Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 302 You Are Late

After this final struggle, only 36 civilians survived, and most of them died on the way to the enemy. In the face of the continuous firepower of the enemy, they forcibly exchanged their lives for it. The limited reloading gap, just gnawed on one by one, finally got this victory at an almost crazy price.

None of the big fish in the stronghold survived, and their bodies were directly burned to ashes under the command of Ye Zhou—the purpose was to destroy the evidence.

As long as there is no evidence that big fish have ever been here, then they are safe.

And now, Ye Zhou's remaining food can barely support the remaining staff for 12 days.

From the previous simulation, Ye Zhou knew that it would take at least 20 days for the upper channel to be opened, and there was no answer to who would survive in the end.

But Ye Zhou didn't intend to follow fate's arrangement, and at this point, he could no longer be alone.

It is impossible for him to occupy the redundant resources, because this will be regarded as a betrayal. What he can do is to organize everyone to the maximum extent to search for all the resources in this small world.

On the eighth day after the air raid, after all the bodies had been buried, a full-scale rat hunt was underway.

This underground base was renovated by long-standing underground fortifications, and the airtight design was not strict, which also gave them a chance to survive.

Over a two-day period, 37 people caught a total of 62 mice, enough to extend their lives by two days.

Ye Zhou organized everyone to dispose of the mouse carcasses, and then continued to fish with inedible internal organs. Every day thereafter, they harvested several mice.

So in this absurd way, this small world has realized a primary circular economy.

Subsequently, Ye Zhou implemented extremely strict behavior control. Except for the necessary work every day, everyone minimized the number of activities to save physical strength and food consumption.

The circulatory system of the underground world has begun to fail, and the fresh water that can be easily obtained is becoming more and more scarce, but fortunately there is gauze in the infirmary, which can be used for filtration.

In the process of carrying the gauze, the group also had an unexpected harvest.

Originally, the infirmary had been swept up, and all the drugs that could be used to supplement energy, such as glucose solution and physiological saline, had been exhausted by the big fish, but they had left out the most abundant vitamin drugs—and The most abundant ingredient in these tablet medicines is starch.

Boxes of vitamin tablets are moved to the living area, and then stewed at high temperature to destroy the vitamins that are too rich, and the remaining liquid like rice soup becomes food.

Relying on these foods, 37 people in the underground world spent 3 days moisturizing.

Time passed by, and the rest of the day was as smooth as water. The occasional mood swings among the members were quickly relieved by others. Ye Zhou even set up a special psychological counseling group to avoid collapsing mass hysteria.

In this way, everyone survived until the twenty-ninth day.

As the shaking got closer, the upward passage was finally opened.

Ye Zhou let out a long sigh of relief after seeing the faces that were so familiar at first glance.

"You are late, Davaris."


Darkness gradually covered Ye Zhou's sight, and he returned to the void.

[The plot simulation of the first stage of the mystery of life ends]

【Score for this simulation: a】

[A-level ending is reached, the ending can be watched]

[Ending reward: gene sequencing map of the entire race]

[Ending reward (engineering male talent): a&c-bemax gene editor based on aeb8e adenine base]

Ye Zhou's eyes were immediately attracted by the last reward. He could understand what is called a full-race gene sequencing map, and what is a gene editor, but he can't understand this long string of words and letters. What constitutes a gene editor stands for.

He subconsciously reached out and touched the line of text that was rewarded at the end, and then a note appeared next to the text.

【a&c-bemax gene editing technology: fusing two deaminases with a cas9 nickase to develop adenine and cytosine double base editors (a&c-bemax), capable of achieving c-to-t and c-to-t at the same target site A-to-g conversion, compared with CRISPR-Cas9 technology, the RNA off-target activity is greatly reduced. 】

[At the same time, the editor introduces abe8e 3d structure, which increases the deamination rate by 1170 times]

Ye Zhou read the notes popped up by the system ten times, as if he understood everything, but he didn't seem to understand at all.

The only number he can remember is 1170 times.

In any case, unless it is in some very special fields, as long as it is fast, it is good.

Ye Zhou also had a limited understanding of the application prospects of gene editing technology.

This is a technology that can not only be used in humans. In fact, due to ethical constraints, the most mature application of gene editing technology is currently in botany, or in agriculture.

As early as 2014, Gao Caixia's team from the Institute of Genetics and Development of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Qiu Jinlong's team from the Institute of Microbiology cooperated to use genome editing technology to mutate the wheat susceptibility gene mlo and obtain a wheat variety with broad-spectrum and durable resistance to powdery mildew. .

In the field of rice, in 2017, Yuan Longping's team announced a breakthrough technology in rice breeding using gene editing, which can 'knock out' the cadmium-containing or cadmium-absorbing genes in the parent. Reabsorb the heavy metal cadmium ions in the extreme water of the soil, so as to deal with the current situation of serious cadmium pollution in the waters of southern China, and avoid chronic poisoning caused by eating cadmium-containing rice.

Therefore, a breakthrough gene editor can definitely not only cause major changes in the medical field, but also may cause major changes in the agricultural field.

Ye Zhou scratched his head, he was a little confused about the reward this time.

Why do you feel that the rewards attached to the engineering male talent are better than the ending rewards?

----Probably because I don't know enough about genetic engineering. After absorbing the relevant knowledge in the future, maybe it will change.

However, these two awards also broke his previous layout of technology applications. With powerful gene editing tools, perhaps genetic engineering, at least in the field of agricultural genetic engineering research, does not need to be postponed.

It is still necessary to provide technical documents to the official as soon as possible, so that professional people can judge the application prospects.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou clicked on the ending summary page, intending to exit the simulator immediately after finishing the ending quickly and start exporting technical documents.

[The Mystery of Life Stage 1 Plot Simulation Ending: Wall and Fire]

[Under the air strike of a certain country, this underground research base full of sin was finally destroyed, but hundreds of innocent lives were buried along with it]

[Only the remaining 37 survivors have been properly resettled. They were scattered all over the world, and then gathered for some special reason to form an organization called "New xx International"]

[The leader of the organization is named Mochi, who is the one who led the civilians' resistance against the rulers underground and led the last survivors through the difficult 29 days]

[At the beginning of the establishment of the organization, they were committed to helping the poor in other countries through the genetic technology that Moqi brought out in a very covert way, but due to various resistance, the action basically failed]

[Three years later, with the increasing influence of Huaxia International, Xinxing International was merged into the Huaxia Organization, and they provided a large number of technical documents to Huaxia officials, including the most advanced gene editors, human gene sequencing results, and some genetic weapons related. content】

[After that, Huaxia Gene Technology has made rapid progress]

[The Great Gene Wall project was established, and technologies for dealing with genetic attacks continued to emerge, and a large number of attacks were screened and blocked in a short period of time]

[A high wall of isolation was torn down, and a guarded city wall was erected]

[In China and even in the world, the incidence of a large number of diseases with unknown causes has been reduced to the lowest level in history]

[Under this influence, the scope of the Gene Great Wall project began to expand, and gradually covered most allies]

[Beyond the city walls, various diseases are still raging]

[But within the city walls, the country is peaceful and the people are safe]

Ye Zhou breathed a long sigh of relief. He had already anticipated the evil of this research institute in the simulation, but he never expected that what he saw was just the tip of the iceberg.

How many such institutes are there in the world?

And in the real world he lives in, how many people are still tormented in research institutes that may or may not exist?

He's not a fan of conspiracy theories, but when faced with enemies like that, he has to take them to the worst.

Maybe, it's time to make some changes.

Ye Zhou shook his head, clicked on the plot playback interface, and entered the plot playback of this ending.

The ferociously broken words appeared in the darkness.

[The Mystery of Life Stage 1 Plot Simulation Ending: Wall and Fire]



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