Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 297 Reappearance 30 Years Ago

Compared with the FA18, an old aircraft 40 years ago, the J-15 does not actually have an advantage, especially in stand-alone combat.

The FA18 Super Hornet uses the AN/APG-79 active phased array antenna radar, which is one grade stronger than the J-15 using the flat crack antenna, and has a lot of advantages in enemy detection.

In terms of mobility, the Super Hornet air combat push ratio is about 1.07, the J-15 is about 1.12, and the J-15 has a slight advantage.

In terms of conventional mobility, the Super Hornet has a normal overload of 7.5G and a maximum overload of 10G; the J-15 has a normal overload of 8G, a maximum overload of 9G, a maximum overload of 6.5G in the transonic section, and a maximum overload of 7G at supersonic speeds.

In terms of agility, the Super Hornet further relaxes the static stability on the basis of the Hornet, at least on par with the J-15.

So to sum up, if it is on the real battlefield, even if the FA18 cannot form an overwhelming advantage over the J-15, at least it can get a beautiful figure in terms of exchange ratio.

Therefore, it is precisely based on this difference in performance that the USS Roosevelt aircraft carrier has not been fully refitted with the F-35, because for them, the FA18 is actually enough.

At this time, the two FA18s that were constantly passing over the 002 fleet also fully demonstrated their performance advantages. When facing the tail chase of the J-15, they unhurriedly turned on the afterburner, and then a Cobra Maneuvering, gave the two J-15s to the front and began to pursue the J-15s in reverse.

The pilots of the J-15 have long been prepared for this. They know very well that this is just an air competition where both sides have a tacit understanding, so they did not rush to get rid of each other. Instead, they used extremely superb technology. It dived down, and then made several consecutive high-angle turns at ultra-low altitudes. He just relied on his own operating skills to make up for the lack of mobility and regained his active position.

Seeing this scene, even the pilots on the FA18 couldn't help but stick out their thumbs at the staggered moment.

Afterwards, the offense and defense changed positions again. The FA18 climbed vertically with its powerful engine. After throwing the J-15 away for a certain distance, the fuel was cut off. After the leaves were floating, the FA18 returned to the back of the J-15 again.

The four fighter planes were repeatedly chasing and fighting in the air that was not too high. The J-15 with the auxiliary fuel tank gradually fell into the downwind. When the pilots began to take risks and make difficult maneuvers, the carrier-based aircraft commander on the aircraft carrier finally The order was given to them to stop the pursuit.

And the two FA18s also raised their heights to leave the field.

Not because of fear, of course, but for two reasons.

First, they didn't want such a routine flight show to become out of control due to the crash of the J-15; second, their fuel was almost exhausted to the return line after multiple afterburner maneuvers.

As the figures of the two planes gradually disappeared, the J-15 also landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier in turn.

The pilots who got off the plane looked a little embarrassed. In their opinion, they had embarrassed the naval aviation under the witness of the entire fleet.

The carrier-based aircraft commander on the side saw their faces, and waved to them in a funny way, and asked:

"What's wrong? Who is this stinky face to show? If you don't accept it? If you don't accept it, practice hard! The plane is not as good as others, isn't the technology comparable to others?"

"I can compare! The question is, wasn't your order not allowed to continue the pursuit?"

One of the pilots said with some dissatisfaction.

"I'm not allowed to chase? Don't you know what you're going to do? Do Cobra maneuvers at ultra-low altitudes, is this something that J-15 can do well? You're not afraid of dropping the plane?"

"I'm not afraid! I'm very confident in my technique!"

The commander smiled and shook his head, patted the pilot on the shoulder and said:

"I know you have confidence, but sometimes, you have to learn to judge the situation. This is just a routine refusal of eviction, there is no need to risk your life, so it is not for you, for us, or for the country as a whole. , it's no good, understand?"

"I understand, but I just don't accept it. Don't they show off their power just because the plane is better? Our J-20 below deck hasn't taken off yet."

"If the J-20 takes off, this matter won't end. Didn't you see that they didn't hang up their weapons? People are just here to disgust you, do you still want to send the handle to them? Okay, go down. have a rest."

Several pilots left the deck with a long sigh, and the commander who stayed in place didn't look good after turning around.

The provocation of the opponent's actions is too obvious. Although it is not that they have not done anything to drive the J-20 to the opponent's aircraft carrier at low altitudes, they have never shown off their skills so blatantly.

The general process is actually to shout to each other, and then fly around a few times before leaving each other, landing when it is time to land, returning when it is time to return, and even the content of the shouting is repeated hundreds of times and can be memorized by each of them. .

But today's game is obviously different.

He shook his head silently, turned and walked to the command room, intending to report his judgment to the fleet commander and raise the alert level to prevent the other party's next harassment

And on the other side, after the two Super Hornets landed, they were greeted with huge cheers.

Everyone treats them as heroes, and they themselves brazenly show off how they played the Huaxia fighter jets. The commander-in-chief of the fleet in the distance watched this scene with an unfathomable smile on his face.

This is exactly what he wanted.

He won't do any tricks of probing each other. What he wants is to use the opponent's fleet as the background, and let his carefully selected pilots who are the most courageous and have the most things perform a gorgeous performance, so as to improve his team. morale.

And now, his goal has clearly been achieved.

But, for him, that wasn't enough.

He has always believed in a principle, that is, if you want to do one thing, it is best to do it at one time, otherwise giving up halfway may bring beneficial effects in the short term, but the backlash caused by the final decline will be even greater. serious.

Therefore, he intends to add another fire to this operation.

The commander-in-chief picked up the microphone and gave a few commands briefly. Then, several big fish that were originally hidden on the seabed quietly moved forward, and the passive sonar started to search the sea area ahead.

According to his understanding of Huaxia, there are definitely more than one big fish hidden under the water of the opponent's ship formation, and if the opponent can find the opponent's position in advance, and then pass this position to the opponent's fleet headquarters by some means, So, this time the sea confrontation, even if we have won completely.

The advantages in the air and underwater are the advantages that determine the ultimate direction of a naval battle.

It is not the first time that we have done this kind of thing to simulate hunting and sinking the opponent's submarine. The most typical case is actually the operation in 1994.

At that time, after discovering the traces of the opponent's submarine, our own aircraft carrier formation surrounded it for a full 72 hours. During these 72 hours, the opponent's fighter jets took off several times, but because of insufficient battery life, they failed to attack our own side. threat of anti-submarine helicopters.

In that one operation, our side sank the backward, noisy, slow-moving submarine 7 times like a cat-and-mouse simulation, forcing the other side to dive in an emergency, and even asked for help through long-wave communication. Finally, after the Su-27, who came to support, was forced to take a desperate posture, he retreated leisurely.

It has now been 30 years since then, and the opponent's submarine technology has developed tremendously, but so has its own anti-submarine technology.

In such a situation where the two armies are facing each other, is there a chance for us to repeat the hunting at that time?

He would love to try it.

Half an hour later, a reply came from the intercom.

"Our submarine has already moved forward, and the position of the opponent's submarine has not been found yet."

"Continue to search, remember, don't get too close, if you are alone, it is not them who will be sunk by the simulation, but you!"

"Understood, still at a safe distance."

The commander-in-chief put down the communicator and looked up at the endless sea in front of him. He knew that under this seemingly calm sea, two forces were engaged in a silent confrontation.

The outcome of this confrontation will determine the outcome of this sea confrontation.

Time was passing minutes by second, and when he was about to lose his patience, several bright spots suddenly appeared on the big screen of the data link system.

That is the detection result of the sonar system. "Found them!"

This was the first thought of the commander-in-chief.

However, in the next second, his expression suddenly changed.

Not right.

The locations of those bright spots are not around the opponent's aircraft carrier battle group, but around their own fleet!

His hair suddenly stood up, and he rushed to the screen to see what happened, but those bright spots suddenly disappeared.

This is not right.

This is not the result of passive sonar detection by one's own side, but the other party's active sonar being turned on under his own eyes!

They are provocative.

From the formation of the other side to the formation of one's own, according to the speed of the submarine, even if the carrier-based aircraft on both sides are dispatched immediately to go out the first time after their respective return, until now, they have just been able to reach the position displayed by the sonar just now. .

This means that while he excludes submarines, the other party also sends submarines.

And the two submarine formations, at a certain moment, almost passed by!

But they did not detect any sonar signals.

A chill surged into his heart, and the commander-in-chief immediately ordered all anti-submarine helicopters to be lifted into the air, and all the sonars to be hoisted into the water. He no longer cared about concealment—since his position had been exposed, what else could be concealed?

This process only took him ten minutes, but in these ten minutes, when the active sonar began to scan, he was stunned to find that the submarines that were originally surrounding the fleet had all started to return. And it's nearly 15 nautical miles out!

This means that the speed of the opponent's submarine has reached close to 60 knots.

This is an extremely terrifying fact.

The noise is so small that it passes by without being detected, and the speed reaches 60 knots, if the underwater is a nuclear submarine

He suddenly thought of the lithium-sulfur battery that had caused huge waves before.

Everything is connected, and in the original strategic analysis, they did take this possible direction into account.

That is, the opponent's submarine force is likely to carry out the transformation of the ship's integrated power system, especially the all-electric drive transformation, after the battery is applied.

But he never expected that such a transformation would actually improve the performance of the submarine to such a degree.

At this moment, the other party is showing off their achievements unscrupulously in front of their own side, just like showing off FA18 in front of the other side just now.

This can only illustrate one point:

These submarines underwater are probably about to enter a period of renewal.

He stared blankly at the bright spots on the screen, subconsciously wanting to order the carrier-based aircraft to perform tracking, but the next second, his thought was completely dispelled.

According to the radar display, there are two aircrafts swimming in the sky above our own formation.

Obviously, it was the J-20 who had already broken into his own air defense area, but had only deployed the Longbo lens at this moment.

The commander-in-chief's hand trembled slightly, and after a long silence, he issued an order to withdraw all combat units.

And as if echoing his order, the two J-20s disappeared from the radar screen again.

Then the sonar signal disappeared.

Under the protection of their exclusive falcons, the fish that were buried deep under the water sailed back to the sea area they controlled.

At this moment, the commander-in-chief suddenly felt that everything he had done before had become a joke.

He thought he was the protagonist of this offense and defense drama, but the truth told him that he was just a supporting role without knowing it.

He thought that the opponent's line of defense could be easily broken through, but that was just a trap that the opponent deliberately cooperated with.

He thought his formation was impeccable. However, in the scenario just now, even his flagship aircraft carrier had probably been sunk countless times by simulation.

The hunt from 30 years ago has really reappeared.

Only, this time, they became hunters!

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