Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 316 Turning Point

At 13:00, 9 hours before the standoff officially started.

Medellin, who was floating at sea, was picked up by the lifeboat sent by the other party. After that, the two sides entered a radio silence state tacitly. The two ship formations that were originally less than 200 nautical miles away began to disengage, the radar signal disappeared, and the electromagnetic shielding system Started, satellite tracking was gradually lost, and an hour later, the two aircraft carrier formations were invisible in each other's field of vision.

Since the official contact and confrontation between the two sides, the intensity of this confrontation has continued to rise at a speed visible to the naked eye, and after the loss of the first fighter plane on the Ugly side, the nature of the confrontation changed abruptly.

This is no longer the kind of peaceful confrontation that everyone knows about.

Both hands were already on the trigger.

Formation 002 began to maneuver to the predetermined battle position at the limit speed. All early warning aircraft on Yongxia Island were launched. The h-20, which was originally performing a combat readiness cruise, turned away from the confrontation sea area. All coastal air bases entered the first-level combat readiness, even the mainland Some deep wells deep in the hinterland have also uncovered their covers.

Goofy had flown his fighter back to the carrier, the carrier air wing commander criticized him harshly, but made no restrictions, and a few minutes later, after refilling the fuel, he was back on the plane again Ready to go.

All are waiting for a signal.

Waiting for the signal to start or end it all.


Reagan aircraft carrier formation, Reagan aircraft carrier command room.

Medellin, who was just returned, was telling the story of his crash. He was wrapped in a blanket, his face was panicked, and his tone was a little trembling.

However, this panic is not because he is still immersed in the fear of being shot down just now, but because he has only now realized what terrifying consequences his crash will bring.

It would be better if you just held on to it.

Obviously there is still an altitude of 1,500 meters, and the overall structure of the aircraft has not been damaged. As long as he persists for a few more seconds, after the flight control system is restored, it is entirely possible for him to regain control of the aircraft and return to the high altitude.

But he hadn't experienced such a time for too long. The panic made him lose his judgment, and the conceit of his own value made him lose the will to sacrifice, so he made such a wrong choice.

---- Maybe it's not necessarily a mistake?

After all, he survived.

As long as he is still alive, the loss is still within the acceptable range.

And if there is a 1 in 10,000 probability that he crashed and died in the sea, I am afraid that the thing he was worried about has already erupted at this moment, right?

Thinking of this, Medellin felt a little better. He put down the cup of hot tea, looked at the commander in front of him, and asked:

"Are we going to fight?"

The commander shook his head and replied:

"I don't know. Right now, we're waiting for orders from our superiors."


On the other side of the sea, white houses.

Everyone has received the news of the crash at sea, and also received the latest situation feedback record in Medellin. Everyone is sitting in the small office, and those without seats can only stand.

This scene is almost the same as when they remotely commanded a special force to break into irag and complete the goal they had planned for a long time.

The only difference is that the big screen at this time shows far more than the information of a special force, but the location and combat readiness of all their military bases and all sea fleets around the world.

"...the situation is very clear and we have to make a decision."

"The facts are right in front of us: we lost a fighter jet."

"Now, the other party has completely entered a state of combat readiness, and the fate of the entire world is in our hands."

"We have received a note from the other party's top management, and the other party clarified that this was just an accident."

"But for us, there were no surprises -- in fact, they didn't treat it as an accident at all."

"Ladies and gentlemen."

"The fate of this world will be decided in the next five minutes."

Hearing his words, the old man sitting in the middle was slightly lost.

When was the last time this happened?

Was it the missile crisis? Or was that a confrontation at sea?

In each of those several crises, someone stood up to turn the tide and put the dying human beings back on the right track, so what about this time?

Will you be this person?

The old man sat quietly in the chair, his eyes swept across the equally silent crowd, and for a while, he was unable to speak.

He is tired.

For an old man his age, it is too difficult to take on the fate of a world.


Ryukyu waters, destroyer Izumo.

Yamamura Hiroshi has already received the news of the crash of the Chou country's f-35c plane, and also noticed that all the other troops have entered radio silence and are out of contact with his own ships. At this moment, he has already recognized the confrontation. victory or defeat.

He no longer cares about how the situation will develop next, and he has only one thing in mind:

It's time to stand in line.

As for who to choose?

The answer is obvious.

In fact, in the initial strategy, they had already decided that even if China was at a slight disadvantage in this confrontation, as long as it was not a collapse disadvantage, then they would definitely choose China.

And the reason is simple.

Heaven is too far, rabbits are too close.

Looking at the Ugly Nation's fleet gradually receding on the radar screen, he picked up the phone in the command room of the Izumo, and immediately connected to a number, delivering a vital message.

He didn't know whether the news would ultimately work.

----Perhaps, the rabbit has far more information than his own, but it doesn't matter, because this is just a vote.

From today, from this moment on, if this world can continue to exist, then I am afraid that my country will have to change its master.


Xiongguo, Moskou, in a small building on Red Square, the man was drinking the spirits in a glass calmly.

He doesn't actually have the habit of drinking, but when faced with such a critical juncture of drastic changes, he felt that he had to take a sip, even if it was just for the sense of ritual that seemed a bit ridiculous to him.

Just half an hour ago, he issued an order to the North Sea Fleet to enter into a state of nuclear combat readiness. The four North Wind God-class nuclear submarines have all dived under the ice of the Arctic Ocean and are sailing silently to the predetermined sea area.

They don't know their purpose or their mission for the time being, but they know that the next order they receive must be an order to destroy the world.

No one on a submarine would want the long-wave communication system's chime to go off, just as the man didn't want the red phone in front of him to go off.

According to the agreement with Dongfang, if all is well, then the next call will be after 8 pm of the other party's time.

And now, there are still 7 hours left until that time.

The wine in the glass is almost exhausted.


Medellin stood on the deck wrapped in a blanket, the warm sea breeze blowing his body, which made him feel a little hot, he lost the blanket, and paced back and forth on the edge of the deck in a T-shirt that was incompatible with the surrounding soldiers .

The atmosphere on the deck was extremely tense, all the planes on the take-off runway had their engines warmed up, and with just one command, they were going to charge into the air with those terrifying weapons, and then banked them with unstoppable might towards the enemy. on the head.

Such a scene has been imagined countless times since the first day he enlisted in the army, and he has always felt that it is a dreamy and magnificent scene.

But when it really came to this day and this moment, he didn't have any intention to appreciate it at all.

His thoughts drifted away involuntarily, on his fiancee who was thousands of miles away.

----By the way, and the petite island woman from Yokosuka Port.

Will they survive?

Or, will they outlive themselves?

He couldn't think of an answer to this question.

So he became more and more anxious, but in the midst of such anxiety, he suddenly discovered a strange thing on the deck.

It was a red, dazzling, intermittently flickering bright spot.

The people around didn't seem to notice the bright spot. Medellin stepped forward curiously and put his hand on the spot where the bright spot appeared. After waiting for more than ten seconds, the bright spot appeared again and caused severe burns to his skin. .


Medellin suddenly retracted his hand. He recognized that this was the bright spot of the laser guide, but where did this bright spot come from?


This is not possible, because so far, the Aegis system has not responded.

He looked up at the sky in confusion. After a few seconds, he remembered to report the situation to the fleet commander, and when the other party followed him to the deck, the bright spot had already begun to move on the deck and etched a crooked trajectory. .

The commander-in-chief of the fleet watched all this in silence. He seemed to realize something, and his eyes also looked at the higher and higher sky.


Hawaii Island.

So far, the island is still immersed in a happy and peaceful atmosphere - except, of course, the soldiers in the military base.

All of them were staring at the same thing, and that thing was projected onto the big screen, leaving everyone familiar with it holding their breath.

That's a sonar image from underwater.

A sonar map that did not come from one's own side, but pinpointed the location of almost all the ships in this base.

And what it represents is self-evident.

Someone is watching them.

Even, the person staring at them may be near this base.

Maybe a submarine? Maybe some kind of sonar buoy?

But that doesn't matter anymore. Being able to send these things under his nose, but he hasn't discovered it yet, is actually enough to explain the problem.


Ugly country, inland, militia three missile launch bases.

The missile, which had just entered combat readiness, received an order to disarm it just a minute ago.

No one knows why, even in the eyes of many lower-level officers, this is just an exercise on the whim of superiors, only the high-level commanders of this base know what they have experienced in this short hour. Terrible danger.

This danger is not just for one's own country, but for the entire human race.

But, just 10 minutes ago, a force ended this danger in a way that far exceeded all expectations.

A beam with a diameter of no more than 10 centimeters fell from the sky, and in front of the commander, it just melted through the front cover of the armored command vehicle in front of him.

They had no way of judging the danger of the beam, but no one was willing to take the risk.

So 5 minutes ago, the white house received the news.

At the same time as this news, there are light spots on the USS Ronald Reagan, the sonar map of the Hawaiian base, the vanishing God of the North Wind and the h-20, and... the news that a certain island country temporarily closed its port.


15:00 pm, 11 hours after the standoff.

The USS Ronald Reagan was released from combat readiness, all aircraft were turned off, the radio silence was lifted, the ship's speed was reduced, and the ship's living quarters were reopened.

The sailors cheered and entered the cabin, and for them, this laborious and dangerous mission was finally over.

Medellin stood on the deck silently watching these ignorant sailors, and suddenly there was a burst of sadness in his heart.

He suddenly realized that today would be a turning point.

A turning point in which the military power ratio of one's own country and that of the other side is reduced from advantage to balance.

Before you know it, you seem to have witnessed history.

It's not a pleasant history, but it will be remembered eventually.

After a moment of silence, he looked curiously at the laser ablation mark that had been covered up on the deck not far away.

What is that crooked shape?

He glanced around, made sure no one noticed him, and walked quietly to the deck, then laboriously removed the flame-retardant cloth above.

Still an odd shape.

He took a picture of the shape with his mobile phone, returned to his cabin, connected to the Internet, and used the image recognition function to find out the meaning of the shape.

seven one.

July 1.

Medellin silently recited the date in his mind.

Perhaps, this was just an unintentional move by the other party when he showed his strength, but he knew that this date, for a long period of time, would remain on this aircraft carrier in an indelible way.

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