Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 330 Fight Against Smuggling

Chapter two

While Shenkai Packaging was nervously advancing the order task issued by COFCO, a tense battle was about to start in the border of Yunnan Province, which is thousands of kilometers away.

The leader of the team was an old narcotics fighter named Zheng Zhen. He walked in the jungle on the border with ease, and the heavy equipment on his body did not slow him down at all.

Such ease is not only the result of long-term training, but more importantly, he and his team members have a set of mechanical exoskeletons that have been simplified and surrounded by a design that is more suitable for combat in the complex terrain of the jungle.

"Peach, check communication, calibrate gps data, transmit location data."

"Received. The communication is normal, the GPS data is normal, and the location data has been transmitted. It is 600 meters away from the scheduled ambush location. It is expected to arrive in 10 minutes."

"So soon? How long have we been gone?"

"It's been almost an hour, twice as fast as usual. Captain, this thing works really well, can we not return it?"

"Return your head, this was originally sent to us..."

Zheng Zhen's expression was a little surprised. He subconsciously raised his hand to look at his watch, and immediately realized that the information he wanted had been integrated into the helmet he was wearing now.

Not only the time, but also the route forward, the miniature map, the relative position of each team member and the status indicated by different colors were displayed on it, and almost all the combat information he needed was presented in front of his eyes.

In the words of one of his team members, wearing this exoskeleton system is like entering a simulation game - it would be better if there was a display of the number of bullets.

Zheng Zhen scoffed at the idea of ​​greed and insufficiency. He was more concerned with the target recognition function than any bells and whistles.

This infrared and lidar-based technology is said to be able to directly mark non-ourgoal targets lurking in the jungle, making tracking and finding enemies extremely simple.

When he put on the helmet for the first time for the test, Zheng Zhen really felt that he had entered a certain sci-fi world, but looking at the experts on the side with expressions like "we are too lazy to study this outdated technology", he had no choice but to press After the excitement in his heart, he pretended to be reserved and said:

"Well, it's really okay."

But now, there are no more annoying experts around him, and what they are about to meet is a real battle.

A battle against large-scale smuggling takes place in this border region almost every day.

This time they have to deal with a group of organized armed gangs that they have been following for several months. This group of people has been active on the border since the beginning of the year. They have had several indirect conflicts with them. After several intelligence officers, the information on this large-scale transaction was finally confirmed.

And this time, they plan to kill them all.

After shaking his head gently to get rid of the slightly chaotic thoughts in his mind, Zheng Zhen gave an order to sneak forward in a low profile. Their speed immediately dropped, but only 20 minutes later, they still climbed a mountain and reached A lurking spot at the commanding heights.

Such speed was unimaginable when they were wearing rudimentary body armor and broken combat boots.

After unfolding according to the battle formation, Zheng Zhen operated the headset interface through the mechanical knob on the side of the helmet, and called up the map of the predetermined combat area. After making final adjustments to the battle positions of all personnel, he issued the order to hide and wait for battle.

Two hours later, the target they were waiting for had not yet arrived. Taozi, who was not far from him, quietly touched the communication button and asked:

"Captain, it's been 15 minutes beyond the scheduled time. Do you want to let the drone fly from the rear and take a picture of the situation on the route?"

Zheng Zhen frowned and pondered for a moment, then answered:

"No, wait a minute. Flying a drone at this time is too risky, and it's easy to startle the snake."

"But they came a little too slowly, could something be wrong on the road ahead?"

"It shouldn't be. This time they have a large volume of goods, and in addition to the precious metals and cash used for trading, there are dozens of workhorses transporting flour. It is normal to be slow."

"Flour?? What's the situation? Are they not sick? Taking such a big risk to ship flour abroad?"

Looking at Tao Zi's shocked expression under the mask not far away, Zheng Zhen replied:

"Now the international price of wheat and flour is more than four times the domestic price, and smuggling flour is normal. Moreover, this time they are just exploring the road. If this road works, they will establish a long-term road on the border. smuggling channel.”

"At that time, it won't be a dozen or so tons. Combined with the transportation of livestock and vehicles, it is very easy to pour dozens of tons to hundreds of tons a day. With an income of nearly one million, the risk is smaller than that of drug trafficking. Who doesn't want to do it? "

"I remember we fought once in 11 or 12 years, but it was soybeans and soybean oil. Later, we also caught smuggled low-quality rice and frozen meat from local farmers. , are not as large as this time.”

After listening to Zheng Zhen's explanation, Taozi nodded slightly, and then continued to ask:

"Captain, is the enemy news this time accurate?"

"It's not necessarily accurate, but with our current equipment, let alone drug dealers, a company-level unit of the regular army might not be able to do us well... Don't talk, come."

Everyone was immediately refreshed, and after waiting for a while, a long team of horses appeared in their sight.

This horse team shuttled through the dense forest. The personnel were wearing uneven ordinary clothes. The number was close to 80. Only a few were armed, and they did not seem to be threatening.

But on the opposite side of the Colts, the group of people who came to trade with them was completely different.

There are about 60 people, at least 40 of them are carrying automatic weapons. Although the remaining people are not obviously armed, they don't need to ask to know that those who can walk on this road are definitely extremely dangerous roles.

"Captain, the size of the enemy is a bit larger than we expected."

Zheng Zhen nodded slightly. When the information he received earlier, the size of the team transported from the country to the outside world this time was basically accurate, but the number of militants who came to trade far exceeded expectations.

The 40 people who were fully armed and had a small amount of heavy weapons, plus the scattered armed elements in the horse team, seemed to have the upper hand in terms of momentum compared to their own team of 15 people.

However, Zheng Zhen didn't hesitate. He didn't plan to give the other party a chance to disperse their vigilance, because once the other party dispersed, it would not be so easy to arrest them one by one.

"Prepare for battle. The opponent's firepower is too strong, don't think about catching them alive, and destroy them as much as possible. Old pig, take aim, and shoot them first!"

Not far away, the man named Old Pig took a recoilless gun from the hanger behind him, aimed at the area where the militants gathered, and pulled the trigger without hesitation!

The shells dragged white smoke trails straight away, followed by a violent explosion. Everyone below was stunned by the explosion for a few seconds. During the few seconds, Zheng Zhen's team had passed an extremely A cold but efficient approach amplifies the results.

It's really like playing a game.

This absurd thought flashed through Zheng Zhen's mind inexplicably. He knew that he was in danger, and that as long as there was a chance, the outlaws on the opposite side would pick up their guns and fight back, and their guns shot out of their chambers. The large caliber bullets are absolutely lethal.

However, he had a vague feeling that in this battle, the opponent might not be able to find an opportunity to fight back.

Because the speed of their own harvest is too fast.

The 15-person firepower network, under the joint blessing of individual fire control radar and infrared portrait recognition, attack data link, and target priority configuration system, has exerted extremely terrifying firepower.

Compared with their previous combat methods, the most obvious change is that in the battle that has lasted for 30 seconds, no two team members have shot at the same target.

The utilization rate of firepower has reached the extreme under the guidance of the intelligent system of this exoskeleton.

A minute later, the militants nearly 300 meters below launched the first counterattack, but at this time their loss of personnel was close to 80%, and only after firing less than one magazine of bullets, the gunshots were completely silent.

The unarmed people stared at this scene in jaw-dropping, the only option they could do was to get on the ground and put their hands on their heads.

Two minutes later, the last militant fleeing was bitten by a low-altitude drone, and then the data link system exposed his location, and a large-caliber sniper bullet crossed a distance of several hundred meters and knocked him down from behind.

All the lurking team members stood up cautiously. After the last search and exclusion, they formed a small circle and gathered all the remaining smugglers together.

Zheng Zhen looked at the heavy weapons that fell to the ground before they had time to fire, and then lifted off the huge amount of drugs that the other party brought from abroad with his hands, and then looked at the bags of flour on the pack horse on the other side. , with a complicated look on his face.


A total of 1.7 tons of drugs and nearly 15 tons of flour were seized in this battle in the borderlands of Yunnan Province. The former amount is enough to shock the whole country, but the latter is only a small number in the repeated smuggling activities throughout the country.

Huaxia officials severely cracked down on smuggling activities, and reported the results of each crackdown on the news, but what everyone did not expect was that after the announcement of this crackdown in Yunnan Province, it caused unexpected events that everyone did not expect. Violent reaction.

In the news on the Internet, this time it was originally a special operation against drug trafficking, but it was actually labeled as combating food smuggling.

"In order to combat food smuggling, the Huaxia border troops killed dozens of smugglers."

"Massacre or justice? The truth behind the bloody border battle."

"Going too far? Instead of taking international responsibilities, the export of grain is banned. What is the demeanor of a big country?"

"Tragedy! Two hundred catties of flour were smuggled per capita, but they were all killed on the spot!"


Under such wave after wave of public opinion offensive, the international pressure faced by Huaxia has suddenly increased!



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