Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 319: Food Strategies

On the other side of the sea, the Office of Strategic Intelligence Analysis.

Johnson listened to the analyst's report with disappointment. He had lost interest in what the other party said, and there was only one thought in his mind:

"We failed."

Yes, according to the plan he submitted before, this three aircraft carrier formation voyage was supposed to be a demonstration to demonstrate one's own military strength, but unexpectedly, in the face of the opponent's resolute fighting spirit, the group of officials actually retreated. decision.

This retreat means that our side has retreated from the position of the world's number one military power.

And when will you be able to climb back?


Why are you going back? Do rabbits really dare to do it?

It was exactly the same the last time at sea further south, this time it was still the same, the next time... there is no next time.

Once the next time appears, I am afraid that it is time for one's own desperation.

To make matters worse, just a few days after our own aircraft carrier formation retreated, we released a series of training videos of bci-controlled mechanical exoskeletons. In the eyes of professionals, its performance is far superior to its own.

They have what they have, and they have what they don't have.

Helmet fire control aiming system? Yes, 32 targets can be tracked simultaneously, including armored targets, aerial targets and ground humanoid targets.

Mechanically integrated weapon stabilization system? Yes, it can be linked with the fire control radar to perform automatic aiming to a certain extent, a living soldier 76.

Powerful mounting capability? Not to mention this, that rabbit was already known for its lack of firepower phobia, how could it possibly fall behind in this regard.

Movement flexibility? The reason why bci is called bci is because it is directly controlled by neuroelectric signals. The movements of the exoskeleton are completely synchronized with the movements of the body. Even if the force feedback control of oneself is optimized to the extreme, it will never keep up with the flexibility of the other party.

Individual soldier data link system? Not only that, other people's data links are even linked to the integration of space and space, and even satellite strikes can be operated.

In addition to these, they also have things that they don't have, such as longer battery life, stronger power, and more exaggerated explosive power. In the demo video, the opponent's soldiers even showed an easy jump on when fully loaded. The operation of the one-meter-five-high wall----and from the explanation of the other party, the reason for only jumping one-meter-five is not because the exoskeleton can only jump to one-meter-five, but because the wall is only one-meter five.

How high can jump, no one knows.

But no matter what, this exoskeleton has improved the quality of individual soldiers to an almost terrifying level. With a load of close to 80 kg, it can still complete the actions that elite soldiers can do when they are completely unloaded. These people If put on the battlefield to form a light infantry wing, the combat effectiveness of the entire unit will immediately soar.

The release of this video has aroused intense discussions among professional military personnel. Although the shooting style of the video is still the same rustic and unprofessional style of the other party's official media, the amount of information contained in it is enough to make They were terrified.

How far have these eastern rabbits developed, and how confident are they, that they will fight back mercilessly every time they make a move?

The confrontation at sea is not a problem. Now even a single soldier exoskeleton will not let oneself show the limelight. In less than two months, they took out their similar equipment and slapped them in the face.

I really don't intend to keep any face for myself.

The analyst in front of him was still reporting the latest progress. Johnson directly raised his hand to interrupt, and then said:

"There is no need to talk about confrontation. It doesn't make any sense. Failure is failure. This is a result we did not expect at all."

"Now, we have to focus on food, because this is our only chance to make a comeback."

"If there is another problem with this layout, then we will lose all our advantages. No matter how hard we try, we can only achieve a balance of power with the other party. This is something I will never allow."

"I see!"

The analyst nodded quickly, but there was a hint of vague disappointment in his eyes.

If you don't allow it, won't it appear?

Since taking office, it seems that every decision you make has not made any good progress, right? Even if it is true that the opponent is too strong, it will not lose even the biggest advantage as it is now.

If it were me...

The analyst coughed slightly, and then reported:

"At present, our layout in Yindu has been in full swing. According to the plan, we have acquired 60% of the stock wheat in the market and controlled most of the supply channels of downstream manufacturers."

"After this, we can always control the supply of flour and push up the price of downstream food."

"At that time, Yindu's local suppliers and Yindu officials will push for the purchase of wheat at all costs, because they want to eat, but they don't have any food."

"In this way, we can push the domestic market of Yindu to an extreme peak, and then pass this peak to the international market in turn."

"Then it is equivalent to using the official hand of Yindu to raise the price of wheat in the international market at a very small cost."

"Of course, we will also take action in the capital field, and the price of wheat futures will be further pushed up. At that time, the spot futures prices will overlap, and the entire international market will fluctuate violently."

"Such fluctuations are definitely not something the Huaxia family can resist. No matter how much food they have in stock, it is impossible to supply the global food shortage that will occur, and it is impossible to make up for the global population and food imbalance by themselves."

"By that time, no matter what propaganda they have, it will be impossible to quell domestic panic, and we will add the last straw to their fears - a large-scale wheat epidemic."

Hearing this, Johnson nodded slightly, and then said:

"I have two questions."

"First, does a global food deficit really exist?"

"Second, does the wheat contagion you speak of exist? What is it?"

The analyst paused and replied:

"I'll answer your first question first."

"First of all, there is a global food gap. According to our estimates, based on normal food consumption standards, the global food gap is between 0.2% and 0.3%. This gap has caused 180 million people in the world to fall into starvation. state, however, the starvation state is not a complete gap, it just means that these people are not getting enough to eat.”

"Through humanitarian aid, loans, access to non-planted food, etc., we can actually control the food gap within a relatively stable range every year. Most people will be fine."

"However, such a situation is not good for us to push up food prices and trigger a food crisis, so what we need to do is to expand the food gap to more than 0.3%, and the goal is to expand to about 0.5%."

"Then we have to use all kinds of publicity to convince everyone that the food gap has reached 2%."

"In the end, with the help of the real gap and what we call the 'psychological gap', the tide of grain hoarding was triggered, and the amount of grain that could be uniformly allocated in the world, especially in China, plummeted, so as to achieve the purpose of really pushing up grain prices."

After listening to his words, Johnson nodded slightly and continued to ask:

"But the price of wheat is now up close to 35 percent, isn't that what we expected?"

"Of course not, because everyone knows that this 35% price increase is only caused by a short-term mismatch between supply and demand, and their confidence in food stability has not been hit."

"What we're trying to do is convince them that we're going to be facing a permanent 2 percent food deficit for a long time to come."

"That's what really hits them."


Johnson silently wrote something down on the paper, and then continued to ask:

"What about the wheat contagion? Is there any?"

"No, Huaxia has always been cautious about this aspect of the fight -- but we'll make up one."

"What about the evidence?"

"Hire a few farmers who want to make money, make some videos, ask some experts to learn to speak, and show some plausible evidence. We don't need professionals to believe, just their ordinary people."


Johnson closed his laptop.

This is not the first time they have done such a thing.

They are very skilled.

However, he still had a bad premonition in his heart.

Will Huaxia really fight another public opinion war with itself?

This is a problem.

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