Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 305 A Butterfly Flaps Its Wings

After visiting the night market, Ye Zhou finally calmly chatted with Chen Hao about the application direction of gene editing technology.

The two sat on the small table of the barbecue stall, drinking cheap beer, and chatting about their future imaginings without boundaries. Because it does not involve secrets, occasionally passers-by did not take their words seriously, just listened to them. When it comes to topics such as "genes," "lasers," and "big planes," there is a bit of a wry smile on his face.

In their eyes, this is probably two frustrated young people talking about the fantasy in their minds.

That's good too, isn't it?

The humble did not dare to forget about the country, which is probably the unique romance of the Chinese nation.

However, what they don't know is that every word uttered by these two people has the potential to change the pattern of the whole world.

And while they were enjoying the rare leisure time, somewhere far, far away, a butterfly flapped its wings.

The wind it swept up would soon cross the sea, and with the help of some people, a storm was brewing.

And Huaxia is the target of this storm.


Yindu, northern Deccan Plateau, Punjab.

This is the main wheat producing area of ​​Yindu. It exports more than 8 million tons of wheat to the world every year, which accounts for more than 8% of its total wheat output. This year, its planned export volume will even continue to rise.

In April alone, their wheat exports have reached 1.4 million tons, and if this trend continues, wheat exports are likely to reach more than 14 million tons during the year.

A full 75% increase.

Yindu officials have obtained huge financial revenue from grain exports, but corresponding to it, the daily hardships of domestic farmers are increasingly difficult.

This is a very logical and obvious fact.

In a country with a similar population to China, its grain output is less than half that of China, and its per capita grain output is even lower than that of the northern peninsula.

But in this case, unlike Huaxia's crazy imports of food every year, they are still exporting a lot of food.

How to get enough to eat has become the biggest problem for farmers here.

Rakesh sat in front of the dilapidated house, with a hint of hope in his serious expression.

He is an ordinary farmer in Punjab. He manages a small field of wheat. The annual output can barely support the next family's life, but it is a little difficult to eat better and let his children go to school.

But this year, an opportunity appeared in front of him.

Due to the high temperature in major grain-producing regions around the world and the special circumstances of a major wheat exporting region, international wheat prices have been rising, and in Punjab, local wheat purchase prices have also begun to rise.

If calculated at the current price, as long as he sells all the wheat in his hand, he can earn close to 60,000 rupees at one time, which is enough for his daughter to spend a year in the girls' school.

However, such an operation also has risks for him, that is, if this year's wheat harvest is not good, then he will face the embarrassing situation of having no food to eat. At that time, it will be difficult for him to survive in this barren country. .

According to the thoughts of ordinary farmers around him, it is impossible for them to spend this money on the education of their children, but Rakesh's thoughts are different from theirs. He has been in the city and seen the world, and knows that in this era, he has experienced How much education and lack of education affect a person's future.

So, he wanted to give his daughter a chance.

Thinking of this, Rakesh beckoned to call his daughter in front of him, and asked:

"Gaishma, do you want to go to school?"

The eleven-year-old girl looked at him ignorantly, and asked back with some doubts:

"Dad, why are you going to school?"

Ricksh choked on the question, opened his mouth to explain, but didn't know where to start for a while.

After a few seconds of silence, he replied:

"Don't worry about why, do you know what it means to go to school?"

Geishma hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Then do you like school?"

Now it was Geishma's turn, who didn't know how to answer.

She had indeed seen rich children in towns wearing school uniforms and carrying schoolbags walking by the side of the road, and every time she would hide in Tanabe and look at them enviously, but this envy came more from The clean clothes on them, the smell of bread in their hands, and the occasional nice bike.

She didn't feel much about going to school itself.

Because, she didn't even know what the school was like.

Seeing Geishma's expression, Rakesh sighed deeply.

After thinking for a moment, he finally made a decision for his daughter.

"You better go to school, at least, you have to learn to count and read."

Geishma nodded obediently. She didn't understand where her father's idea came from, but at least she understood that being able to go to school meant that she didn't have to marry someone early -- this was probably something she could think of One of the few first good things.

Rakesh stood up and walked to the merchant who was harvesting grain not far away.

Just half an hour later, he sold most of his stockpile of wheat for Rs 63,000.

Driven by him, the enthusiasm of the nearby farmers to sell grain has also increased. They have no vision, and they hardly think about the future. They only know that if they sell the grain at the current price, they can immediately get a big money.

And this money, they can use to drink, eat meat, get married...

This is a huge temptation.

An opportunity to experience that they have never had before is in front of them, and almost no one can refuse.

The butterfly has already flapped its wings, and the people who are going to control the storm have already started their planning.


Across the sea, the Office of Strategic Analysis.

Johnson sat behind his desk, with thick materials on the table in front of him, and among all these materials, the word that appeared most frequently was "food".

The analyst stands in front of the screen and explains to a set of data:

"...At present, the price of wheat in the main producing areas of Yindu has risen to a record high, up 75% from the same period last year."

"However, according to our judgment, in the next period of time, considering the climatic factors such as the easing of high temperature weather and the increase in precipitation, the price of wheat will most likely start to fall around mid-August."

"A total of 60 days between now and mid-August is our operating window."

"If we can make good use of this window period, we can completely control the Yindu grain market, thereby enhancing our control over international grain prices."

"After that, we will release corresponding expectations and force China's grain prices to rise from the international market, thereby inducing the other side to throw away grain reserves to stabilize prices."

"And we will take advantage of the capital to eat in a lot - this time it will be our official who will dominate, no matter how much they throw, we will eat."

"Our aim is to reduce their reserves."

"Maybe this time, the damage to them will not be too great, but as long as we can hold on and launch the next shock, their food security system is very likely to be at risk of collapse."

"By that time, it will be time for us to regain the initiative."

After listening to the analyst's introduction, Johnson nodded slowly.

In fact, this strategy is also from his own handwriting, and the logic of his attack in this direction is also very simple:

Energy, food, currency, military power.

These four key factors for their own domination of the world, and now they have lost two of them, and the last military power, after this international military competition is over, is also very likely to be shaken.

Therefore, they must ensure that the lowest and most critical factor is firmly in their own hands.


In the past time, Huaxia has always maintained a very high level of vigilance about food security, and has also made quick and resolute counterattacks against its own tentative attacks, but this does not mean that its own side is concerned about their food security. There is nothing the system can do.

The previous failure was simply because the execution was not firm enough.

And now, their side has almost been driven to a dead end.

In their words, now is the time to "fight the last stand".

At times like this, no one will back down - and as long as all the merchants, capital, and peasants unite, the power they can muster will be terrifying.

Johnson is confident that absolutely no one can survive under such power.

And after one side has completely defeated the other side in the food field, the advantages of the other three elements can also be slowly regained.

This is the last chance and the only chance.

Thinking of this, Johnson took a deep breath and said:

"I already know the situation."

"Then, starting today, we will execute according to the predetermined plan."

"Summer is coming, let the storm blow up."

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