Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 324 An Important Phone Call

Experiments across the country were progressing steadily in a tense and orderly atmosphere. After Ye Zhou completed the initial technical answers and guidance, he was finally free to deal with other things.

According to his current working method, as long as the cold start of a technology application project is completed, he can directly hand over the next work to the General Technical Office, and they will complete a series of subsequent arrangements.

This working method is the most efficient working method they have experimented with so far. Although Ye Zhou is still required to output a lot of knowledge and experience in the initial stage, this stage has at least been compressed to a very limited period of time, allowing Ye Zhou to output a lot of knowledge and experience. Zhou could use more energy to pursue other explorations.

And this kind of exploration, in addition to the new simulation, is the Nantianmen project and the six-nosed project that need to be followed up continuously.

According to the current progress, all the basic technologies involved in the Nantianmen project have basically been digested, and the cooperation with the researchers of Xiongguo has also started. In the next step, the project team will enter a long stage of technical verification. A split module is used to separate the technologies to be used in experiments and applications. After the modularized technology verification is completed, the overall verification and trial production will be carried out.

According to several different final products, the modular verification is still carried out according to the sub-items, but there is also intercommunication between the sub-items. For example, the Luanniao project and the Jinwu project both need to solve the problem of high-strength materials, and both the sedan chair and the Jinwu need to be Solve heat problems and more.

In this process, Ye Zhou needs to continuously provide technical support and guidance to the project team, so that they can complete the verification with the highest efficiency----this takes up a lot of his time, but for the Jinwu that the Republic will never fall, Ye Zhou Zhou felt that it was worth it.

The progress of the Six Nose Project is much faster than that of the Nantianmen Project. After all, under the condition of complete theory, if the manufacturing does not involve too many technical black holes, the speed of the gourd drawing can actually be very fast. After the first batch of indium-aluminum arsenide heterostructure materials have been fabricated, this dedicated topological quantum computer has entered the stage of topological phase qubit extraction. As long as this most difficult step is passed, the progress of the entire project will be accelerated.

Ye Zhou replied to the email sent from Kunlun Mountain, rubbed his head, and after confirming that the day's work was completed, he returned to his room and entered the simulator.

This time, the simulation plot he is going to choose is a plot related to high-energy pulsed lasers. According to the comments inside the simulator, this kind of laser technology is also a near-future technology, mainly used for nuclear fusion ignition, but after reverse research and development and technology expansion. , according to its high power and high energy density characteristics, laser pulses can also be used to directly form plasma on the target surface to achieve the effect of ablation damage.

However, in what direction such a laser is realized, Ye Zhou has no information yet.

Only after the simulation is over can we see what happens.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou directly opened the simulation interface and entered the simulation plot.

[Little Sun Phase II Plot Simulation: Aggregation]

After opening his eyes, Ye Zhou found himself in a rubble.

As far as the eye can see, there are broken walls everywhere, and most of the mountains not far away have collapsed, and the vegetation has been completely destroyed. .

This is the scene of a super-large geological disaster.

Ye Zhou looked around, trying to find a place to shelter from the rain in this piece of rubble, but soon he found sadly that not only did he have no shelter from the rain, he didn't even have a place to stand.

The floor he was stepping on was already crumbling, and in order to reach a relatively safe position on the opposite side, he had to climb over two collapsed buildings.

Why are you here?

What is the identity?

The memory flow was slowly entering, Ye Zhou lowered his head to check the equipment in his body, and then unexpectedly found that in this simulation, he was actually an ordinary person.

An ordinary young man in sandal shorts, emaciated and looking like he was over-rewarded.

However, he is a very special person in this ruin.

Because he is still alive and has basic mobility.

Looking around, there are no more than twenty people who can still move on the ruins like him.

Ye Zhou looked at the woman who carefully climbed up the roof along the balcony in the building that had collapsed not far away, and shouted out in a hurry:

"Hey! Don't climb up! Climb down! Climb down!"

He still doesn't know the area he is in, but there are only a few earthquake-prone areas in China, and the earthquake prevention education in these places is also very good. of?

Hearing his voice, the woman opposite answered loudly:

"No signal down there! I need a signal! Friend, do you have a signal over there?"

Ye Zhou was stunned, took out his phone from his trouser pocket and glanced at it, then replied:

"No signal! The base station over there is down, where's the signal? Hurry down! It's too dangerous!"

Judging from the current situation, this earthquake should have occurred not long ago, and now this area may face the impact of aftershocks at any time. If you don't hurry back to the ground, you have to climb higher, which is really fatal.

The woman on the opposite side carefully moved to a raised floor on the roof, then grabbed the exposed steel bars next to it, and stretched out her hand with all her strength, as if trying to find the possible signal.

But as Ye Zhou said, the communication base stations in this entire area have all collapsed, and no matter how hard she tried, it was impossible to find water in a dried-up sea.

After a while, the woman climbed down the floor in disappointment, and then found a relatively stable corner to sit down. She didn't even find a place to hide from the rain. Wet.

Seeing this scene, Ye Zhou instinctively felt the problem, and he asked suspiciously:

"What are you looking for a signal for? Are you trying to contact the relief workers?"

"No! I'm going to contact the Chuanshu Laser Institute to determine what's going on inside them!"

Chuanshu Laser Institute.

With the confluence of the last information flow, Ye Zhou's cognition of this simulation finally became complete.

As he judged, the location where he is now has indeed just experienced a very high-intensity earthquake. This earthquake and the associated geological disasters destroyed a large number of surrounding facilities, including what the woman said, 90 years Chuanshu Laser Research Institute, which was only established but has already made major breakthroughs in the field of lasers.

There must be something to do with the key breakthrough technologies of this simulation, and the goal of this simulation is to keep those technologies.

But the question is, is there no disaster preparedness measures for such an important project in such a disaster-prone place?

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and shouted to the woman:

"Are you saving people or equipment? Does your institute have disaster preparedness? Is there an emergency safe house?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, the woman was stunned for a moment. She probably didn't expect the little boy across from him to be so clear about the internal settings of the research institute. After a pause, she answered:

"There are disaster preparedness, but I want to save people! Talent is the most important thing! There are safe houses in the house, but it must not be able to withstand such an earthquake! I have to try to contact them first, determine their location, and then When rescue comes, we can act as soon as possible!"

Ye Zhou frowned and nodded. He turned and looked behind him. A few hundred meters away from him, a telecommunications tower was still standing crookedly.

If you can reach the signal range of the tower base station, will you be able to contact the laser station?

Ye Zhou looked at the woman again and asked her question aloud, and the latter answered him clearly, as long as the external signal is normal, they can be contacted by all the dedicated lines of the laser.

Hearing this answer, Ye Zhou sighed.

It is definitely not an easy task to reach the distant base station range from his current position.

But at least the goal of this simulation is clear.

He took off the sandals on his feet, placed them neatly on the roof, and then shouted at the woman:

"Tell me the number and I'll call you!"

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