Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 317 Different Countries, Different Rewards

On July 15, two weeks after the end of the standoff at sea.

Medellin returned to Texas, where he received the warmest welcome in years.

People sang about his deeds, invited him to participate in TV programs, and the newspapers were full of news about him piloting fighter jets and fighting the enemy, and even his fiancee's eyes had changed.

Before he left, his fiancee's eyes were probably admiration, but now, it's more... reverence?

Seems like he has really become a hero.

A crashed hero.

Medellin sat in the yard of his house, the sun was shining, playing with an Air Force Cross in his hand.

This is a rare medal, but it is not the end, the highest honor awarded to him, the Medal of Honor awarded by the Supreme Commander, is already on the way.

He stroked the gleaming medal, and there was an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

He would have been excited for himself.

Even if it's not exciting, it should feel proud, content, and fulfilled.

However, none.

There is only emptiness, worry, and even fear.

When did this army change?

Since when did a pilot like himself, who was played by the enemy, or even forced to abandon the plane and parachute without the help of any modern weapons, became a combat hero?

Medellin couldn't think of an answer.

He sighed deeply, the door behind him opened, and his fiancée Catherine came out, squatted down gently, stroked his face and said:

"Look at your expression, poor little one, what's the matter?"

Medellin shook his head and replied:

"It's no big deal, I just don't feel well."

"Not feeling well? Sunburned? You shouldn't be lying here, the sun is too strong."

"Not for that reason."

Medellin shook his head and did not continue to answer.

It was impossible for Katherine to understand her concerns, and it was impossible for her to tell him in violation of her nondisclosure agreement.

----Or in other words, even if there is no confidentiality agreement, it is impossible for him to tell her.

Be a fake fighting hero, or be a real coward?

This is an obvious choice.

After a pause, he said:

"Today's interview is scheduled for an hour later. I want you to join me at that time, okay?"

Catherine's face showed an excited expression, she nodded heavily, and replied:

"As long as you want!"

"Of course I think, because I have half as much credit as you..."

Medellin took Catherine into his arms and kissed her forehead deeply, but when he hugged each other, the indifferent and blank expression appeared on his face again.


At 11 a.m., Medellin and Catherine appeared at the interview site on time. They cuddled up on the sofa in the studio, like a pair of beautiful people.

The host first introduced Medellin's deeds, and then asked:

"Captain, I heard that you used your own strength to push back three fighter jets of the opponent in the battle with the opponent. Can you tell us how you did this?"

"I mean, wow, one-on-three! It's not decades ago, everyone's planes are very advanced, right? It's almost impossible to do this?"

Hearing the host's question, Medellin coughed and replied:

"Actually, she's still great and does a really good job - I mean my f-35c."

"You know, I have been born and died with her many times. We have experienced many hardships together, so we have a tacit understanding."

"So, in the face of the enemy, we cooperated very well."

"It's only three this time. The next time I go to the sky with her, even if it's 10 enemy planes, I won't be afraid."

Medellin's words were full of puns, and the host nodded in satisfaction.

He doesn't care how the other party pushes the enemy back, he only cares whether the other party's answer can arouse the emotions of the audience.

And obviously, at this point, Medellin is doing well.

After a burst of classic white laughter, the host went on to ask:

"You've already won a cross, right? Maybe there will be other awards in the future, and Texas officials will also give you bonuses. What are your plans for how to use the bonus in the future?"

Medellin pretended to think for a moment, then replied:

"I'll auction off the medal."


This time, the surprise on the host's face was not fake.

"Yeah, I'll auction it off and donate the money to Veterans Care. You know, we have a lot of comrades who are suffering from ptsd, and I think I don't have much energy though—because I Still in service, but I can help them in this way."

"A true patriot!"

The host took the lead in applauding, with a moved look on his face, and then he continued to ask:

"And what about yourself? What are your own plans?"

"Well, me, I'm going to have a big wedding with Katherine, and we're going to renovate our house, dig a swimming pool, get a new car. You know, my Chevrolet that's parked outside the studio is a little outdated. already."

"Hahahaha, I think Chevrolet should just send you a new car! Also, maybe you can go on a round-the-world trip?"

"That's for the future, and for now, I'll probably continue to serve in the Air Force—until we conquer the skies."

There was warm applause in the studio, Medellin and Catherine looked at each other and smiled, without saying anything.


When the ugly country hyped Medellin as a hero, gave him various preferential treatment, and helped him on the path of Ying Family, on the other side, Gao Fei did not seem to receive any preferential treatment-except for a full three months s holiday.

He retrieved his own handwritten letter from the political commissar, shredded it on the train home, then sprinkled it in the river in his hometown, and then went to the flower shop to pick up the flowers in person, and went to the Fulai supermarket. I bought snacks and went to the flower and bird market to buy fertilizers specially designed for growing flowers.

After doing all this, he went home.

His wife Liu Yiran had already prepared the meal and was waiting for him at home. The parents of both parties had gathered together. When Gao Fei got home, they were chatting happily on the sofa.

Seeing Gao Fei's return, everyone's faces showed surprises. They greeted them and greeted them. They said that the food on the aircraft carrier made them fat, and then said that the sea breeze was too salty and their faces were rough, but in the end, everyone Still came to a common conclusion:

Just come back.

At the dinner table, Gao Fei's father-in-law poured him a full glass of wine, and then asked:

"I heard that you drove the J-20 at sea this time? How about you, kill a few ugly country devils?"

Gao Fei smiled and replied:

"What! Dad, this is not to say, we are all peaceful confrontation, there is nothing that can't be killed."

"Really? Then how did I hear that their plane crashed into the sea? You didn't do it?"

"no no."

Goofy shook his head and replied.

There was a look of disappointment on the father-in-law's face, but in the blink of an eye, he suddenly became excited again.

"Oh, I understand, you can't say it! Hey, look at my mouth, I just can't control it, I have to ask everything. Come, come, drink and drink!"

Gao Fei picked up the glass and drank it, giving his father-in-law a look of "Heaven knows what you know and I know".

After the cup was finished, his father poured wine for him, but his questions were more down-to-earth.

"You came back for three months of vacation this time? Did you take this opportunity to ask for the child? You two are not young anymore. In two years, you will be old and dangerous."

"Don't take it seriously, I and my mother suffered from this loss back then, you still have to hurry up!"

Gao Fei nodded solemnly and replied:

"That's what we plan to do. We will have a baby pilot when we go on vacation next year."

"That's great!"

Father clapped his hands suddenly, and everyone at the table toasted together.

"Then this is the last meal. After that, you will close the mountains and cultivate the forest, and you will succeed as soon as possible----no, there will be a meal tomorrow. It is obviously to deliver something to our hometown, and you need to go back."

"Send something? Send what?"

Gao Fei asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, you don't know how I know, your leaders didn't inform you?"

Gao Fei pondered for a moment, then answered hesitantly:

"I did mention it, but I didn't listen carefully... Forget it, let's make a phone call later and ask."

Hearing his words, the people at the table no longer pursued it. After the meal, Gao Fei picked up the phone and dialed his immediate superior.

After learning about his problem, the superior scolded him in a veiled manner, and finally only said one sentence:

"Since you didn't listen to it at the time, don't listen to it and see it for yourself tomorrow!"

So, he had no choice but to fall asleep with doubts.

The next morning, the group returned to the small village in their hometown. After burning incense in the ancestral hall, they sat at the entrance of the village and waited quietly.

The people in the town arrived at the village strictly according to the agreed time, but the leader of the team was not the town leader, but the city leader.

The secretary recognized Gao Fei at a glance, he took Gao Fei's hand and pulled him aside, explained the situation in detail, and finally concluded:

"Anyway, this is the situation now. It's really not suitable for you to make a big splash. But your superiors have also told me the bottom line, and there will be some in the future. Now we will temporarily replace them."

Gao Fei nodded understandingly, and looked curiously at the three things behind the other party held by a special person.

The secretary smiled, but did not reveal the answer immediately.

After they walked back to the ancestral hall, he spoke to a limited number of people. After a simple ceremony, he instructed everyone to unveil the red cloth.

Gao Fei looked intently, and what caught his eye were two plaques and a piece of calligraphy.

"The Pillar of the Nation".

"Sea and Air Warriors".

"make persistent efforts".

And the name signed above is familiar to everyone.

Several people hung the plaque on the door, and Gao Fei noticed that they seemed to have deliberately left a blank space.

Seeing this scene, everyone onlookers was stunned.

One day in the future, there will be a gilded plaque on that spot.

First-class hero.

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