was deploying.

It's not really an emergency, but it's something they have to deal with.

The airborne early warning aircraft found another fleet on the sea 800 kilometers away from them, and the early warning aircraft of this fleet had obviously discovered their own side.

However, neither side took any action, just looked at each other from a distance.

Ma Zhubo and He Jinghai looked at each other, and at the same time a strange but very reasonable idea emerged in their hearts, that is:

This international military competition has not yet kicked off, but in fact, it has already begun.

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