Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Three Hundred And Twenty One Hundred Tricks, I Only Have Two Tricks

On the other side, in a conference room, a special team of experts are sitting together. They have just listened to the analysis report of the General Technical Office on the strategies that the Chou country may adopt in the subsequent grain battle, but their There was no special look on his face.

It can even be said that they don't even care much.

If you look carefully, even an ordinary person can clearly see the difference between these people and those experts and scholars with a fixed mindset. Some of them are slightly more normal wearing protective clothing in and out of the laboratory, at least like a researcher The appearance of the personnel, but other people, it is difficult to say.

A middle-aged man with dark skin, wearing a tattered t-shirt, sweating profusely, and many mud spots on his trouser legs; a woman with a straw hat in his hand constantly fanning the wind, wishing to get under the air conditioner; The young man who sat on the side and wrote hard, not caring what Chen Hao said; and the two old men who had been arguing in a low voice since the beginning of the meeting, and have not stopped until Chen Hao finished speaking.

This is probably one of the most pragmatic teams in the entire China. Just two hours ago, they were still busy in their respective positions. If the General Technical Office hadn't sent someone to invite them, I'm afraid they wouldn't necessarily come to participate in the face. meeting.

And although these people seem to be a bit nondescript, their goal is surprisingly noble, that is: to make everyone in China have a full meal.

To this end, they have gone through generations, with the oldest approaching 70 years old and the youngest just graduating from college.

The two old people didn't notice that Chen Hao's report was over, and they were still arguing on their own:

"...krn2 is not the point of the question at all, who doesn't know that krn2 can increase production? The question now is how to improve your targeted knock-in efficiency, what do you think of using the previous CRISPR/cas system? Can strategies such as translational enhancers and transcriptional regulatory elements still be used in the a&c-bemax system? Not at all!"

"So I told you, the most important thing now is to interpret it based on the existing documents, first technically speculate on how the a&c-bemax system works, try to optimize the typing efficiency, and then do the experiment."

"Otherwise, you have operated and planted, and the effect will not reach the tone at that time. Whose time is wasted?"

The old man opposite him looked serious, paused for a moment and then replied:

"You are thinking of sharpening the knife without making mistakes in chopping wood, but you have to make it clear that what we have now is a mature system, not the kind of shit we used to figure out a little bit, you can do it again. Too much interpretation is unnecessary - not unnecessary, it is impossible to do it under the current limited time."

"You want to understand this editor, and I also want to understand this editor, but that's all in the future. What we need to do now is to understand the operation method first, and do the experiment first. As for the later things, Learn on the battlefield, learn as you fight!"

"What if there is a problem? Who's it?"

"Then you can't analyze anything new? Isn't time wasted? If it really doesn't work, let's make a compromise. I'll assign two people to interpret it for you, but I have to do the practical experiments first."

"Time is running out. Within four months, I will harvest the first crop of rice to see the results. We really don't have time to waste."

"...You are always in such a hurry, you need to eat one bite at a time."

"Eat shit, if we don't do well this time, someone will have no food!"

Hearing this, the old man who originally held an objection finally sighed and nodded silently.

After a while, he opened his mouth and said:

"Even if we hurry up, your 4-month goal is too outrageous. It takes at least 73 days from cultivating Agrobacterium to transplanting, and harvesting rice within 4 months, it really doesn't give you any leeway. stay."

"Is there any room left? Didn't you listen to the person above? The ugly country devils have all started to do it. Now that agriculture is their only area of ​​advantage, it is impossible for them not to go all out."

"Since they have all gone all out, don't we need to go all out even more?"

"Okay, that's it, let's go back and discuss the rest."

After speaking, the two stopped together, turned to look at Chen Hao who was smiling at them not far away, his face a little embarrassed.

"Little comrade, I'm sorry, we have encountered a problem, and we are anxious to finish the discussion. Didn't we bother you?"

"No, no, the issue you are discussing is more important. I'm just giving you a background - but it seems that everyone doesn't want to hear it."

Hearing this, the old man smiled heartily, and then said:

"To be honest, your information is too much and too complicated. We are all people in the field and in the laboratory, and it is simple to see the problem."

"What is the goal, what needs to be done, and how to do it, these three elements."

"Look, let me summarize for you. What you said this time is nothing more than this."

"Ugly country devils are going to touch our food, and we want to ensure food security, so we need to increase grain production, which must be achieved through the gene editing a&c-bemax system. Right? It can be summed up in a few simple sentences."

"Your old criticism is right, because I didn't think about it carefully."

Chen Hao replied modestly.

In fact, he had already considered this situation before holding this briefing, but out of prudence, he still reported the current situation completely.

Whether the other party listens or not is one thing, and whether or not he speaks is another.

If the key information is omitted due to one's own subjective judgment, and the butterfly effect is further caused, then the problem of this grain production increase plan will be big.

This is not a question of who is responsible. He is not afraid of being responsible. What he is afraid of is that the Chinese people will not have enough to eat.

However, seeing the reactions of these people present, his confidence has also grown a bit.

With these people here, and they are passed down from generation to generation, it will not be difficult to eat enough, right?

After a few brief explanations at the end, Chen Hao arranged for a special car to send the experts present back to their respective jobs, and this simple meeting also marked that the most important trump card in the subsequent grain battle had begun to be built.

After everyone walked out of the conference room, Ye Zhou walked out of another small adjacent office.

"How is it, do you think it will go well?"

Chen Hao asked.

"I don't know if it goes well, but in fact our goals are not so strict. As long as we can ensure that the rice seedlings that will increase production on a large scale within this year can come out, it is enough to end all the operations of the other party."

After a pause, Ye Zhou continued:

"To be honest, I also think you're talking a little too much to these experts."

"What spot futures, what is the price of finished products upside down, what is leveraging the official leverage, what is a plant infectious disease - oh, this is still useful."

"But to sum it up in one sentence, bells and whistles!"

Seeing Chen Hao's slightly aggrieved eyes, Ye Zhou quickly explained:

"I'm not talking about your bells and whistles, I'm talking about the operation of the ugly country."

"They always have this kind of thinking, thinking that they have achieved the ultimate in technology, so they want to achieve everything through technical means, but they completely forget one thing, that is, the most common thing we do, or By force."

"Actually, as long as there are two reliances, we are almost certain to win this food battle."

"The first one, huge grain reserves."

"Second, new seedlings with rapid growth and continuous increase in production are constantly appearing."

"We have almost achieved the former, and now as long as we make up for the latter, in the field of food, we will be proud of the world."

"So, you really don't need to talk so much to these experts. This project is different from other projects. Our general technical office only has one principle: ask people to give people, and give money to money!"

Chen Hao nodded deeply and replied:

"I understand. Today's meeting is mainly out of prudence, and the operations in the future will definitely adapt to their working methods."

"Well, I know, it's actually the right thing for you to do. We can't afford an accident."

After a pause, Ye Zhou showed a bright smile on his face, and then continued:

"However, sometimes I feel that in this area, we can be a little more confident."

"We dare to dream of enjoying the shade under Hexia. How difficult is it for us to increase production by a small amount?"

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