Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 304 Remember Her Story

After watching the ending, Ye Zhou couldn't calm down for a long time. He exited the simulator, subconsciously walked to the world map hanging in the living room, and slowly stroked it with his hands.

Is the fire in this world really only us?

It seems that it is.

But our walls have not yet been built.

Ye Zhou silently returned to his study, then skillfully exported the technical documents from the simulator, put these documents on his body, turned his head and walked out of the room.

It was 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, and he called Chen Hao while getting on the 24-hour standby car.

Chen Hao picked up the phone after it rang twice, and his voice revealed a hint of exhaustion.

"Are you on the road? Where to meet? My home or the military area?"

Ye Zhou was stunned and asked subconsciously:

"How do you know I'm on the way?"

"...Although you don't have surveillance on your body, your car has location surveillance. What's the hurry?"

Ye Zhou was silent for a moment and replied:

"Actually, I'm not so anxious. I just can't sleep, so I want to go and find you to arrange things first. If you have rested, then forget it."

"I've calmed down a little bit now."

"...Forget it, come here. You are so anxious that you can't fall asleep when you go back. Is it a new technology? Laser or gene?"


"In terms of genes, I won't contact the experts for the time being today. You hand it over to me first, and then go back to rest."

"No, I have some other things I want to talk to you about."

"Okay, come here."

Ye Zhou hung up the phone. At this time, his car was driving through the brightly lit street. Wu Ping, who was in charge of security in the front seat, looked back at him and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Ye Zhou noticed his expression and asked:

"Brother Wu, what's wrong?"

Wu Ping shook his head and replied:

"Ye Gong, it's nothing. I just think... Ye Gong, we have many enemies, but they haven't reached the point where you need to kill them yourself."

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, then laughed involuntarily.

"It's not that exaggerated... It's just a little bit angry all of a sudden, don't worry about me. By the way, it's time for you to take a vacation recently, right?"

"I'm not going to stop. The above arranges me to wait for another half a year. It's okay, Ye Gong, you can do your thing with peace of mind, and I will arrange it for safety."

Ye Zhou nodded, he could probably guess the reason why his superiors made this decision.

Half a year should be the time for the Six Noses Project to produce results.

Therefore, there is far more than him who is fighting for this project.


After arriving at Chen Hao's residence, Ye Zhou first handed the hard drive full of documents to him, and then explained to him the application of these two technologies, especially focusing on the application in the agricultural field.

After all, this is currently the most urgent and most likely area to produce results, and Ye Zhou doesn't want them to go astray.

After everything was arranged, Ye Zhou sat on the sofa and took a sip of the tea that was almost cold.

As soon as the tea was in his mouth, he immediately felt the difference between this cup of tea and his own tea leaves.

"...Sure enough, good tea and bad tea are different, and the taste is very different."

Chen Hao glanced at Ye Zhou speechlessly and replied:

"That's not called bad tea, it's called low-quality tea. The General Affairs Office has already bought it for you and will deliver it tomorrow morning—but you should drink less, it's not good for your health."

"I know, I don't drink much."

Chen Hao nodded, then put down the teacup and said to Ye Zhou:

"Go out for a walk?"

"Now? Forget it, security costs are too high."

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied.

"No matter how high you are, you have to go. You haven't been in contact with the outside world for a long time. It's not good to stay in a closed environment all the time. You have to contact living people."

"Aren't you alive?"

"...I'm talking about a living person with fireworks. Don't talk nonsense, let's go. You've been in Rongcheng for so long, you haven't been to the night market in Rongcheng once, you should go and see it."

Ye Zhou hesitated for a moment, but finally stood up.

He really wanted to go see it, but not for some night market, supper, fireworks and the like, but just to make sure that the people of this burning country were still the same as he thought.

The two were escorted by plainclothes security personnel to the crowded night market. Chen Hao walked leisurely among the crowd, pointed to a stall not far away and said:

"In the past two years, there have been fewer in Rongcheng. In the past, these things were not sold in this street. At that time, I remember that the most popular ones were grilled wings and skewers. Now they have changed, they have become Something like handmade milk tea octopus balls."

"Anyway, I don't understand these things... It feels weird."

"Aren't octopus balls delicious?"

"Is it delicious? It's okay..."

While talking, Chen Hao walked to the stall on the street, took out his mobile phone and scanned the code to buy a small octopus ball and stuffed it into Ye Zhou's hand.

"You can eat more if it's delicious."

"....what kind of earthy advertising slogan."

Ye Zhou shook his head and stuffed the ball into his mouth. After chewing twice, he swallowed it whole.

"It's really unpalatable.... What kind of thing is this made, serious octopus balls don't taste like this at all."

"Isn't it? I thought it was just this flavor, no wonder... But the problem is, some people buy this flavor too."

"Probably the taste is different."

Ye Zhou took the small balls in his hand and did not throw them away. Finally, he found a little girl with a dog on the side of the road and wanted to feed the small balls to her dog, but the little girl took the balls, but she herself Eat first.

Ye Zhou looked at her amusingly and asked:

"Didn't your mother tell you not to eat strangers' food?"

The little girl bit the ball in her mouth and replied somewhat vaguely:

"I'll have a taste..."

Seeing her cute appearance, Ye Zhou couldn't help but wanted to touch her head, but he reached out halfway and finally touched the dog's head.

It's a stranger after all, and it's not good to behave too intimately.

The little girl finished eating one, and after hesitating for a while, she finally gave the second one to the dog. Ye Zhou found it interesting, so he simply sat down beside her.

"Where's your mom?"

"She's in there, this store belongs to our family, and the stall where you buy small balls is also our family's -- that's my big brother."

"...Well, it's no wonder you're so relieved to eat."

"Hey hey hey."

The little girl smiled embarrassedly, tied the third ball with a stick and stuffed it into her mouth. The golden retriever on the side looked at her pitifully, but she was unmoved.

"how old are you?"

Ye Zhou asked curiously.

"Five-and-a-half--no, it'll be six soon!"

"I see you are only three years old."

Ye Zhou said deliberately.

He originally just wanted to tease the little girl, but he didn't expect the other party to hear this, but sighed like a little adult.

"I'm just too small, otherwise I could be in the first grade this year."

"You haven't been to school yet?"

"I went to a big class!"

"Then how many words do you know?"


The little girl had a proud look on her face, and then she began to recite poems to Ye Zhou in a milky voice, while Ye Zhou listened with interest, unaware that the surrounding crowd was gradually separating.

"....The city is full of grief and blood, nothing more than a single thought to save the people... Uncle, the horse is here!"

Hearing her words, Ye Zhou looked back subconsciously, just in time to see the scene where the crowd was separated by the horse team.

I saw people in old-fashioned military uniforms sitting on horseback, the leader holding a red flag high in his hands, Qi Yu proudly walked through the crowd, while tourists on the side stepped forward to take pictures, and some people sang songs and recorded videos. with video.

Ye Zhou looked at this scene with a little doubt, turned to Chen Hao beside him and asked:

"What's going on here? Making a movie? Or a publicity campaign?"

However, before Chen Hao could answer, the little girl beside him spoke first:

"Uncle, are you not a local?"

"How do you know I'm not local?"

"The locals must know what this is for! This is the promotion of the drama troupe. They come here to walk here once a week, and I even rode their horses!"

Hearing the little girl's words, Chen Hao nodded and added:

"This is the promotion of the Rongcheng Repertory Theatre. They released a new play, "Zhao Yiman", which is quite popular. They have toured more than 100 times across the country, and only recently returned to Rongcheng."

Ye Zhou nodded thoughtfully, then turned his eyes back to the little girl and asked:

"Have you seen it too?"

The little girl nodded and replied while eating the octopus balls:

"Of course I've seen it, all my friends in our class have seen it!"

"Did you see it yourself? Can you understand?"

"Why don't you understand this? Uncle, you don't even know Zhao Yiman, do you? Do you want me to tell you?"

Ye Zhou took a deep breath, then smiled and said:

"Of course I know, but I've forgotten her story a bit, why don't you tell me again?"

The little girl pretended to be old-fashioned with a sigh, put the box containing the small balls in front of Golden Retriever, then sat up straight and said to Ye Zhou:

"Uncle, you have to remember in the future, Zhao Yiman is the heroine of our Sichuan and Sichuan. If you want to live here, you must know her!"

"But you must have just come here, right? Then I'll tell you again..."

The little girl's milky voice is a little vague on this noisy and crowded street, and her sentences and words are not coherent, but both the speaker and the listener are very attentive, and some use it well. Inappropriate words, Ye Zhou reminded softly, and the little girl nodded humbly to correct.

She spoke for fifteen minutes.

Chen Hao went to the milk tea shop next to him to buy milk tea for a few people. When Ye Zhou handed the milk tea to the little girl, her mother just walked out the door and heard what her daughter was talking about.

So she just stood aside and smiled.

After the girl finished her last sentence, she took a sip from the straw and said:

"Okay, we're done!"

Seeing the proud expression on her face, Ye Zhou nodded slowly.

The anger, worry, and confusion in his heart were all swept away at this moment.

The fire on this land will never go out.

Because the land is building monuments to its heroes while those people tore down the sculptures.

After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth and praised:

"It's really good, you're amazing, what's your name?"

"My name is Julian!"

"Which Lynn is that?"

"It's a forest with a forest next to the word Wang, I'll write it for you!"

The little girl took Ye Zhou's hand and wrote the word "Lin" on his palm, Ye Zhou nodded and said:

"Okay, thank you for your story, I will remember you in the future."

Hearing her words, the little girl shook her head and said:

"Uncle, you don't look very smart, you probably don't remember a lot of things."

"It's okay, it's fine if you forget my name."

"You just need to remember Zhao Yiman's story!"

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