Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 323 Saturation Experiment

Gui Province, yl City Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

In the working area of ​​the ultra-clean inoculation room, two researchers who are wearing full-body protective suits and can't tell the difference between men and women are doing a job that seems to be inferior to this high-end atmosphere.

They are peeling the rice.

In front of the two of them was a bottle of rice seeds that had been carefully selected. These seeds were all plump and huge, with golden color and no mildew on the surface. They belonged to the best rice.

What the two have to do is to manually remove the husks from the hundreds of grains of rice.

This is a tedious and boring job, but their eyes are extremely focused, and there is no extra action except for a few words with each other occasionally.

After peeling until his eyes were sore, one of them said:

"Senior brother, I can't do it anymore. This thing is too eye-catching. How many have you peeled off?"

The senior brother in the female voice glanced at the triangular bottle that was squeezed aside and said:

"169. I'm almost 17 groups, what about you?"

"My group of 12. Hey, my hands are still too raw, I can't peel a grain of rice quickly. Brother, is it still time for us to induce today?"

Induction in the mouth of girls refers to induction of rice callus, which is the first step in the gene editing experiment. Only after the induction is completed, the Agrobacterium that has been transformed into the gene editing vector can be used to infect the callus, thereby Change the traits of rice genes to achieve the purpose of gene editing.

After the callus induction is completed, they will continue to do Agrobacterium activation, expansion culture, infection and co-culture, screening culture, seedling emergence and rooting...

After all these steps are completed, and after one to two weeks of observation, a gene-edited rice plant can be transplanted into the soil, and then observed after maturity.

This is a long process, and although it is not as precise as atomic control as in other physics or chemistry, if there is a problem in any one of the steps, it will bring about the failure of the entire experiment.

The boy put down the rice in his hand, flicked his wrists and moved his neck, and then answered:

"It's three o'clock in the afternoon. We have to do a total of 50 sets of induction. It's definitely too late to rely on the two of us, but Xiao Liu and the others will come over in a while. If you work overtime tonight, you should be able to finish it."

"I'll finish it later, I'll take you to Boss Wang's lychee garden to steal lychees to eat - this time you learn to be smart, don't catch a tree, then the tree is on the roadside, and the tree next to it It's all full of knots, just the bare tree you stole, do you think you will be scolded?"

There was a trace of grievance in the girl's eyes, she mumbled a few words vaguely, and then said:

"Then their lychees are grown for people to eat... It's not an experimental variety, just eat as much as you want..."

"The point is that you stole lychees? What do you mean by recalling Boss Wang's face at that time? Everyone who goes to pick lychees knows what to pick and what about you. What about you? You have finished picking the fruit!"

"...I see, I just think I'm stupid."

"Don't think you are stupid? Well, don't be wronged. People criticize you just to play with you. In what year did we eat half of the lychees in our yard first? Just don't take it to heart."

The girl nodded and replied:

"I didn't take it to heart, I just thought I was stupid..."

As she spoke, she subconsciously raised her hand to rub her eyes, but was stared at by the boy opposite, so she quickly put her hand down.

After a moment's pause, she sighed in her sterile suit and asked:

"Senior brother, do you think our experiment will be successful? Is that a&c-bemax editor reliable?"

Hearing the girl's question, the boy thought for a moment in silence, and then replied:

"I have read the documentation of a&c-bemax, this editor is not the new experimental editor you think that appears every year, it is a complete, experimental data verified and tuned, very stable , in terms of performance and usability, there is no problem with this editor."

"But the problem is that although this editor combines the features of many editors in the world, it is different from all editors, so it takes a lot of time to learn and familiarize yourself with this editor from scratch. ."

"Okay, now the contradiction is coming, we don't have so much time to study. Because according to the above arrangement, this time we are studying the topic of increasing production through krn2 editing, which is used to deal with the grain war in the ugly country. Results must be delivered as quickly as possible.”

"So the difficulty is also obvious, how do we balance speed and accuracy, and how do we ensure that when using this editor, we can achieve success the first time."

"That's the biggest difficulty we're facing right now."

The girl listening opposite nodded thoughtfully, then continued to ask:

"So what's the solution? We can't just play luck, can we?"

The boy smiled lightly and replied:

"Don't say it, it's really a bet on luck. However, the way we bet on luck is a bit special-have you seen Wandering Earth? There is a concept called saturation rescue."

"What we're doing now is a saturation experiment."

"According to the news I received, all agricultural institutes and academies of agricultural sciences in the country that are qualified to conduct gene editing experiments have begun to contact this editor. We are the first batch to use and the first batch to start vaccination. "

"If our experiment fails, there are nearly a hundred chances across the country."

"In these opportunities, even if only one succeeds, even if only one plant is supported, it means that our experiment was successful this time."

"Although it's all luck, we are doing our best to eliminate those uncertainties."

"In a vulgar chicken soup, it's probably that the harder you work, the luckier you get?"

"Hey hey... It seems to be the case. Brother, if our experiment is successful, how much do you expect this new variety of rice to increase in yield?"

"Theoretically, it's around 20% -- it mainly depends on the situation of the final harvest. When the time comes, you should pay attention to it. Go to the fields often, and don't let the birds spoil our experimental fields."

"I know, I know. Senior brother, will you go with me when the time comes?"

"Can I not go with you? If you let a girl go to the fields alone, my spine will be broken."

Hearing the boy's words, there was a hint of sweetness in the girl's eyes, but she was also faintly suspicious and disappointed.

However, this disappointment was quickly diluted by the tedious work that continued. They sat opposite each other in the laboratory and were busy until more than 7 o'clock in the evening when they completed the dehulling of all the seeds.

And after this step, they have no chance to go out to rest.

The longer the seeds are exposed to air, the greater the impact on experimental stability if explant disinfection and inoculation are not done immediately.

But the amount of work that follows is too great, and with the two of them, I'm afraid it won't be able to finish in one night.

----Fortunately, after they operated independently for half an hour, the agreed reinforcements arrived one after another, and the sterile inoculation room immediately became lively. Suddenly, it was 12 o'clock.

After completing the sealing of the last petri dish, everyone walked out of the sterile room together. When they took off their protective clothing and walked into the hall, they saw that the floor in the corner of the hall was full of things.

And Boss Wang, who had previously criticized girls for "not stealing anything," was sitting next to the pile of things, cigarette in his mouth, and looked sleepy.

Seeing everyone coming out, he shook his head and stood up, walked up to the girl and said:

"Come on, don't you like to eat lychees? I'll make you full this time!"



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