Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 313 Two Letters From Home

On June 28, in the waters near the Ryukyu Islands, the No. 002 aircraft carrier formation.

He Kangmei rarely stood on the deck of the aircraft carrier, holding a telescope and looking at the faint trace of smoke in the southern sea and sky.

This is the sixth day that they have returned from Xiong University's participation in the International Military Competition. During these six days, the opponent's Stennis aircraft carrier battle group has been following the vicinity at a safe but sensitive distance. Completely disengage from the other party, but the other party is like a stalker, always wandering near the warning area.

He Kangmei has nothing to do about this situation, because it does not violate any international conventions or safety principles. On the street, you can't report harassment because they are on the same road as you, so he did not take more radical measures. strategy.

However, he also reported the other party's abnormal behavior to his superiors, and received an immediate response.

"We have noticed the other party's abnormal actions. Judging from the latest situation, the other party is likely to block the first island chain with the three aircraft carrier battle groups, mainly for the purpose of deterrence."

"If your ship encounters obstacles after this, please keep moving forward!"

"Even if you pass by, you can't stop!"

He Kangmei sighed and said from the bottom of his heart that he had been lucky in the confrontation that might occur this time. After all, no one wanted the situation in this sea area to deteriorate further. However, judging from today's situation, this It's already inevitable.

The distance between one's own formation and the other's formation is getting closer and closer, and the other side has obviously reached the predetermined battle position and does not intend to continue to advance.

They will act as a watchdog on the first island chain, you can go from there, but you have to think about whether the dog will bark at you or even sprint when it passes. Come up and bite you.

And if it really opened its mouth and bit it, then a fight between a man and a dog would be inevitable.

Wen Zhan is happy, this sentence can be said in a light-hearted way, but it is not an easy thing to really get to this point.

However, he did not retreat.

Formation 002 has no retreat, the Navy has no retreat, and Huaxia has no retreat.

He Kangmei put down the telescope in her hand, stood alone in the wind and thought for a moment, then walked back to the command room and issued an order to all combat units to enter the first-level combat deployment.


In the pilot cabin of No. 002, Gao Fei was lying on the small table, writing something on the paper stroke by stroke.

After writing for a while, he suddenly raised his head and asked his comrades beside him:

"Hey, Orange, is it appropriate for me to write in the letter that my wife should remarry?"

The orange in his mouth is called Cheng Chen. Like him, he is also a carrier-based aircraft pilot on the 002 aircraft carrier, but Gao Fei is flying a j-20c, and Cheng Chen is flying a j-15.

Hearing Gao Fei's words, he glared at him with strange eyes, and then said:

"...You're really good. It's good to know this kind of thing. There's no need to write it out, right? Why are you thinking about turning yourself green first?"

"Isn't that just in case?"

Goofy put down his pen and continued:

"A suicide note, you must arrange the things left behind!"

"Look, I wrote about who owns the house, who owns the car, how my parents will retire in the future, how my younger brother will go to school, and how my parents-in-law will arrange it. Now my wife is missing. I really don't know what to write. ."

"...You really don't need to write. If you don't write, she will be less stressed. If you write, she will have a psychological burden. Listen to me, if you really want to be good for her, leave a letter. To the organization, just explain your arrangement."

"If you really have an accident, your wife will definitely feel pressure to find her again. If the organization persuades her, it will always make her feel more at ease."

Gao Fei's eyes suddenly lit up, a look of surprise appeared on his face, and then he said:

"It seems to be the case! Hey, I understand, I will hand over all the arrangements at home to the organization, and then I will write a separate letter to my wife, so everything is covered, right?"

Cheng Chen nodded and replied:

"Okay, just press this."

After a pause, he suddenly sighed again and said:

"I don't know why, I really miss seeing you in this state. I was the same as you when I wrote this for the first time. I wish I could write tens of thousands of words."

"What about now? A few words to go."

Gao Fei nodded slightly and asked curiously:

"I've been through too many times, numb?"

"...Not really."

Cheng Chen's face showed a look of thought, and after a while, he continued to answer:

"It doesn't seem to be afraid anymore."

"I remember when I confronted them for the first time, I was so nervous just for a simple expulsion mission. After taking off, I was sweating and trembling when I spoke."

"At that time, they were still flying f18a, they were faster than us, and they were more flexible. I was really afraid that he would also give me some kind of Barents Sea scalpel. , as long as there is a slight deflection, it will immediately follow."

"We were weak at that time. It wasn't because I was afraid of death. The main reason was that if something like this really happened in this sea and sky, it would be difficult for both of us to end up---to cause trouble for the country."

"Scale, at that time, the most important thing was the issue of scale."

"It is necessary to ensure our interests, but also not to be too aggressive, so as not to cause a violent rebound from the other party. It seems that this is not emphasized now, right? The time we flew with Roosevelt in the north some time ago, we were the real murderer, and I will watch it below. I'm afraid -- I'm afraid that the seventh kid will directly open the cockpit cover and use a pistol to fuck them."

"That is to say, he didn't let him hang his weapon. He really did hang a weapon, but... forget it, let's not talk about this, you can write it quickly, and I will help you read it after writing it."

"Okay, then you help me check."

While talking, Gao Fei sat at the desk again, grabbed the pen in front of him and started writing.

After half an hour, the two finally finished writing this special letter. Cheng Chen took the other party's manuscript and read the contents in a low voice while reading.

The first letter was written to the organization, and as Goofy said, it arranged all his own affairs, including all assets, items, and pensions and bonuses that the organization might issue.

The second letter was written to his wife.

Looking at the text above, Cheng Chen's expression was a little lost.

"My wife, Ranran, sees words like face."

"It has been more than three months since I left home and sailed. Compared with other missions I have performed before, this time is not too long, but for me, every moment of separation from you is as long as years."

"Is the Clivia we bought together last time? I heard that if you take good care of a Clivia, it can live for decades - but in your hands, it can live for 3 months. You must be lucky, right?"

"In any case, I hope you will take good care of it. If I can return to the voyage smoothly this time, I will work hard to learn the knowledge of green plants. I will teach you when the time comes, and maybe I can save its life."

"In addition, the water heater at home should also be overhauled. Last time I went home in a hurry, and the weather was hot, so I didn't do it. When I go back, I will fix it myself."

"Or if something goes wrong, you can call this phone and ask the brand to come and repair it. However, you must remember to ensure your own safety. It is best to contact my parents first and ask them to wait with you."

"Furthermore, you have to take good care of your body when you are alone at home. Don't listen to online comments to lose weight, and don't suddenly go on a diet or exercise at a high intensity. I heard that a comrade in arms developed rhabdomyolysis due to excessive exercise and lay in the ICU. It took three days to save a life, which sounds comical, but it does serve as a warning."

"Snacks and drinks can be eaten. I have asked my mother to help you book fruits and snacks for the next year at the Fulai supermarket downstairs. You can pick them up every day when you get off work."

"She will continue to make reservations for you after that - until the supermarket closes. However, with you as a major customer, I don't think the probability of it going down is high."

"Speaking of this, have you received the flowers I ordered recently? I have made an appointment with Huayu Flower Shop to send you a bunch of flowers every week to your company office. If you find it troublesome, you can ask them to send them directly. home."

"I also booked this agreement for a year, and I will renew it when I go on vacation in September, but if there is an accident, you can make an agreement with the flower shop yourself, remember to report my name, you can get a 30% discount."

"I also thought about letting my mother do this, but the love of young people is always embarrassing in front of their parents, so you can only work hard for yourself."

"It's a bit too much to talk about, and it's quite messy. In the end, it's really just one sentence."

"When you're alone, take care of yourself."

"I am about to face an important task this time. Due to the principle of confidentiality, I cannot disclose the details of the task to you, but I can assure you that your husband is still winning glory for the country."

"I still defend the sky of the motherland as always. I was on land before, and now I am at sea. Although the designation has changed, the original intention has not changed."

"If someone asks me next time, you can tell him that although I don't go home often, I often fly over our home sky."

"If you hear a roar, that's my call to you."

"If there is an accident in the mission, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you again in this life - of course, the probability of this happening is extremely small, because I am flying the most advanced fighter plane in the world today."

"However, in case there is a one-in-a-million chance of an accident happening, I hope you don't feel sad about it. The army is buried in the mountains, the navy's soul goes to the sea, and the air force's blood is spilled in the sky. This is a natural ending."

"Of course, the above is just a confession I made for the sake of prudence. In fact, after this mission, the most likely outcome for me is to sleep with you."

"If this is successful, I should receive a medal - I hope so, when the time comes, I will personally wear it for you."

"Goofy's handwriting."

After reading the letter, Cheng Chen took a deep breath, and then handed the letter back to Gao Fei.

The latter took the letter and asked:

"How about it, is it okay to say that?"

"Okay, sincere, enough."

A satisfied smile appeared on Gao Fei's face, and then he took Cheng Chen's letter and said:

"Let me see what you wrote..."

However, he was only halfway through and suddenly choked up, because there was only a short line of words on the long letter.


This time, if we go to the sky again, there may be a battle. This battle will be successful, if I do not return, then ask my brother to support you. "



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