Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 322 There Is Food

The sudden food crisis in Yindu also caused a considerable reaction in China. The news reports and the hype of the marketing account, an inexplicable worry began to surface:

Is the food crisis really coming?

Will we face the same crisis?

Are we... going to starve?

This nation that has existed for thousands of years has no lack of memory of famine in history.

"When you are hungry, people eat each other."

"Eat it by changing the child, and cook it by dissecting the corpse."

In a short sentence in the history books, in fact, it has already written down the pain experienced by the people at the bottom of the famine.

Therefore, under such memory inheritance from generation to generation, even young people living in the most luxurious new century actually have an almost instinctive fear of hunger.

On the Internet, farming is ridiculed as a talent skill of the Chinese nation, but if you think about it carefully, it may not be a so-called "talent", but a lesson.

We have to learn to farm in order to survive even the most difficult circumstances.

What about when there is nowhere to plant?

Only stockpiled food!

As a result, there have been a lot of push articles and short videos on the domestic public opinion about hoarding grain to cope with the disaster. Each blogger uses a rational and objective way to educate everyone that they need to hoard a certain amount of food in daily life to cope with unexpected needs. .

But they never thought about what would happen to one of their videos after several times of dissemination and amplification in the current environment, when the crisis has gradually fermented.


Ye Zhou sat in the office with the latest news on the Internet on his phone. After a long time, he put down his phone and said to Chen Hao, who was sitting across from him:

"The situation has begun to change... Originally, some popular science bloggers were explaining the benefits of limited grain storage, but it has gradually become that they need to stock up immediately. After a while, I guess they will start to snap up."

"This is the character of the Chinese - it can be said that the sense of crisis is too strong, but this sense of crisis will sometimes cause trouble."

Chen Hao nodded and replied:

"Yes, that's true from the current situation."

"If it's other commodities, it's fine, it's fine if you can't get it, and it doesn't affect your basic life, but food, once the wave of panic buying begins, it will snowball more and more, and the development will become more and more outrageous. "

"At the end of the day, there will even be some people who can't buy food at all or can't buy it at all because the price is too high."

"If it is not contained in time, even the country with the most adequate food supply will starve to death."

After a pause, he smiled and said:

"But fortunately, at least for now, we are fully capable of dealing with this kind of panic buying."

"Either unified resource allocation, or release Chenliang, it will definitely not be like the Yindu side, where just a little price increase will be in a hurry."

"That's not 'a little up', it's doubled."

Ye Zhou shook his head helplessly and said.

"Double it again, the overall volume will be so large. If we take out half a month's stock of our wheat and pour it into the Yindu market, their so-called high prices will be washed away immediately."

"The key to this crisis is not the actual shortage of food at all, but the gap in people's hearts."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou nodded.

After a moment, he continued to ask:

"However, we haven't reached the time to release the final news, right? The current response mainly depends on inventory?"

"The strength of confrontation at this stage is enough to rely on inventory."

Chen Hao answered confidently.


7 pm, Shencheng, Tongfu Grain and Oil Store.

From 6:00 a.m., there has been a long queue at the door of this shop, which usually has few customers. The people in the queue are residents of nearby communities, and their goals are surprisingly the same, that is, to buy rice.

The shopkeeper stood at the forefront of the crowd, shouting hoarsely into the horn in his hand:

"Neighbors, we really have to get off work today. We have been busy all day, and we have dispatched goods several times. Please come back tomorrow when you want to buy rice and oil. We are going to close for a rest!"

Hearing his words, there was a commotion in the team, and one of the kind-hearted old ladies stepped forward, gently handed a bottle of water, and then said:

"Xiao Liu, keep going! You see, our neighbors haven't bought rice yet. What if we come back tomorrow and it's sold out!"

The shopkeeper glanced at the old lady incredulously and replied:

"Mrs Wang, you are an intellectual after all, why are you the same as them? Look at the rice in the car behind me, don't tell me tomorrow, if you buy 200 jin each, I can sell it for next month. Go, where can I sell it?"

"Really, old lady, there is no need!"

"What era is this, I tell you, when I went to the main station to arrange goods today, people didn't even bother to lift their eyelids----the goods people really don't like!"

"That's you. After watching a few videos every day, you feel that there is a shortage of food and food. Where can you go! The price fell in the first two months, and I would lose money as a second-hand dealer. Think about how abundant our food is. Bar!"

What he said was all the actual situation he had experienced, but in the eyes of these people who were queuing for food, it was still not convincing.

Before Mrs. Wang spoke, an old man beside him stepped forward and said:

"Xiao Liu, what you said is wrong! There is no shortage of food now, but what if there is a shortage in the future?"

"If you don't buy it now, you can buy it when you don't have it? Can you still afford it?"

"I've lived my whole life, and I've seen as much in the world as you. Don't fool me. Hurry up and sell it. If it doesn't work, you'll increase the price! It's always right to make money, right?"

The shopkeeper frowned and said with some displeasure:

"Old man Li, you're doing all these useless things every day. Can't you play your chess well? Why are you here to join in the fun? I'm also raising the price. Don't you know that the higher the price, the easier it will lead to panic buying?"

"If the price goes up, then there will be a real shortage of food!"

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