Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 310 If They Have It, We Will Have It Too

The launch of the 003 aircraft carrier was expected by everyone, but it was unexpected by everyone.

Ye Zhou actually received the news that the aircraft carrier No. 003 was about to be launched in advance, but even he did not expect that the so-called "launching" of the domestic aircraft carrier No. 003 did not just refer to the launch before outfitting, but to the launch after passing through. After the optimization of the process, nearly 30% of the dock outfitting work is advanced to the dock outfitting stage, and a limited single-ship voyage can be launched as soon as the water is launched.

Of course, just because you can sail does not mean you have to sail. The reason is very simple. An aircraft carrier without complete outfitting is like a car without a steering wheel, no seat, and no dashboard, although it can barely go on the road. , but safety, comfort, and functionality are almost equal to 0.

Therefore, the 003 aircraft carrier still needs a long outfitting work, but the outfitting time is much shorter than what the outside world first guessed - it does not need two years, or even a year, Rather, 6 months.

This also means that within this year, the 003 aircraft carrier can enter the sea trial delivery stage.

This news was first released by the media of the Chou country. According to the information provided by the military, they confirmed that the completion of the outfitting of the 003 dock was far beyond expectations, and judged that the outfitting time of the 003 would be greatly shortened, and they gave The judgment is, 9 months.

Subsequently, the official spokesperson of Huaxia confirmed the information and corrected their judgment.

"We need about 6 months to try to let everyone eat dumplings with the New Year's blessing of the aircraft carrier and sailors before the Spring Festival next year."

This response almost detonated the entire international public opinion, and everyone had to accept a reality, that is: Huaxia's third aircraft carrier formation is likely to take shape within 3 years from now.

This time was shortened by half compared to Formation 002.

In response, there is a comical fear in Western reports.

They no longer slammed the practicability of aircraft carriers, questioned China's aircraft carrier and carrier-based aircraft technology, and questioned whether China's economic level could support an aircraft carrier as before, but wrote in the title of the article extremely cautiously and objectively:

The Huaxia Navy has broken through the first island chain and is about to move towards the deep blue.

Ye Zhou read the AFP report and thought to himself:

There are only three aircraft carriers now, what if there are 10 in the future?

By that time, the headline of AFP will probably become something like "Heir to the Supreme Paris Commune, the Chinese People's Navy Arrives Today in the Glorious Old Revolutionary Quarter of Paris".

According to the current speed of launching a ship in 3 years, probably I can still see this report in my lifetime.

After reading the report, Ye Zhou subconsciously opened the comments of netizens. As he expected, the report was crowded with netizens from all over the world, and their comments were also unique.

The people of Yindu are bragging about the Vikrant that they will be launched forever, the people of Ugly are showing off their Ford-class, the people of Ying are lamenting that they have two aircraft carriers, but the carrier-based aircraft can only be imported from the country of Chou, and the most refreshing and refined On the other hand, the people from the island country did not look down on this Huaxia aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 100,000 tons.

Ye Zhou felt a little helpless. He didn't know where the confidence of these islanders came from. He was able to blow a helicopter destroyer with a displacement of only 27,500 tons to the same height as a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier.

After thinking for a moment, he replied to a message under the comments of those islanders.

"Yes, the Izumo is great."

"Small and cute."

This sentence completely broke the defense of the netizens in the island countries, but the netizens in all other countries seemed to have suddenly found fun. Ye Zhou's comment was instantly topped. page.

Opposite him, Chen Hao also had a helpless smile on his face.

Seeing Ye Zhou turn off his phone, he opened his mouth and said:

"Seriously, it's only at times like this that I think you're still a young man—you're such a poisonous mouth."

"What's wrong with my mouth? Didn't I praise them? Forget it, let's not talk about this, let me ask you, how is the preparation of the next-generation carrier-based aircraft? I heard the latest news that it is the J-35?"

Chen Hao nodded slightly and replied:

"The j-15 will transition for a period of time, and eventually it will be a mix of the j-20 and the J-35 - it can be said that it is the J-35, but it is the j-35tc, which supports both ejection and vertical take-off and landing. Change to the modified version of the WS-15."

"What is the maximum takeoff weight?"

"47 tons, anyway, it's still the idea of ​​​​heavy carrier-based aircraft, and it is the same as the f-35c."

"That's not bad, Feng Fei can be considered ashamed and then brave, two models in succession, from j-16d to j-35tc, although the gap with Shu Fei is quite large, but no matter how to squeeze into the world's top five already."

"Isn't it? Coupled with the commercial use of Qilian engines, it is estimated that their source of income will not be so nervous in the future. Whether it is Fengfei or Northeast China, there will be a huge opportunity. As for whether this opportunity can be seized, we have to Look at themselves."

"Rest assured, Feng Fei will not miss this opportunity. I always believe that there are various objective reasons for their temporary backwardness, not that their own quality lags behind other regions."

After a pause, Ye Zhou continued:

"Especially after the establishment of the system of the General Technical Office, coupled with the huge changes in the entire official decision-making environment and operation methods, they will be forced to keep up with the pace, and one day, they will pick up this medal of the Son of the Republic. , hang it up again."

"Well, I don't doubt it at all. There is another detail that I think you will be interested in. Do you want to guess? Let me give you a hint, which is related to the outfitting of the aircraft carrier."

There was a sly smile on Chen Hao's face, Ye Zhou could see that he was probably hiding some surprise, but he couldn't guess for a while.

"It's related to outfitting? The power system has been installed, and it will definitely not be temporarily replaced by nuclear power; the radar system has also been determined long ago, and the fixed-wing early warning aircraft has also been mentioned on the ship, and the electromagnetic gun is on the ship? There is no need-- - Could it be a laser anti-missile? But I remember you said this."

"Can't guess, just tell me directly."

Seeing Ye Zhou's expression, Chen Hao didn't give a shit anymore and said directly:

"Actually, you guessed the wrong direction. I'm not talking about outfitting equipment, but the outfitting process. Do you know why the outfitting time is shortened so much this time?"


Ye Zhou grasped the point sharply, and after Chen Hao nodded, his expression was somewhat uncontrollable surprise.

"Yes. This time outfitting will use a lot of exoskeleton assistance. According to the previous test results, the efficiency of workers can be increased by about 20% to 30% on average, and this 20% efficiency improvement is reflected in the overall process. The optimization effect of the process nodes has exceeded our expectations.”

"So all in all, the efficiency of the entire outfitting process has increased by at least 50%."

"This is the first time we have used exoskeletons on a large scale, and it turns out that this thing is not only useful in the military field, but also in the civilian field."

"Your previous idea of ​​improving productivity through basic technology has a most intuitive reaction here."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou nodded deeply.

After a few seconds of pause, he continued:

"So, the exoskeleton used in this outfitting should be a test in the civilian field? What about the military version? When will the exoskeleton based on bci control be actually equipped?"

"very soon."

Looking at Ye Zhou's expectant expression, Chen Hao added:

"Don't worry, what they have, we will have. And, we will do better than them."

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