Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 306 Smell The Dangerous Breath In Advance

June 16, Rongcheng.

After Ye Zhou and Chen Hao handed over the gene editor and gene map to the relevant departments through the General Technical Office, he received a call from Feng Fei.

On the phone, the person in charge of Liming Aviation confirmed that the Qilian-02 engine passed the high-altitude test and completed the first test flight.

The test aircraft is a large-scale civil passenger aircraft C959, equipped with two Qilian-02 engines, with a maximum take-off weight of 327 tons and a maximum range of 24,000 kilometers. Compared with the Boeing 787-8, its overall performance is improved by more than 50%.

But this does not mean that this large aircraft can be commercialized immediately. To be truly applied, it still faces a relatively long safety testing phase.

However, from a performance point of view alone, the c959 has broken many records for the world's largest aircraft.

In addition to the civilian field, the Qilian-03 modified engine will also be used in the new model Y-20. What kind of changes will this engine with a peak thrust of 130 tons bring to the Y-20? to look forward to.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Hao on the side asked:

"Is it the news from Feng Fei's side?"

"Yes, I'm talking about the Qilian engine. The high-altitude test has been completed, and the flight test has been initially completed. Mr. Tian Ye can feel at ease."

Chen Hao nodded and said after a moment of silence:

"From the official test run of the Qilian engine to the present, most of the technologies have basically been thoroughly understood. Next, we may begin to welcome a stage of explosive development of aircraft, including the next generation of air superiority fighters, strategic bombers, transport aircraft, and civilian passenger aircraft. developed."

"You are in Shufei every day now. You should know better than me about their research and development progress. As far as I know, the WS-25 is coming out soon, right?"

"Well, it is estimated that there are still a few days before entering the ground test."

"So fast??"

Chen Hao widened his eyes in surprise.

The work of the aviation development is not managed by the general technical office, so he did not pay too much attention on it----now the general technical office has enough work, and he really can't tell it. more energy.

"It's not too fast. It's been three months since the last version of the turbofan-15 modification, and with the technical support of Xiong Da, it's not a particularly bizarre thing to have a new model in three months. "

"But what I'm worried about now is not the issue of development, but the application scenario of this engine."

"We have just replaced some of the active J-25 with the turbofan-15 modification. If there is no problem with the turbofan-25 modification, it is a big question whether to equip the current model first or the next version of the model. ."

"Now the iteration of aviation development is too fast, often a product is just mature, and the next product comes out again. In general, the resource consumption is very large, and the practicality is not bad... , but not the best cost-effectiveness ratio.”

Chen Hao nodded in agreement, took out a bottle of water from the small freezer in the car and handed it to Ye Zhou, and then replied:

"This is normal. Our silicon-sulfur battery project is also facing this problem now. It's not good that the technology is too advanced. Every time we understand a part of it, a product will be born, and this product will It was quickly eliminated by the next version."

"The most important thing is that until we fully understand the technology, we have no idea whether the product at hand can represent the full potential of the technology."

"So, in such a process, it is also normal for there to be waste."

"You don't need to think too much about this matter, think about it in another way: what we call 'waste' now actually means not reaching the highest efficiency. To use a very simple example to illustrate, that is, after buying stocks Instead of waiting for the top to sell, keep selling on the way up.”

"There are good and bad strategies, but it's definitely the best option if you want to manage risk reasonably."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou sighed and replied:

"I know this is the case, but people are not enough to swallow an elephant. I definitely hope to achieve the best results in one step."

"Then you might as well just hope that tomorrow we will build the Luanniao platform."

Chen Hao said in a slightly mocking tone.

"I really hope so..."

Ye Zhou smiled, and suddenly seemed to think of something, looked at Chen Hao and continued to ask:

"How's the nuclear engine project going?"

"It's still in testing, and I'm currently trying to integrate the thorium-based molten salt miniaturization technology you provided earlier. It is expected to produce results in two or three months, and then it will be tested on small aircraft first -- most likely in Tested on the H-6 platform."

"When the flight is stable, the next iterative update will be carried out, and finally we will cooperate with the fuselage plan test that Shu Fei is currently doing. This process is relatively long, and the time is calculated in years."

"Three years, can a mature prototype be built? I mean the engine part."

"It's definitely no problem - judging from the current progress, in 5 to 6 years, the first generation of the Golden Crow can be launched."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou felt a little surprised.

According to his estimation of the Nantianmen project, even if the Jinwu project is fully sprinted, it will take at least 10 years to complete the first test flight of the Jinwu under the existing technical level and manufacturing level, but the information given by Chen Hao is not. Much faster than he expected.

After thinking for a moment, he asked:

"It's so fast because of Maozi's intervention?"

Chen Hao nodded and replied:

"Yes. The design concept of the Golden Crow itself is very similar to the Tu-160, including variable wings, including hypersonic cruise capability, including the overall aerodynamic design. In fact, there are places for reference, so in their technology With this support, our time to read documents has been greatly reduced.”

"Maozi is really not good at this, especially those experts in the field of applied mathematics, who agreed to let Xiong Da participate in the project really made the right choice."

"It's not a loss...but keep it a secret, I don't want to see them test the Golden Crow before us."

"Don't worry, this kind of thing is absolutely impossible."

Chen Hao replied with a firm expression.

Ye Zhou looked at his face, sighed deeply, and turned his head away in silence.

As Chen Hao said, a product explosion is about to occur in the domestic aviation field, especially in the military aviation field, and this kind of product explosion cannot be completely concealed.

Such information, coupled with the previous Navy's electromagnetic gun, the upcoming No. 003, and the next-generation early warning aircraft of XAC, all the new technologies and equipment combined will have a huge impact on the global military hegemony of the Chou Kingdom. , and this shock is likely to shake their position as number one.

Kissinger once said that whoever controls the oil controls all countries; whoever controls the currency controls the world; and whoever controls the grain controls the entire human race.

And now, he said that two of the three basic elements proposed have almost completed the change of hands of the dominant player, and the military status as a guarantee is also in jeopardy, so...

A light suddenly flashed in Ye Zhou's mind.

Once again, the talent of the decision-maker came into play, and he was acutely aware of the crux of the matter.

Now, only the food field is left, and the other party still has an absolute advantage.

So since this is the case, the other party will never miss the opportunity to use this advantage to make a complete comeback.

The next wave of conflict is likely to happen in the field of food!

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou looked at Chen Hao again and said with a serious expression:

"Isn't there a meeting tomorrow to discuss the application layout of the three routes? I ask to add a new topic and add the content of food security to the influence conditions of genetic engineering!"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately realized the danger.

Yes, affected by many factors, international grain prices have begun to rise. Just yesterday, the futures price of wheat has risen by 2%.

There is something wrong with this momentum.

He frowned and asked:

"Do you think that the other party may make a fuss about the price of food?"

"It's not what I think, but it's inevitable! They will definitely make a fuss about the price of food, and their first move is likely to be in Yindu!"

"Yindu's wheat production has increased for three consecutive years. If the operation is started at this time, the other party is likely to gradually erode the entire Yindu grain market."

"You have to know that Yindu does not have grain storage in China----if this momentum is allowed to develop, our opponents will definitely use Yindu as a springboard to attack us!"

"We must prepare in advance, otherwise it will be too late when the attack starts!"

Chen Hao nodded slightly, then took out his mobile phone and dialed the general technical office.

After the call was connected, he said in a steady and low tone:

"An additional topic for tomorrow's meeting, on food security."

"Yes, that's right, urgently invite relevant contacts, and let them participate in the meeting in sections!"

"Yes, including China Grain Reserves! Tell them, for whatever reason, at the meeting tomorrow morning, I must see their top decision-maker present!"

"If someone doesn't accept it, you can find their branch organization, find that person named Liu Zhengyu, and tell him that this is Suiren's request!"



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