Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 303 Wall And Fire

As the darkness faded, Ye Zhou found himself on the street of a small country with a building with obvious Eastern European characteristics, and standing beside him was the character he played in the plot simulation, Mo Qi.

At this moment, there was a woman standing beside him, this woman Ye Zhou seemed to have seen in the simulation, but he didn't pay much attention.

Judging from the situation of the two holding hands, they have obviously developed from close comrades in arms to close lovers.

Ye Zhou followed the footsteps of the two and walked on the street. He saw that the two were chatting softly in German while looking at the buildings on the street with emotion on their faces.

"...Katerina, this is your hometown. Why do I feel that after returning here, you have become more unhappy?"

Katerina shook her head and replied:

"It's not really my hometown anymore... I've drifted away from it since I came out of there."

"But, it's still here, isn't it? Look, this is the church you've told me so many times. Do you want to go in and see?"

"Forget's nothing to see, I'm an atheist now, and I don't need to go to church, but it's a little weird if I see myself as a tourist—a tourist, visiting my hometown ?"

"It's not a strange thing. The last time I went back to China, because I couldn't buy a plane ticket, I signed up for a tour group to my hometown. Later, in order to make the money worthwhile, I also followed the tour group to take us. I visited all the sights there.”

"To be honest, our tour guide is probably not as familiar with the history of those attractions as I am. Do you know what a tour guide is?"

Katerina glared at Mochi helplessly, and then replied:

"It's a very basic word in German, and I'm long past the stage where I need to be asked what a tour guide is."

Hearing this, Mo Qi laughed.

"You know, with learners of their native language, generally people can't help but want to test them, it's a very normal vanity... But you only took three years to Having reached this level, they are probably the very talented group of people.”

"Not a talent.... just that I need to learn."

Having said that, the two fell silent abruptly, Ye Zhou looked over their shoulders, and there was nothing in front of them.

Just when he was wondering what the two of them were looking at, Katerina suddenly said:

"There's no more here. Those statues I'm familiar with have probably disappeared?"

"Maybe.... There will always be some left. Let's stop thinking about these unpleasant things, our work has to continue, or we can discuss how to continue promoting our technology?"

"This is not a pleasant topic. Qi, we have failed too many times. I think the direction we choose may be problematic. If there is no more powerful force standing behind us, relying on us alone can achieve It’s not that far away.”

Mochi nodded and replied:

"I know this, but I really can't make up my mind so quickly - you know, the members of our organization come from various countries, if we don't organize in this borderless way, then some people will be forced to, Well, forced to betray their homeland."

"But what does that matter? If their country has betrayed the people, why can't the people betray the country?"

"...the question is too big--have you figured it out?"

Katerina sighed and shook her head slightly.

"Not yet. The reason I brought you back is to make a final decision."

"If I still can't make up my mind after this time, then, Qi, let's try one last time. If this time still fails, I think, we should make the final decision."

Mochi nodded and replied:

"Just do as you say, and treat it as a last chance for our motherland."

While speaking, the two bypassed this small square and continued to walk forward.

And Ye Zhou finally saw the place where they were staring at before - there was a surviving base of a sculpture.

Ye Zhou squatted down and wanted to see the original content of the sculpture from the base, but it wasn't during the plot simulation that he found that he couldn't read the text at all.

From those mottled fonts, Ye Zhou recognized only one word.


He shook his head and continued to walk with the two of them.

"...So, it is impossible for us to expect technology without borders. Our common enemies are all based on the country to develop that technology and weapons. How can we stop them through loose organizations?"

Mo Qi sighed and said.

"Our organization is not loose - our beliefs are all the same."

"But that doesn't bring us together as a group. Like when it's underground, unity of thought doesn't bring us together, unity of purpose talent."

"At that time we needed to survive, and now, the goals of most people are quietly changing, they are not to live, but to live better."

"Although this goal is not...well, it is not vulgar, because they want to make most people live better, but they still lack a sense of crisis."

"Without a sense of crisis, an organization cannot be united. After all, the best way to break through a fortress is to start from within."

Hearing this, Katerina also sighed.

"But we couldn't find that sense of crisis, and that's our problem."

"But there are people who can be found -- they've been living in crisis, and that's where our ideas can take root, because..."

Before he could finish his words, he was suddenly interrupted by a noisy voice in front of him. The two stepped forward, just to see a group of people dragging a statue with ropes.

After seeing the statue's face clearly, Katerina's expression suddenly changed from calm to fury.

"What are you doing!"

She rushed up and yelled loudly.

Those people were interrupted by her shouting, and looked back at her.

One of the young men in a soldier's uniform looked her up and down with a frivolous expression, and then said:

"Beautiful lady, isn't it obvious? We're clearing this statue."

Katerina suppressed her anger and continued:

"That's not what I'm asking! I'm asking you why this statue was brought down, who gave you this power, do you know what this statue means to us??"

"I know. It's our country's asshole, and he shouldn't be here at all - by the way, ma'am, I'd love to go back to that night and end his life with my gun, if possible. ."

As he spoke, the soldier raised the hem of his clothes in a showy way, showing the two of them the pistol on his waist.

Mochi frowned, and he gently pulled Katerina to signal her to calm down.

"Katerina, calm down, we have more to do than that."

But Katerina was almost irritated by the scene in front of her. She rushed forward regardless of Mo Qi's obstruction and pushed away the people who were still pulling the rope. This action immediately aroused everyone's attention. In counterattack, the strong men pushed her to the ground with little effort, and then someone pulled her by the hair and dragged her far away.

Mo Qi rushed to support him at the first time, but he was also not good at fighting, and he was already pushed to the ground just by seeing each other.

The man who held Katerina laughed recklessly, and the people around him seemed to seize the opportunity and swarmed her to the ground, and the sinful hands swam over Katerina recklessly.

Yes, they did not dare to do anything in broad daylight to break the bottom line of the law, but if they were allowed to take the opportunity to release those evil desires in their hearts, they would not hesitate at all.

Katerina's eyes were full of humiliation, but her humiliation didn't seem to come from the men holding her down, but from the ropes tied to the sculpture.

Mochi groped his hand around his waist, and he tried his best to take out the knife he was carrying, but Katerina suddenly turned her eyes to him, and then said indifferently and decisively in German:

"Mo Qi, put down the knife, I'm fine."

Mo Qi looked at her in amazement and wanted to read some hesitation on the other's face, but that expression never appeared.

Looking at Katerina's face, he suddenly understood all this.

She has completely let go of everything.

In front of them, the sculpture collapsed suddenly, and the bricks on the ground were smashed into pieces. The huge vibration and flying gravel made the onlookers could not help but let go of their hands. Mo Qi took the opportunity to break free and pushed away the still The man who was pressing on Katerina dragged her and fled the scene desperately.

And behind them, the people were already cheering around the collapsed sculpture.

The last mark of this great man on this country is about to disappear, and he has just protected his followers for the last time.

After completely out of sight of the revellers, Mochi took out a tissue and wiped the dust from Katerina's hair, who just looked at him silently.

"The fire here has been completely extinguished."

Mochi nodded silently, and Katerina suddenly plunged into his arms, trembling all over.

After a long time, she regained her composure.

"Mochi, I think, I can already make a decision."

"The fire we believe in is only in that place and is still burning, but in this era, I don't know how long it can burn."

"I'm going there."

"I want you to come with me."

Looking at Katerina's firm eyes, Mo Qi nodded solemnly.

"I'll go with you."

"Don't worry, the fire will continue to burn."

"We'll build a wall to protect our fire."



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