Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 325: The End Of Rex

Yindu, Punjab.

Holding an axe, Rakesh sat behind the gate of his own house, his eyes swept through the crack of the door sharply at the road outside the door, his body tense and his face dripping with sweat.

He finally knew why he bought the axe at the time.

He had almost no longer believed in God, but at the moment when the riot started, he suddenly felt God's care very clearly.

Yes, it was the gods who let him see this axe, and then through some special inspiration, let him buy this axe, and when he was thinking about the purpose of this axe, he also vaguely noticed that it was about to happen. 's crisis.

Once this sense of crisis was established, he began to keep urging him to get ready. For this reason, he strengthened and raised the courtyard wall and built the basement. He taught his wife and daughter how to block the entrance from the basement and how to live in it. until the crisis is over.

Each of these tasks is extremely difficult, but it is precisely because of the belief that the gods gave him that he was able to complete all the preparations within a month before the riot completely broke out.

And now, his preparations are about to come in handy.

Food, finished.

Wheat, sold out.

And money has become worthless.

The price of flour has risen 8 times in just one month, and even the price of potatoes has risen 6 times. At such prices, it is still difficult to buy enough food for a day. .

Where has all the food gone?

This question is the second baffling question that Rakesh has faced in the past two months. The first is who is buying wheat.

However, now he doesn't have so much energy to think about this issue, and all his attention is now on how to protect the safety of himself and his family.

In fact, when he first bought food, he had already vaguely anticipated the current situation, so he did not take the initiative to reveal the fact that he had food at home in front of anyone, and his daily diet was extremely restrained, but even so, still There is no way to stop some gossip from continuing to circulate in the outside world.

At the beginning, he didn't know the reason for the spread of such gossip, but now, he has figured it out.

There is only one reason, that is, he did not go with other people to do those murders and set fires.

Yes, when everyone around you is setting fire to kill a bite, if you don't get involved, chances are you'll be the next to be killed.

For the sake of his wife and daughter, Rakesh had several times summoned the courage to follow behind the crowd to rob other villagers who had stockpiled food, and even got some food at the beginning, but the desperate eyes of those robbed villagers made him completely Unable to eat food calmly.

After the last time he witnessed the crazy villagers not only stole the food, but also raped the other's wife and daughter, and killed her husband and only son in front of his wife and daughter, he could no longer resist the condemnation of his conscience. , finally chose to return to his home, intending to rely on the defenses built before to survive this difficult time.

The potatoes he had snatched from other people's homes had been buried in the soil in his yard at this moment. Maybe in a few months, he would be able to harvest a lot of potatoes, enough to feed everyone in the other's family, but they had already There is no time to wait.

After two major laborers were killed, the only women left were absolutely unable to survive this winter - no, winter was so far away that they couldn't even make it through the next week.

The animalistic desires of those villagers will make them die miserably.

Rakesh hammered his head in pain, the axe in his hand tightened even more, and the daughter behind him patted him on the shoulder lightly. It was this simple action that made him almost jump off the stool.

After calming down, Rakesh asked:

"What's the matter? Didn't I let you stay in the room?"

"I should go to school."

Daughter Geishma looked hesitant.

From her father's mouth, she already knew the danger of the current situation, but she still couldn't resist the urge to go to school.

In the short two weeks of school, she has learned many words and seen many things she has never seen before, and these things can almost be said to have opened a door to a new world for her.

Yes, as my father said, those who have gone to school and those who have not gone to school see things are completely different.

This is the only chance for her, and the family to which she belongs, to change her fate.

She absolutely didn't want such hope to be dashed - even if she knew that if she went out at this time, she probably wouldn't be able to come back.

Hearing Geishma's words, Reksh's expression became even more painful.

He could not comfort his daughter that the chaos would soon pass, because neither he nor Geishma knew that such chaos would never end until the next grain harvest.

After thinking for a moment, he said:

"You can't go to school now. Geishma, I see what you're thinking, but now is not the time."

"You want to go to school, you want to read your books, you want to learn something new, that's fine, but you have to live first."

"The school's guards will not be stronger than our home, but there must be more food in the school than our home, so it's a dangerous place."

"After our neighbors' food has been robbed, they will start to rob the school's food----you know what happened to Omar Uncle's house? They won't let a little girl like you go, do you understand?"

Geishma wanted to say something, but after she opened her mouth, she said nothing.

She just nodded obediently, then turned back to the house, walked to her mother's side and sat down on the floor.

The fire on the humble stove has been raised, and in order to avoid the smell of the food from attracting the hungry villagers outside, from many days ago, they have only eaten potatoes cooked in water - the only seasoning is to put Crushed salt and peppers on a plate.

Even if these foods are placed in the poorest areas of the country, they are indeed not luxury foods, but at this time, a potato, in some extreme scenarios, can even take a life.

The world is like purgatory.

Ricksh was still staring nervously out the door. It was getting dark, and his wife handed him the cooled potatoes on a plate. He devoured one in a few mouthfuls, then shoved the other back into his wife's hand. inside.

"Have another one, you've been sitting all day..."

The wife spoke softly.

Ricksh shook his head and replied:

"No, I can't eat, I have to go out to fetch water tomorrow, I have to make myself look hungry..."

However, before he finished speaking, on the road outside the crack of the door, something suddenly happened that made his pupils suddenly shrink.

A group of people appeared at the end of the road, with machetes and clubs in their hands, and they were huddling toward their homes.

"Go to the basement!"

Ricksh cried anxiously.

Hearing his words, his wife immediately packed up the unfinished food and walked back. Just as she opened the secret door in the basement and was about to go down, Ricksh suddenly stopped her and said:

"Leave that potato and take all your plates!"

At this moment, his mind was unprecedentedly clear, and he had even imagined for a while how he would fabricate a wife and daughter who had been sent away, while he was barely surviving on the food he had robbed before. lie.

After closing the secret door in the basement, he swiftly made a final cover with soil, then sat outside the house, leaning against the wall, and began to taste the remaining potato carefully.

This potato will be part of his plan.

After half of the meal, there was already the noise of the crowd outside the door. His palms were slightly sweaty, but his limp sitting posture did not change at all.

One minute.

He heard the knock on the door of the neighbor's house, the cry of children, the screams of women, and the dull sound of sticks hitting people.

For five minutes, the looting crowd erupted in cheers, followed by cursing.

10 minutes later, chaotic voices approached his door again.

Then, the courtyard door, which was not strong at all, was kicked open by someone!



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