Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 329 Cofco's Dimensionality Reduction Strike

"Produce production technology for Xiong Da?"

Ye Zhou frowned, and seemed to understand a deeper meaning from Chen Hao's words.

As he has judged before, there is no major gap in the world's food supply at present. The artificial gap is either hoarded by traders or panic-buying.

The former is easy to operate, but the amount of funds is limited, and the gaps that can be created are also limited, while the latter is difficult to operate, but once it is thoroughly instigated, the effect it can cause is extremely terrifying.

Therefore, what Rabbit really needs to solve is not only the problem of the four major grain merchants hoarding goods, but also to properly deal with the panic they can incite.

The purpose of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences' urgent project to launch gene editing technology is this. They don't really need to use this technology to grow a lot of rice within this year, as long as they can prove that "we can grow it" through strong evidence, it is enough.

And going a step further, what if more than just rabbits could be grown?

If the bear is big, can it be planted?

What if all the countries on the rabbit's side could grow it?

Clearly, then, the fear of so-called "famine" will become a joke.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou let out a long sigh of relief.

What this rabbit sees is always going to go further than the reality requires.

Huaxia is not only to resist, but to counterattack.

The opponents they are targeting are not only the four major grain merchants, but also... seed companies.

This is a chess piece based on the global grain market. After this chess piece falls, there will be one after another killing move.

After a pause, he asked:

"This should be a relatively backward strategy, now? What are we mainly doing now?"


Chen Hao thought for a few seconds, and then replied:

"Catch smuggling, catch rumors, and prepare emergency resources."

"Emergency delivery of staple food?---- Does COFCO want to directly capture the terminal market?"

"Yes. They have to seize this opportunity to change the production model of grain and oil from the source. You can probably guess where this opportunity came from?"

Ye Zhou nodded and sighed with emotion.

The modern market economy is indeed a miraculous thing. Two seemingly unrelated things are actually linked at this moment.

And the core node of this connection is polypropylene.


Taizhou, Shenkai Packaging Factory.

Liu Yuan, the factory director, was in a state of anxiety, inspecting the production line of the factory, with a nervous expression on his face, but also a vague expectation.

He has been sleeping for less than 4 hours a day for a full two weeks, but this kind of busyness has not made him feel tired. Instead, the energy in his body is endless like a chicken blood.

His factory has just received a large order for the production of food-grade packaging bags, and the order quantity is 100 million.

100 million food packaging bags with a length of 40 cm, a width of 30 cm and a volume of 25 liters.

A few months ago, when this order first appeared on the market, hundreds of plastic product manufacturers in Taizhou immediately rushed forward like sharks smelling blood, and his Shenkai packaging factory was one of them.

Compared with other manufacturers in the plastic kingdom of Taizhou, his factory is not superior in scale and technology, but his foresight far exceeds that of the heads of other manufacturers, because he is keenly aware of the basic logic.

The person who placed the order is COFCO. The purpose of the packaging bag is to commercialize all staple food products. Therefore, in order to obtain this order, he has to guarantee only two points:

Safe and cheap.

In terms of safety, it is not difficult to ensure safety as long as the raw materials reach food grade and the production process is controlled to a certain extent, so the core of competition is price.

However, it is not easy to fight a price war with peers in an already extremely mature industry.

In the bidding stage, many peers set a unit price that is almost the same as the cost. If they produce at this unit price, it is almost impossible for manufacturers to make money.

After the results of the first round of bidding were announced, hundreds of manufacturers dropped out of 90% in an instant. None of them were able to further reduce costs, so they did not plan to do such a large-scale project that was almost destined to lose money.

But Liu Yuan did not quit because he saw an opportunity from public news reports.

Domestic sulfur-silicon batteries are being rolled out on a large scale, the traditional energy market has been severely impacted, and international crude oil prices have plummeted.

Although in a short period of time, with the joint efforts of all parties, the price of crude oil has risen to a stable price, but Liu Yuan knows that this price is absolutely fake.

The demand for oil has been substantially reduced.

So he quickly deduced that since crude oil is in severe oversupply and the price of international crude oil remains stable, it must be other manufactured products related to crude oil that will fall.

Polypropylene, the most important item in petroleum products and a key raw material for plastics, must fall in price.

And, whenever it starts to fall, it must be a plunge.

Therefore, based on his own understanding, Liu Yuan made an offer that shocked everyone in the second round of bidding, and directly cut half of the lowest bid in the first round.

Everyone thought he was crazy, but only he knew it was going to be a big gamble.

If the sulfur-silicon battery is really as strong as the news says, and if the country can really end the traditional fossil energy hegemony with new energy, then this decision he made will become a classic battle in the annals of business history.

But if the sulfur-silicon battery and new energy fail, it will also be in a doomed situation.

---- The results are obvious.

In those very ordinary and indifferent days when he had no idea what was going on, the price of polypropylene suddenly began to plummet.

In the following week, polypropylene prices fell to an all-time low, just 15% of their pre-collapse levels.

The price he offered not only did not make him lose money, but he even made a profit—a big profit!

As a result, his factory, which is not too large, took on this task that might be decisive for the food security of the whole China. In order to complete this task, he directly gave all the overtime workers out Four times the overtime salary, and even the canteen has started to operate 24 hours a day, just to complete the order before the agreed deadline in the contract and get the large amount of early performance bonus provided by COFCO.

Liu Yuan toured the production line, recorded several key points with low efficiency with a pen, turned around and left the production line and walked towards the cafeteria, ready to eat his first meal of the day.

There were already a lot of shift-shifting employees in the cafeteria. He chose a table at random and sat down. Because it was a family-style management, the relationship between him and the employees was not too unfamiliar. When he came over, the employees did not Restrained, after simply saying hello, they continued to chat on the original topic.

"...That's why I said that the country must be huge this time. Think about it, 100 million packaging bags, each carrying 40 catties of grain, how many tons does that count? 20 million tons?"

"Two million tons."

"Yes, two million tons. This is just the first batch of orders. I heard that other manufacturers have also received orders, and their quantities are not small. Boss, is this news correct?"

Liu Yuan nodded and replied:

"That's right, Hongyuan and Xinxin also got orders, no less than us."

"That's right! So the current situation is that the state will directly attack those grain compradors."

"What does it mean?"

Hearing the workers' words, Liu Yuan asked with some doubts.

He himself didn't know much about grain, so he couldn't make any connection between the so-called "packaging bags" and "compradors" for the time being.

The worker put down his chopsticks, coughed and said:

"First of all, we have to solve a problem, what is the difference between us consumers buying grain and compradors buying grain?"

"Is it the difference in the size of purchases?"

"That's right! When we buy grain, it's a lot to buy dozens or hundreds of kilograms at a time, but what about the comprador? What they buy at one time is not calculated by kilograms, but tens of thousands of tons!"

"You've seen the news recently. This time, the country said that 100 million tons of staple food will be put in, and it has already started to put in. But has there been more grain in our market? No? What's the reason?"

"It's very simple, most of the food was eaten by these compradors. After they ate it, they didn't really put it into the market, but hoarded it in their own hands and sold it at a price!"

"Such a result is terrible. If the state wants to release food to save the market, it must first satisfy the appetite of the compradors, and the efficiency of saving the market will be greatly reduced."

"So, COFCO is going the other way -- that's what we're doing now."

"They are going to pack all the grain to be put into small bags, and then put it directly into the terminal market through the channels that COFCO has already had before!"

"Put it in supermarkets, grain and oil stores, and the canteen downstairs in your house!"

"In this case, it's impossible for the comprador to find another opportunity to stock up on food—unless they go to the supermarket to scan the goods in person."

"If compradors really did this, it would be more than enough to convict them of disrupting the market."

"So this wave is a reappearance of history. In the soybean oil battle, the country actually used this hand, but the scale is much smaller than this time."

Listening to the explanation of the finisher, Liu Yuan nodded in conviction and said approvingly:

"Three people must have my teacher, Xiao He, you know a lot."

Xiao He smiled embarrassedly and replied:

"I just read some interpretations, and it's not a difficult thing to understand."

"You are humble, it's good to think of this step. But I still have a question. It's not easy to put such a huge amount of small packaged food on the terminal market, right?"

A proud smile appeared on Xiao He's face, and then he answered:

"It may not be easy for other countries."

"However, we have Hualiang Logistics and Huaxia Post."



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