Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 324 You Can Change Your Name

"What happened? Riot? Coup?"

Ye Zhou asked with a frown.

"No. 90% of the population of Yindu is untouchables. How could they come up and do such absurd things-they are killing each other."

"Cannibalism? What do you mean?"

"In short, a group of untouchables who couldn't buy food began to attack another group of untouchables who bought food in advance. The casualties have been very large - according to official statistics, more than 20 people died in one day today."

"No one cares??"

"What to do? Don't let them fight and set yourself on fire? With the official power of Yindu, if you take action now, the conflict between the civilians will immediately turn into a conflict between the civilians and the government. How will it end when you say it? If the relief does not work, the repression does not work, and when the fire breaks out, the six states in the northeast will also take advantage of the situation to make trouble, so it is not a problem that can be solved by killing a few people.”

Hearing this, Ye Zhou nodded silently.

Yes, in this world, not all countries will give priority to solving the problem of "human beings" when facing a crisis.

For most politicians, they don't care if their people are hungry, they don't care if their clothes are warm, they don't care if they suffer from disease, they don't even care if they're alive.

All they care about is the so-called "public opinion", "approval rate", and interests.

However, if this is really laissez-faire, will the situation really improve spontaneously?

Especially under the control of a certain country on the other side of the sea, can the so-called problem of food shortages and rising prices really be solved through the spontaneous adjustment of the market?

For this, Ye Zhou is very skeptical.

After a moment of silence, he asked:

"Do we have any predictions about the development of the situation on the Yindu side? How will we deal with possible shocks in the future? You know, they are only a mountain away from us. If it is really urgent, there will be an impact from the refugee tide. possible at the border."

"Let me answer your first question first."

Chen Hao sounded the sound of turning pages, and after a pause, he said:

"According to our judgment, the riots in Yindu at this stage are only the first step. At present, it is only a conflict within the lower class, because the resources of the lower class have not been drained."

"In layman's terms, there is still a problem of unequal distribution of resources among the pariahs, so until this problem is resolved, they cannot attack other classes."

"The reason is very simple. The uneven distribution this time is largely caused by random factors. It is possible that some farmers happened to sell food and bought food in advance, so their ability to resist disasters is stronger than others. people."

"However, this resilience has not been translated into their real strength, which means that they do not have enough armed forces to defend the resources they already possess."

"In this case, violence, robbery, and theft are almost inevitable choices."

"There is a saying that is very simple: my neighbors hoard grain and I hoard guns, and the neighbor is my granary. Now, the neighbors who hoard guns have begun to attack the neighbors who hoard food."

"However, the grain will run out one day. One day, people of the same class will find that no matter how much they scavenge, it is impossible to grab a little grain from their neighbors, and their food is still insufficient. , they're still starving."

"At this time, the riots will proceed to the next step, that is to say, begin to transcend one class and move to the next higher class."

"Our prediction is that in the next month, the riots that were first launched in Punjab will start to expand. In terms of depth, the riots within the peasantry will start to spread to the merchants, the petty bourgeoisie, and the To the riots against the big landlords, big capitalists, and even the ruling class; in breadth, it will expand from Punjab to the six northeastern states, and then further expand to the whole country.”

"By that time, this riot caused by a lack of food will lead to a large number of deaths, and a large number of social and economic sectors will be destroyed, and the situation will intensify."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou frowned and asked:

"You mean they're going to start a...revolution that will sweep the country?"

Chen Hao on the other end of the phone smiled and replied:

"We hope so. But unfortunately, this riot lacked strong leadership from beginning to end, and the purpose was too superficial - to put it bluntly, it was just to grab food."

"With such motives, it is difficult to form organized revolutionary action, especially since they are not like us, with high literacy rates and dragon slaying."

"So, this will definitely not be a revolution, no matter how big the scale is, it can't be separated from the essence of the feudal class infighting."

"It's a pity... If they can really overthrow the current ruling system of Yindu, it would be a good thing for us."

Ye Zhou nodded secretly, a ruling system organized by civilians is much more useful than a pro-ugly Brahmin system.

But now from Chen Hao's words, he has a new doubt, that is, what does this have to do with us?

They make their riots, we live our lives, we will neither receive their refugees nor support them with food, what effect will it have on us?

Hearing Ye Zhou's question, Chen Hao explained:

"This comes to your second question, which is, how are we going to deal with this situation."

"Actually, to answer this question, we must first answer another question, that is, how the Yindu officials will respond to this situation."

"When the domestic economy is stagnant, there are famines, and the people continue to rebel, how will they stabilize their rule?"

"I think you should know the answer yourself."

Ye Zhou hummed and replied:

"Castle and water lead to the east."

"Yes, the misfortune will lead to the east."

"From the inside, they have no ability to solve this contradiction at all, so they can only find a way out from the outside. And historical experience tells us that their strategy can often achieve good results."

"Yes, they are beaten by us every time, but this does not affect their boasting of their achievements in the country, which has achieved a placebo effect to a large extent, at least their people really eat this set. ."

"This time around, we think they'll do the same."

Ye Zhou frowned and asked in disbelief:

"Are you sure? After we just pushed back the three major aircraft carrier battle groups?"

"They don't care, they just touch the porcelain. Even if we just blow up the Trisolaran, they will touch it."

"So what's the answer? How do we deal with this situation?"

"It's very simple: hit a punch, so that a hundred punches don't come."

"Want to do it? Let's do it ourselves?"

Having said that, Ye Zhou suddenly had a flash of light.

It is absolutely impossible to do it by hand, but when he was inspecting Shu Fei the day before, he vaguely remembered that he heard a message from the highest level of Shu Fei.

A heavily castrated, foreign trade J-20 called Tenglong seems to be about to be delivered.

And the delivered object....

"I see. Will they do it?"

Chen Hao sighed with relief on the other end of the phone, and then replied:

"There's nothing willing or unwilling. The two of them have been grumbling for a long time. Now that there is such an opportunity, it can almost be said that they want to make a move."

"Also, to tell the truth, their current domestic situation is not good. Various small-scale kb attacks are breaking out everywhere. The domestic pressure is very serious, and there must be a vent."

"And Yindu is their outlet."

"It's a win-win for us and them. It's much better for them to help us defend our defenses than we do it ourselves. At least, we only need to pay, and we don't need dead people."

"Got it. So what's our plan? To what extent?"

Hearing this, Chen Hao's tone became serious.

"First of all, this is not our plan. We just delivered some goods according to the contract. As for the use of these goods, it has nothing to do with us. We don't know, and we don't want to know."

"Secondly, the extent to which it can be achieved is not determined by us, but by both of them. At most, we will persuade them at the meeting."

"Third, it's just my personal opinion. I think it's pointless to engage in territorial conflicts, and they don't have the ability to manage the land there."

"However, it's okay to rush a little deeper and teach a lesson."

"New Delhi hasn't changed its name for a long time. Maybe, it can be changed again."



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