Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 296 Air Pressure

Four hundred kilometers away, the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier formation.

In the command room, the commander-in-chief of the formation, the captain of the aircraft carrier, and the carrier air wing are gathering in the command room to discuss what just happened.

"So, the opponent's aircraft carrier battle group is also going to the bear country? Is there any intention to contact us?"

asked the commander-in-chief of the aircraft carrier formation.

"No - in addition, the other party is not actually a standard aircraft carrier battle group, but a multi-functional ship formation."

"From the pictures we took, there are landing ships and minesweepers in their formation. It is estimated that the formation was temporarily formed to participate in this international military competition. All the ships are prepared for the competition."

"Their voyage wasn't really a military operation, it was a purely, er, maritime traffic operation."

"Are you sure? It's just a maritime traffic operation, and will it require early warning aircraft and aerial tankers to escort the whole process?"

The commander-in-chief frowned, and his words revealed a natural vigilance and suspicion.

Hearing his words, the captain sighed.

In fact, any ship formation in any country has its corresponding combat effectiveness, even a fishing boat - a certain country's warship has been hit and sunk by a fishing boat.

Judging from the attitude shown by the opponent, he couldn't define the opponent as a hostile opponent at all, and he couldn't even define the freedom of navigation on the high seas as a hostile act.

After all, both sides are going to the Bear Country to participate in the competition.

It is directly an aircraft carrier battle group.

Who is more hostile, isn't it obvious?

After thinking for a moment, he answered:

"The other party is of course capable of combat. In fact, with just one of their 002 aircraft carriers and two 055Ds, the combat effectiveness is already extremely impressive, but you can also see that they did not do any drastic actions after discovering us. , the early warning aircraft did not approach for reconnaissance - this is already a very friendly way to deal with it."

"If we found them first, I think our carrier-based aircraft should have swaggered to the vicinity of the opponent's fleet to go to the low-altitude field, right?"

The commander-in-chief's expression was still cold. He looked at the commander of the carrier air wing and asked:

"Has our carrier aircraft lifted off?"

"No. I don't recommend provoking the opponent now, it's neither necessary nor good results - it's on the high seas, and it's on the high seas where it doesn't matter at all, and we won't show it all the time. your own teeth?"

"why not?"

The wing commander was a little dazed by the commander-in-chief's words, and he subconsciously asked back:

"why would?"

The commander-in-chief's face immediately collapsed. He waited for the wing commander and said sternly:

"Mr. Smith, I hope you will remember your duty. You are the commander of the carrier-based air wing. Your duty is to ensure that the aircraft carrier's carrier-based aircraft are capable of combat and can protect our fleet at all times."

"Now, the enemy is 800 kilometers away from us, and within our alert range, you still ask me why the carrier-based aircraft is taking off?"

"But they're not enemies—at least not now, are they?"

"At sea, any fleet that does not belong to us must be treated as an enemy!"

"What you said is only theoretical, but I want to know, what is the point of doing this? Even if the information is passed to the country, the supreme commander will not agree with the decision you said."

"I've made it very clear, there's no need to provoke the opponent. We're here to participate in the competition. This isn't even an exercise, or even a combat readiness cruise. Why do we do irrational things at such a time?"

Seeing the stubborn expression of the wing commander, the commander-in-chief first glared angrily, then became restless, and after pacing back and forth a few times, he finally sighed.

Of course, he understands the concerns of his subordinates. In fact, such concerns are also common in this fleet.

As the main force of the navy, the area they patrol is always the front line, and they can always sense changes in the situation the fastest. Everyone knows that the current confrontation is becoming more and more tense every day.

But no one wants to fight, and no one wants to fight.

So, a conflicting mood began to spread throughout the fleet.

On the one hand, they still retain the pride of the strongest naval power in the world, hoping to make their opponents retreat through the crushing of combat power; but on the other hand, when their opponents do not retreat, they do not intend to continue to exert pressure at all, only It is hoped that the action will be terminated in moderation, so as to avoid inadvertently becoming the fuse of a major event.

As a commander, he was the first to discover this emotion, and the first to feel its danger.

There is no backwardness in technology and combat literacy, but the will to fight has begun to collapse, which is often the beginning of an army's decline in combat effectiveness.

And if this momentum is allowed to develop, in a very short period of time, the decline in combat effectiveness will be extremely terrifying.

He couldn't figure out why this happened.

Is it because of successive technological breakthroughs on the opponent's side?

This is probably the most plausible explanation, but the problem is that the adversary's technological breakthrough does not really threaten the fleet.

Whether it is electromagnetic guns, carrier-based aircraft, early warning aircraft, or strategic bombers, they have only just stepped off the production line, far from reaching the level of large-scale hunting, and the improvement of the opponent's strength is extremely limited.

More importantly, in addition to the electromagnetic guns that Congress has always considered to be tasteless, they not only have other equipment, but are also more advanced.

How can such a comparison of equipment damage one's own confidence?

Maybe not for this reason - maybe the living conditions on the aircraft carrier are really bad?

Yes, due to the long ocean voyage, the life of any aircraft carrier formation is not much better. The food supply is fixed and the sanitary conditions are deteriorated. He has heard complaints from grassroots soldiers more than once.

In their words, it is almost impossible to find a quiet place to sleep on the ship, and there are frequent power outages, no hot water, and poor ventilation. What's more, the huge metal structure of the hull amplifies the temperature outside, which is unbearable. .

In just a few months, more than a dozen suicide incidents have occurred in major aircraft carrier formations, but they are completely unable to understand this extreme behavior.

Because these difficulties are not worth mentioning at all in their own eyes.

At least they don't live in foxholes, do they?

The commander-in-chief shook his head, and after dispelling the chaotic thoughts in his mind, he said:

"I know what you are worried about, and I know why you are unwilling to carry out the mission, but what I have to tell you is that this is not just a routine reaction of ours, but also an important show of our determination. Way."

"In the past, every time we met them, we showed a very aggressive attitude, and the other party responded to that attitude."

"We are all tacit opponents, and both sides are playing a fixed role-maybe everyone understands that no matter how aggressive we are, there will be no real conflict, but we just have to play well. this play."

"It's like a Texas game, we've been doing bluffs all the time, and now if we suddenly show weakness, even if we have a good hand, the opponent will not hesitate to raise us."

"What can we do then? showhand (stud)? You don't know what the end of showhand is at this time, right?"

After listening to his words, both the wing commander and the captain fell silent.

They are also aware of their blind spots.

That's right, the reason why he is unwilling to make any action is essentially to avoid conflict, but he ignores it. It is this kind of withdrawal that is more likely to cause greater conflict.

While the commander-in-chief's method may seem radical, it is the real, within the rules, the best way to avoid conflict.

Just like two cowboys with guns facing each other, the best way to maintain a peaceful situation is to keep aiming at all times, even if there is no bullet in the gun.

Thinking of this, the commander of the carrier air wing said:

"Well, what you said is right. Give your order, and I will immediately notify the carrier air wing to prepare."

Hearing his answer, the commander-in-chief finally nodded.

"Then follow the usual operations and launch two Hornets - no F35s, no weapons, no airborne radars, I just need to put pressure on them, not to go to war, understand?"


The wing commander gave him a military salute, then turned around and approached the podium to give orders.

The captain on the side shook his head helplessly, and could only keep up with the other party and start dispatching other support preparations on the aircraft carrier.

A few minutes later, two FA/18 fighter jets roared into the air, they maintained the best radar detection altitude of 4 kilometers, and broke into the air defense area of ​​the opponent's fleet generously.

In the command room of the aircraft carrier No. 002, a man frowned and looked at the F/A18, which had lowered its altitude and was flying over his head, and said to the people around him:

"So what's the point of these ugly countrymen coming here every time? It's like playing a two-person show, too much oil to burn?"

"That's not too much oil. The international oil price has dropped so much recently that they are so anxious to pour the oil back into the oil well. Now if there is a chance to burn more, we must seize it - we must also play with them. , or you will be timid." The man sighed and said helplessly:

"Then let's play with them, what can I do? Launch two J-15s, don't hang up weapons - hang up two fuel tanks, I'll see who lands first!"

On the deck, two J-15s soared from the ski-jump deck, and then instantly activated the afterburner, chasing in the direction of FA/18.

A grand aerial stunt show kicked off ahead of the start of the air darts project of the International Military Competition.

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