Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 315 Reproduce The Barents Sea Scalpel?

While He Kangmei and his superiors were discussing the so-called reason for refusal, Cheng Chen had already driven his fighter jet into the sky.

His target was an F-35 fighter jet flying in from a distance, flying at a low altitude and equally slow.

For that enemy plane, his purpose was not to penetrate low-altitude and high-speed defenses, but to provoke the carrier-based air wing of the 002 formation just like the f18/a tricked the J-15 last time.

After entering the air radar monitoring range, the f-35c suddenly increased its speed, and after a beautiful pulling action, the height began to rise straight.

Cheng Chen also followed the other party's trajectory up, and at the same time shouted the usual expulsion password like the other party in the communication channel.

However, the f-35c pilot named Medellin apparently dismissed it.

After shouting the password three times, he defiantly said on the public channel:

"Don't shout anymore, you can't catch up with us, and you can't shoot us down, why waste your fuel? Just watch it, this is an adult's game."

Cheng Chen was silent, just gently pushed the afterburner to further increase the speed of the j-15, and the plane gradually approached the f-35 in front.

The opponent saw the j-15 catching up in the rearview mirror, so he also turned on the afterburner. After a roll, he began to fly in the opposite direction of the 002 formation, as if he was planning to leave.

But Cheng Chen did not relax his vigilance because of this. He closely followed the flight path of the f-35c. After flying for a while, he saw that the other party's nose was slightly raised. That is, at this moment, he yanked the control The rod, the j-15 started to pull up ahead of the f-35 with a huge elevation angle.

After he completed the pull-up action, the f-35c also just completed a Cobra maneuver.

Cheng Chen pressed the nose down, and the j-15 began to dive quickly, falling straight towards the opponent.

This action shocked Medellin, but as the most elite carrier-based aircraft pilot, he did not panic about it. After a few brief operations, the f-35 that was still ascending directly gave up the follow-up. Action, go straight up in the direction of the speed line!

The two planes passed by like this, and even during the brief few seconds of meeting, Cheng Chen could see the faces of the pilots in the other cockpit from the cockpit.

This shows that in the maneuver just now, the relative distance between the two planes did not exceed 20 meters.

As long as the slightest carelessness, the machine will be destroyed.

"Shit!! Are you crazy??"

Medellin shouted loudly on the public channel, he was already scared by the extremely dangerous action just now, except for a cold sweat.

He had never seen any pilot who dared to make an afterburner downward dive under such low-altitude maneuvering conditions, because as long as the control was a little careless, he would face the outcome of falling into the sea.

What's more exaggerated is that the target of the opponent's dive is himself!

He has no doubt that if he hadn't avoided emergency maneuvers just now, the other party would definitely rush towards him and use the vertical tail of the j-15 to open a hole in his cockpit!

Do they want to reproduce the Barents Sea scalpel on this sea! ?

Fighter-to-fighter scalpel operation?

Medellin no longer hesitated, and immediately activated the afterburner to escape.

He didn't want to entangle with such a crazy opponent. He had seen the vigilant companion, the barrel rolling maneuver, and the super close follow and interception, but he had never seen a fighter collision.

It's really not worth it to risk your own life in such a non-military operation.

Thinking of this, he turned on the communication channel and called to the command of the carrier air wing:

"Base, base, this is bravo-2, I am being driven away by the dangerous action of the enemy fighter plane, requesting to return, requesting to return."

After a while, the voice of the command came from the communicator.

"Refuse to return, please exit the air radar warning range of the other party, and cruise on the edge. Our p-8a anti-submarine patrol aircraft has taken off from the Kadena base, please perform a long-distance escort mission."

"...Received, disengaged, and performed long-range escort missions."

The voice fell, and the f-35c went all the way east, preparing to go to the air to meet the p-8a.

Medellin fully understands what it wants to do, and the command is no longer satisfied with the high-frequency confrontation in the air, because it is impossible for this confrontation to achieve actual deterrence results when both sides have converged. What they have to do now is to send the p-8a to the warning waters, and after dropping the sonar buoys, monitor the movements of the opponent's underwater submarines!

And once the movement of the opponent's submarine is exposed, after losing the greatest support, this maritime confrontation can end without a fight.

Thinking of this, his mood finally eased a bit.

Finally, I don't have to do it myself.

As long as you rely on the speed advantage to get rid of the j-15 that is still following closely behind you, then your mission is complete.

Looking at the j-15 getting farther and farther in the rearview mirror, a mocking smile appeared on his face.

Turning on the public radio channel, he opened his mouth and said:

"Stop chasing, goodbye, baby, you'll never keep up with me, go home, your mother is still waiting for you on the boat."

As he spoke, he increased the afterburner, the f-35c's tail flashed a dazzling Mach ring, and the fighter instantly broke through the speed of sound.

The j-15 behind it seemed to give up chasing, and after trying to follow for more than ten seconds, it flew out a large-angle arc in the air and returned to the direction of the 002 formation.

Medellin shook his head happily. This time, he planned to go to the 002 formation to make a low-altitude pass, just like what the Roosevelt formation carrier aircraft pilots did, but he did not expect that the other party The response this time was so firm.

All our fighter jets failed to break through the opponent's 100 nautical mile final cordon. There seemed to be an invisible and intangible iron gate. As soon as our fighter jets approached, they would immediately be driven by the opponent in an almost life-threatening way. Leave.

It seems to be fighting to the end.

Medellin squeezed the joystick slightly, and he saw that several fighter jets on his side were on their way to return, just like him, and the Huaxia fighter jets behind him had disappeared.

Seeing this scene, he opened the internal communication channel and said with a little teasing:

"Friends, it looks like we have a big victory this time..."

However, just as his voice fell and before the other team members could answer, he keenly noticed that a small bright spot appeared on his airborne radar screen.

Then, a shadow fell over his cockpit.

"I am the Huaxia Air Force, you have entered our training airspace, please leave immediately, or I will intercept it!"

The broken English suddenly entered his ears, and he looked up subconsciously, and a huge heavy fighter was quietly suspended above his head.


The j-20's tail also shoots bright blue flames, and from its flying attitude, such high-speed maneuvers seem to be effortless for it.

Medellin pushed the joystick subconsciously, wanting to get rid of the opponent by maneuvering at a large angle, but what he didn't expect was that the opponent was obviously a heavy air superiority fighter that was positioned to operate outside the line of sight, but it was not maneuverable. Totally not your own!

Can't run away.

He sighed and waved the wings left and right to signal that he was about to leave. After receiving the signal, the j-20c also pulled away slightly and followed behind him vigilantly.

At 12 a.m., 400 nautical miles away from the 002 ship formation.

The f-35c fighters tracked by the j-20c detected the p-8a anti-submarine patrol aircraft ahead through the airborne radar.

Medellin hesitated to continue the escort mission, because he knew that once he entered the escort sequence, he would face a more severe interception by the j-20c.

He opened the communication to report the situation to the aircraft carrier formation, and wanted to stop the farce that was originally caused by himself, but the command instead issued an order to continue escorting.

There was an ominous premonition in his heart, but the military order was difficult. When he was close to the position where he could see the p-8a, he reduced the speed to a low-speed cruise state, turned the direction, and guided and escorted the left side of the p-8a.

However, the instant he turned, he lost his view of the j-20c from the rearview mirror.

Turning his eyes to the radar screen, he saw that the small bright spot had already distanced himself from him, but before he had time to rejoice, the plane rushed behind him at an incredible high speed!

Medellin subconsciously wanted to speed up his escape, but it was too late.

Just when he was hesitating whether to change his flying attitude, the j-20 had already appeared above his head and maintained the same low speed parallel to him.

To do a roll? ?


An incredible idea flashed in his mind, and this idea was fulfilled in the next second.

I saw that after the j-20 slightly adjusted its flight attitude, a dazzling flame suddenly appeared from the nozzle of the vector engine, and then the nose suddenly pulled up, and the hot tail flame pointed directly to the f-35c below!

Medellin, who couldn't avoid it, was instantly involved in the opponent's wake, the flight stability was destroyed, the huge amount of data almost overwhelmed the flight control system, and his fighter tumbled and fell.

At this time, he was only less than four kilometers above the sea level.

In just 20 seconds, his altitude has dropped to less than 1,500 meters, and he has not fully regained control of the aircraft!

"mayday, mayday!!"

Medellin sent a hurried signal to the command, and after slightly adjusting the aircraft's attitude, he pulled down the emergency ejection tab under the seat without hesitation!

After a slight explosion, the cockpit cover was thrown away, and he was ejected into the sky.

At this moment, on the surface of the sea with a radius of thousands of nautical miles, all radio communications fell into silence.

The first battle loss of this sea-air confrontation appeared.

After that, no one can predict how the situation will change.

After a full 30 seconds, all pilots on both sides who were in the air received the signal to return.

The situation took a turn for the worse.

A huge crisis is imminent!

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