Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 328 The Price That Others Can't Afford

In fact, although the man in the tunic suit said it resolutely, it is not so easy to completely eliminate the influence of the four major grain merchants in China.

Since the grain company headed by Cargill entered Huaxia in the 1990s, these national grain giants have been operating in Huaxia for 32 years, setting up hundreds of subsidiaries, and mastering the entire process from raw material planting and production to final product distribution. industrial chain.

For a certain period of time, it is not an exaggeration to say that the four major grain merchants controlled the dining table of Huaxia people, because those products that we are familiar with, including Arowana and Luhua, have the shadow of their holdings behind them.

Even the adm company with the widest business scope, the annual oil crushing capacity of all the subordinate companies under their control reaches more than 10 million tons, the annual oil refining capacity is more than 3 million tons, and the export volume of soybean meal, the by-product of oil pressing, reaches 70% of the national total.

Therefore, in general, the penetration of the four major grain merchants into Huaxia is much deeper than that seen by ordinary consumers, but it is only because the three giants of China Grain, COFCO and Hualiang support The last line of defense did not let the entire grain market of China fall into the hands of the opponent.

In recent years, under the strategy of taking COFCO as the face and China Grain Reserve as the core, Huaxia Grain Enterprises has gradually started to counterattack the grain market, and has gradually gained influence in the most difficult terminal market, especially in the new batch of young people. After the influx of blood, COFCO, with its strategy of starting from small to large and starting from the most segmented snack market, actually has a sense of presence.

However, such progress is still a bit too weak compared to the entrenched forces of the four major grain merchants in the country.

To completely shake the foundation of the four major grain merchants and expel them from the core interest circle of this market, what needs to be done is far more than just a terminal.

Instead, from the production of raw materials, to transportation, storage, processing, distribution, and even financing, investment... All upstream and downstream industries must cooperate and work together to achieve the ultimate goal.

This task is extremely arduous and can never be accomplished overnight. Therefore, the decision-makers represented by the men in Chinese tunic suits did not put forward too lofty goals. The core nodes of the entire control system are removed, and then the power of grain storage is implanted in these nodes, and their entire system is disintegrated step by step.

To do this, it is obviously impossible to use what some radical netizens call home raids, because this kind of behavior that directly interferes with the operation of the market through administrative means on the premise that the other party does not violate the bottom line of the law is likely to destroy the entire business. The balance of the environment, in the end, the gains outweigh the losses.

It is impossible for any rational decision maker to do so unless it is the last step of life and death.

However, of course, this does not mean that there is no way for the government to take these enterprises. As Secretary Qin said, the follow-up strategies have all been arranged, but it will take some time...


Just as Huaxia officials were nervously making arrangements to deal with the next impact, and looking for opportunities in the impact, the four major grain merchants also began to fully launch their offensive in the field of public opinion.

As the most important part of the food battle, inciting panic is often the most effective means of causing a stampede collapse.

It is impossible for the public to know how much food the country has, and it is difficult to believe the cold figures in the official data. What they have seen are only some vivid cases, or the behavior of people who are familiar with them and start to grab food.

For example, when they see the poor people in Yindu starve to death, while lamenting the miserable life of the other party, they will also consider what they should do to avoid such an outcome; for example, they see people in the supermarket buying rice from carts and carts. When they are in the market, they will subconsciously throw a few bags of bread into their shopping carts; for another example, when they see the skyrocketing international food prices, they will also involuntarily worry about when such price increases will be transmitted to At home, how long can I live with my salary at such a price increase.

Based on this principle, the four experienced grain merchants started their offensive early, and batches of news were released, and the hot list on the online platform began to be gradually swept by grain-related news.

"There is a food crisis in Yindu, and the price of wheat has skyrocketed eightfold. Where do the people at the bottom go?"

"The general rise in global food prices is caused by climate factors or market factors?"

"The Chinese wheat virus is raging, and experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences responded to the expected production reduction."

"Shencheng Supermarket is rushing to buy, and an expert responded: There is enough food to eat, so there is no need to rush."

"Destroyed seedlings for feed? The wheat gap may further expand."


These messages follow the principle of nine truths and one falsehood. Often a lot of objective content is mixed with one or two pieces of content that are intended to incite emotions, and this piece of content has the largest amount of traffic in their exposure weight. Therefore, the discussion on food security on the Internet has become more and more heated.

"Isn't there a real shortage of grain? China Grain just said that it will release 100 million tons of grain, why does it feel like it's running out of food all of a sudden?"

"Upstairs, do you believe it if you say 100 million tons? Fire Dragon Burning Warehouse to understand? According to their urine quality, if they put 100 million tons, it would be good to release 10 million tons. Hurry up and buy them later. Can't buy it."

"Hehe, I caught the 500,000 people upstairs alive. I forgot about the storage of grain that beat up your Cargill master in the middle of the year? Did the fire dragon burn the warehouse? Let me tell you, the grain released now is indeed limited, and most of it is eaten by large traders. so the tension in the retail market has not eased for the time being.”

"However, a trader's wallet is limited, and a rabbit's pocket is unlimited. Just wait patiently. When these two or five boys' stomachs burst, it's time for them to cry."

"What the above said makes sense, I believe in the country. But, it's not wrong for me to stock up on a little grain, right? I don't buy too much, just buy a month's worth of rice, flour and oil."

"One month doesn't count as hoarding food. I have hoarded it for 3 months anyway. This number is more appropriate. You can decide for yourself."

"Then I will also stock up for three months. Brother Meng, do you have a group purchase link? Come one."


Ye Zhou sat in the office and swiped the comments of netizens, frowned and looked at Chen Hao opposite, and asked:

"Why don't you feel that the effect of this release is not particularly obvious? It's only been a few days since the rush to buy, which has just been suppressed, and it's starting to show signs of rising again. Is there really not enough released?"

Chen Hao nodded slightly and replied:

"There are two reasons. First of all, the first one is that there must be a process for releasing and storing. It is said that it is 100 million yuan. In fact, the main grains that have actually been put on the market now add up to less than 10 million tons. A lot of it was eaten by the big traders and didn't really flow into the market."

"The second reason is that this time our opponents are more determined than any previous ones. We now basically confirm that their actions this time are not just actions of the four major grain merchants, but are led by the officials of the ugly country, with the help of the four major grain merchants. A full-scale attack on the platform of the big grain merchants."

"So, the amount of funds they mobilized in this operation is huge, and the foodies are also determined to eat. It is normal that we will not be able to achieve results in the short term."

"This stalemate will gradually be broken as the stockpiling continues. At that time, either we will blow them up, or they will eat us short."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, then asked worriedly:

"...According to the amount of funds, there is a high probability that they will be short of us, right?"

"Normally, of course, this is the case, but we must first determine a principle: Even the core management of the four major grain companies is not completely in line with the ugly country."

"All their actions are driven by profit, and when they clearly see unprofitable expectations, they will immediately stop."

"Historically, the reason we won the grain battle was not really to use up their liquidity by the grain released, but to send a signal through such actions that no matter how much you eat, we accompany them to the end.”

"When such signals are validated, it is time for them to retreat."

Ye Zhou's brows were still furrowed, and after a pause, he continued to ask:

"But, this time, like you said, they are well-funded, so the threshold for losses that can be tolerated is also raised -- can we hold out until then?"

Chen Hao smiled and replied:

"On our own, it may be difficult to persist until then, but don't forget, we still have some close partners."

"You said Xiong Da? Their wheat is not only sold to our family, but it is not enough for us, right?"

Chen Hao shook his head and replied:

"Of course they didn't just sell to our family when others were bidding more."

"But what if we offer one that no one else can afford?"

"For example, through gene editing, wheat yield technology."

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