Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 325 Something Big Happened

Ye Zhou is located several hundred meters away from the signal tower. There are several collapsed buildings on the way. The original road has been completely blocked, and the rainwater is accumulated in the closed pool. He had no idea what was going on underwater.

A little carelessness can lead to drowning and injury.

Ye Zhou cautiously climbed down the rubble, and walked steadily towards the signal tower in front of him. Even if he saw someone who was trapped in the rubble begging for help on the road, he could only comfort him by saying, "Hold on, help immediately. coming soon."

But when the rescue will come, in fact, it is only the first time he has entered the simulation and he does not know.

Ye Zhou's body is extremely weak. Because of the lack of long-term exercise, even the quality of ordinary high school students can't reach the quality of ordinary high school students. Even if they can use thinking programming to stimulate their potential, it is still too difficult to cope with this kind of high-intensity trek over mountains and mountains. .

Just after turning over the ruins of the first building, Ye Zhou was so tired that he sat on the ground gasping for breath, and in front of him, there were four such ruins.

He took out his mobile phone, and the signal on the mobile phone was still showing no service, which was a bad sign, because it means that the equipment on the communication tower is likely to be damaged.

If only the line was damaged, it would be fine. After all, Ye Zhou used to be an employee of a telecommunications company.

But if the core equipment such as the antenna rru is broken, there is basically no possibility of recovery without spare parts.

If this is the case, then the only option is to wait for rescue.

Because of the strength of ordinary people, it is basically impossible to enter the ruins of the laser station to rescue.

After a short rest, Ye Zhou stood up and continued to move forward. At this time, there was a pond in front of him. It was almost impossible to get around from the side. He could only try to wading forward.

He stepped into the pond cautiously. In the first half, the water was not deep, just barely over his knees, but when he walked to the middle of the pond, he suddenly stepped on the air, and the whole person was stunned. fell into the water.

Then, a steel bar buried deep in the water slit his thigh, and just a few minutes after landing, he lost too much blood and returned to the void.

[The end of the plot simulation of the second stage of Little Sun]

【Score for this simulation: h】

[Completion: 0.0%]

Looking at the interface of the simulator settlement, Ye Zhou frowned.

It has been a long time since he got a rating like h. As his experience in the simulator becomes more and more rich, often in the first simulation, he will be able to get some clues, so that he can get a relatively not so bad. 's rating.

But this time, the degree of completion is directly 0.

Is it because the plot is too long? Or is my approach wrong in the first place?

Ye Zhou was a little confused.

After entering the simulation again, he still obtained the mobile phone number according to the original plan and went to the communication tower in the distance. This time, he was already prepared, wading through the water pool without any risk, and then moved forward all the way, with almost no physical strength. Reached the communication tower when it was exhausted.

However, just as he expected, the machine room of this iron tower has been completely destroyed, and a series of equipment including generators have been buried. , it is useless to ask for it.

Therefore, the direction choice this time was indeed wrong, and he should not have come to the communication tower from the beginning.

So how do I get in touch with the Laser Institute? ?

Just when Ye Zhou was full of doubts, a slight buzzing sound suddenly sounded above his head.

He looked up and saw a silver-white drone hovering at a low altitude.

Ye Zhou shuddered suddenly. He took out the tightly wrapped mobile phone in a plastic bag, and after frantically opening it, he found that the mobile phone had indeed recovered the signal!

Ye Zhou sighed helplessly, and cursed himself a few words in his heart.

How could there be no official response to such a big geological disaster?

Restoring communication is the most important thing. When manpower cannot enter, is it not a normal operation to send base station drones into the disaster area? ?

Things that have already been experienced in reality have been completely forgotten after entering the simulation.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou continued to reflect on the mistakes he made. Probably every previous simulation he played was the core of the event. He always wanted to use his own strength to change the direction of things, but he ignored it in the process. a little:

Whether it is reality or simulation, it is not just one's own credit to accomplish something.

He shook his head, dispelling some disturbed thoughts, then pressed the dial button and called the Chuanshu Laser Institute.

The phone rang for two full minutes and no one answered. Just when Ye Zhou was about to give up, a crisp sound suddenly came from the receiver, followed by an indistinct human voice.

"Hey! Hey! Can you hear me?"

"We are trapped in the safe house and have no access to the phone. I will report our situation below, please listen carefully!"

"Our current location is the safe house on the southwest side of the underground laboratory of Building No. 2 of the Chuanshu Laser Institute. It is about 3 meters deep from the ground, and the wall thickness is about 1 meter. Now some of the domes have collapsed, and the overall structure is relatively fragile."

"We have a total of six people and are in good physical condition, but one of us is an elderly person who is relatively weak. If possible, please give priority to rescue!"

"At present, we cannot receive mobile phone signals in the area where we are located, but the fixed-line communication is normal. Please find a way to contact us!"

"Our drinking water and food can last up to 7 days, please arrange the delivery of drinking water as soon as possible!"

"Repeat! Our position is..."

Ye Zhou recorded the key points they said on the mobile phone word by word, and at the same time shouted loudly to the other end of the phone, but obviously, the trapped person had a long distance from the phone, and they didn't know how to use it before. It was only after the receiver of the phone was dropped that he answered the call. Although he could hear their shouts, they could not hear their own.

Worse still, the phone couldn't get through until they were rescued.

Mobile communication must be restored first.

The signal of the base station drone is still too weak, the penetration is too poor, and under the ruins with a thickness of dozens of meters or even tens of meters, no signal can be received at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou took out his mobile phone again, entered the key information recorded in the memo into the mobile phone text message, added the sentence [Please transfer to the disaster relief headquarters] at the top, and then sent it with one click, saving the information stored in this mobile phone. Contacts have been sent over and over.

He doesn't know the contact information of the disaster relief headquarters for the time being. Under the current network traffic, it is basically impossible to call the headquarters. Therefore, the best way is to use the help of others.

After the text message was sent, Ye Zhou planned to return to the place to report the situation to the woman, but just after taking two steps, he suddenly felt dizzy.

Then, there was a jolt under his feet.

Aftershocks came.

Ye Zhou stepped on the air, then his eyes went black, and he returned to the air again.

[The end of the plot simulation of the second stage of Little Sun]

【Score for this simulation: e】

[Completion: 4.0%]

【Clue Discovery: Trapped Laser Team】

[Reward (Clue Reward): 10 Energy Points]

Ye Zhou looked at the settlement subtitle and nodded slightly.

This time, the direction is at least correct. If the information can be transmitted smoothly and let the rescuers focus on the organization of rescue, then it should not be difficult to keep the laser experts in these ruins.

After all, judging from the situation in the simulation, their situation is still optimistic, and it is not a problem to persist for 7 days.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou quit the simulator.

Before entering the simulation this time, he had been working for a long time, and now his spirit is extremely exhausted, and it is not suitable for the simulation.

Returning to reality, he searched the Internet for the earthquake that occurred in the simulator, but found no clues.

Maybe not in this time and space?

He frowned and flipped through the page for a while, but finally gave up.

Just when he was about to put down his phone and go to bed, a phone call suddenly woke him up.

It was Chen Hao who called, and his first words were:

"The food shortage in Yindu has begun to cause serious trouble."

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