Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 312 A Special Action

On June 25, Yokosuka Port, the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier formation.

The aircraft carrier is in the final preparations for departure. According to the order received from the superior, it will cruise to the southern waters in the next week, where it will join the two aircraft carriers Stennis and Truman to achieve the same Three aircraft carriers cruise in a sea area.

According to the plan, they will block the entire first island chain, thus implementing the most powerful deterrent to the target.

Of course, the purpose of organizing such a huge event is not just to show off. What they really want to do is to force back the two aircraft carrier battle groups in China, and even prevent the No. 002 ship formation from returning to port, so that to some extent , to prove that they are still the masters of this sea area.

In this process, as long as the 002 formation retreats even a minute, their purpose can be fully achieved.


In a bar by the port, Medellin, the carrier pilot of the USS Ronald Reagan, was enjoying his last leisure time.

He was holding a glass of beer in his left hand and a petite island woman in his right hand. The latter looked at him affectionately, as if he didn't think there was anything abnormal about the dewy relationship between the two.

Medellin took a sip of beer, then squeezed the woman's waist secretly with his hand and said:

"This time I will go to sea for about two months. I will be back in two months, and I will find you again."

"Of course you're looking for me, I'll be waiting for you."

The woman said firmly.

Medellin smiled and did not answer.

In his opinion, this woman is just a means to fill his emptiness. The two have been together for three months, and it seems that they have developed some kind of affection in the entanglement again and again, but this kind of affection is actually just one way.

He didn't intend to entangle this woman too deeply. On the continent thousands of miles away from this small island, his lover was still waiting for him.

Seeing Medellin's expression, the woman seemed to realize that what she said was inappropriate, so she immediately skipped the topic and asked:

"I heard that Huaxia has launched a new aircraft carrier this time. They are also three aircraft carriers, and we are also three. Is there really no problem?"

"What's the problem?"

Medellin asked suspiciously.

"...Isn't there any danger? Are you going to confront them? I heard from the others in the bar...I don't know if it's true."

Medellin cursed in a low voice. He didn't know which recruit who disregarded confidentiality regulations and spoke out about this action as a show of capital. This has happened more than once, but every time it failed. to catch the leaker.

He is not worried about the impact of the leak on the security of this operation. After all, with his military strength in this sea area, there is no such thing as a threat to him.

However, this is not a good phenomenon in any case. If such a phenomenon is allowed to develop, what secrecy is there for future actions?

After returning this time, we must report the situation to the commander and thoroughly rectify the discipline of the formation.

After thinking for a moment, he answered:

"First of all, I can't tell you the specifics of the operation."

"But I can tell you that this operation is unlikely to be risky anyway."

"They do have three aircraft carriers now, but the combat effectiveness of the two aircraft carrier formations currently in service is not as strong as ours, and the third aircraft carrier is just launched, and it will be at least several years before it enters service."

"When their aircraft carrier is in service, maybe we have all replaced the next-generation aircraft carrier."

Hearing his words, the woman was a little relieved, but then she had another question.

If it is really an understatement as the man said, why did the ugly country make such a big reaction when the aircraft carrier called "Sea Blue" was launched?

She couldn't figure out the reason, she just deduced it with the most basic logic. The problem may not be as simple as Medellin said.

Thinking of this, she said:

"I'm relieved that you say that, but... please be careful! Please!"

Seeing the woman's serious and pious expression, Medellin's face couldn't help but show a somewhat moved look. He moved his hand from the woman's waist to her shoulder, squeezed it hard, and replied:

"Don't worry, it's them who should be careful."

"This time in the past, I will definitely let them have a good experience of our great..."


When Medellin was drinking beer to say goodbye to the woman, in a hidden office in the port, the top commander of the USS Ronald Reagan was sitting and talking with an island soldier wearing a navy uniform.

This person is Hiroshi Yamamura, commander of the island nation's Maritime Self-Defense Force. From the point of view of official position, he is much taller than the commander of the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier Gerich, but in front of the other party, he has always maintained a humble demeanor.

"... Therefore, in this joint defense operation, we will dispatch 11 ships to cooperate with your army's operations, including the Izumo destroyer, Kongo-class destroyer, Abukuma frigate, and other mine-sweeping and supply ships. ."

"We will be responsible for..."

"Stop, needless to say."

Before Yamamura Hiroshi could finish speaking, Gary Ritchie raised his hand to interrupt him, and then said:

"In this operation, you only need to be in charge of the supply task. If you let me decide, in fact, I will not let you send combat ships at all. It is a complete waste of resources."

"Our operation this time will probably last two to three months, and during this period, we need to continuously obtain supplies from the sea. This part must be guaranteed by you."


Yamamura Hiroshi nodded to answer, and then continued to ask:

"Does your army have any special requirements for supplies? There is still plenty of time to prepare. We can arrange supplies immediately to avoid problems when we go to sea."

Garic frowned and was silent for a moment, then answered:

"Then prepare some fresh vegetables - my soldiers have complained about this problem many times. If it is not solved, they will not stay at sea for a long time."

"Yes! I understand!"

Hearing Yamamura Hiroshi's answer, Garic nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand to signal the other party to leave.

Looking at the short and fat figure of the other party, a mocking smile appeared on Galic's face.

But Hiroshi Yamamura, who walked out of the office, had another expression on his face.

His eyes swept away the humility before, replaced by the triumph of the conspiracy.

Yes, in this joint operation, the island country will indeed cooperate with the ugly country, and even show the greatest sincerity to cooperate with them, but who will put themselves in a position where there is no way out?

The island nation is indeed attached to the ugly country now, but this does not mean that they will always be attached - they only submit to the strong.

And now, the real powerhouse in this sea area will soon be born.

In the process of the birth of this powerhouse, he will push it up a little, gently, and quietly.

He didn't have much to do, even as Gary said, just take care of the logistics.

However, even just this one thing, the space that can be manipulated is too large.

Under the circumstance that he fully understood the intention of Chouguo's action, he knew better how to make this intention fail.


There will always be one side who can't stand it first.

And who can't stand it first depends on the first week after their confrontation happened.

After the one-week observation period, not only him, but the entire island country, the entire Southeast Asia, and the entire Western Pacific countries will make their choices.

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