Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 331 A Realistic Play

Dian Province, Tengchong, Lisu people in Dabian Village.

This is a small village with a population of less than 100 households. It is located on the border of China and Myanmar. The villagers live scattered on the hillside and make a living by hunting and planting.

Due to inconvenient transportation, backward infrastructure, low education level and other reasons, the economic situation of this village is extremely poor, and it can even be regarded as one of the most impoverished areas in China. Something with moving wheels - whether it's a bicycle or a motorcycle.

But today, several beasts broke into the village.

Four-wheeled, bulky, hardcore off-roader full of the power of modern machinery.

The bodies of these off-road vehicles were covered with mud and there were signs of wading on the front covers, and it was obvious that they had made a lot of effort to reach this remote village.

But for the people in the car, the effort is worth it.

Because of what they are about to do, it is likely to change the pattern of the world - at least in their own eyes.

A woman wearing sunglasses and delicate makeup stepped out of the car. She first took the tissue handed by her assistant and gently wiped the sweat off her face, then looked around, nodded in satisfaction and asked:

"Is the machinery ready?"

"Sister Shao Ji, you're ready, you can shoot at any time."

The assistant on the side answered and threw the tissue on the ground, and the young children who looked at them curiously not far away also turned to the lipstick-stained toilet paper on the ground.

They don't understand what lipstick is, and naturally they don't understand where the color on the white paper comes from.

Shao Ji noticed the sight of the children in the distance, and the expression on her face immediately became gentle. She squatted down slightly, stretched out her hand and shouted to the children:

"Children, come here, my sister will give you candy."

The suspicious eyes of the children swept over her, and then they noticed the various filming equipment that had been removed from the car. After a brief hesitation, everyone dispersed.

In their cognition, as long as strange things are dangerous, and this woman has brought so many strange things, then her danger is self-evident.

Seeing this scene, Shao Ji shook his head helplessly, then stood up again and asked:

"Are the actors ready? If they are ready, let them go for a walk in the village first, learn the behavior of these villagers, and chat with the villagers, including the small details of speech, so as not to be seen by others flaw."

"To perform a play well, it is not enough to have no problem with the language. What we want is a 100% re-enactment, just as if they were villagers!"

Hearing this, the assistant on the side quickly replied:

"Don't worry, Sister Shao Ji, we have already done these preparations several days in advance, and the venue has been rented. Just wait for you to come over today to finish the filming, and you can submit it after post-processing."

"That's good. You guys are quite professional. I'm afraid of dealing with unprofessional people. If you don't act well, you'll be troublesome. Okay, now give me makeup."

"Okay, Sister Shao Ji, you sit down first, and I'll call the makeup artist right away."

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