Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 340 Invisible Confrontation

srbija, Belgrade, Friendship Monument.

La Zirou came here again, just as Fu Yuan told her, this monument has not been forgotten.

There were flowers in front of the monument, and the number was even greater than that of the anniversary, and there was an endless stream of people who came to pay their respects, all with heavy expressions on their faces.

This kind of heaviness is not caused by the recent increase in food prices. Although they are optimistic by nature, their lives have been extremely difficult, but after witnessing the huge air force flying over the capital, everyone is full of the future again. hope.

Their weight is due to a piece of news that has been widely circulated in the international media.

The Truman aircraft carrier formation in the Mediterranean Sea has started a comprehensive reconnaissance of srbija two days ago. Among them, the sr-71 reconnaissance plane has completed more than ten sorties of approaching reconnaissance, and the air defense system of srbija and the vicinity of the capital has been comprehensive. exposed to the opponent's sight.

What is even more disturbing to the public is that, judging from the signals released in the reports, the operation of the ugly country this time is not just as simple as reconnaissance. Above his head, it is possible to drop that deadly missile from a height of 10,000 meters at any time.

It reminded them of the bitter memory of that 20 years ago.

On March 24, 1999, without any UN approval, Javier, then the Secretary-General of the Hundred Years, announced that he would launch an air strike code-named "Allied Forces" against Yugoslavia at the time.

In the next 78 days, yugoslavia was indiscriminately bombed by the world's most powerful military alliance. 13 of the 19 member states participated in the air strikes, and the remaining 6 countries participated in the logistics support throughout the process.

That air strike killed more than 2,500 people in Yugoslavia and displaced nearly 1 million people. Milica, a 3-year-old girl from Belgrade, was killed by shrapnel, revealing the crimes of about a hundred people with blood.

Her monument is still known as the "Land of Sorrows".

What is even more outrageous is that in this bombing, the other party used 31,000 depleted uranium bombs, which led to a surge in the incidence of cancer and leukemia in the bombing area, and had a long-term catastrophic impact on the ecological environment of the local area and even the whole of Europe.

In addition, those sub-munitions that have been banned and cause great harm to civilians, not to mention.

On the outskirts of Belgrade, sub-munitions that fell and did not explode can still occasionally be found.

And the organization that committed these crimes, their reason is to solve the so-called "humanitarian crisis".

Humanitarian crisis?

What else could be more like a humanitarian crisis than bombing civilians and non-military units?

The answer couldn't be more obvious, but the people here can't argue.

At that time, there were not many countries that firmly stood on the side of yugoslavia, and Huaxia was one of them, and it was this support that made those inhuman enemies commit crimes against Huaxia.

On May 7, 1999, the Huaxia embassy in Yugoslavia was bombed, three journalists were killed, and more than 20 staff were injured. Among them, the youngest martyr, Zhu Ying, who was only 28 years old at the time, and Xu Xinghucai who also died. Just got married not long ago.

Before she set off, she had said that she would be a peace messenger, but those saviours who were sanctimonious cruelly took the life of the peace messengers.

This is a blood debt, a blood debt that cannot be repaid.

And the creators of this blood debt, in order to regain their hegemony in the world, are eager to create another blood debt.

How will they end this time?

La Zirou didn't know the answer. After she put down the flowers in her hand, she gently wiped the dust from the monument, then stood up and planned to return to the representative office to continue her unfinished work.

However, when she was about to leave, a local man beside her pulled her sleeve.

La Zirou turned to him suspiciously, and before she could speak, she spoke to the convenience first:

"Miss, are you a reporter here?"

La Zirou was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly and replied:

"Yes, I work here—do you have anything to do?"

There was a bit of joy on the other party's face. He hesitated to organize the language for a while, and then said:

"My name is Tomislav, I'm a waiter in the restaurant - you probably don't remember me, I work in the restaurant across the river - I've seen you many times!"

"It's like this, you know, the food supply in Belgrade is very tight recently, and our restaurant is almost closed, so I'm free."

"I saw you coming today with flowers in your hand. I guessed that you were coming here, so I rushed over."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not a crazy suitor... Of course, everyone likes a beautiful lady like you, but I'm not looking for you today for this."

"There are too many people here... If it is convenient for you, can you come over with me? I have something to tell you."

La Zirou hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

She could probably guess what the other person wanted to say.

There was a shortage of food, the restaurant was closed, and his representative office purchased a large amount of food in advance. He probably knew about this, and wanted to discuss with the representative office by himself to provide them with some food from the representative office.

This is not an excessive requirement. According to the plan, the representative office planned to distribute some food to the public in an emergency, but it was not up to them to decide how to distribute it.

But since the other party had already brought it up, she felt that she should at least listen to it.

After following the man to the corner of the street, the man did not speak immediately. Instead, he got into the alley and dragged a bag from a hidden corner. La Zirou looked at his movements in surprise and couldn't help but speak. asked:

"What is this?"

The man smiled embarrassedly and replied:

"Mi, this is Mi, miss."

"You know, we locals don't eat rice very much, but occasionally dishes are made with rice, so our restaurant also buys some."

"Today we found this bag of rice when we were counting food. We were going to divide it up, but my boss said that you Chinese people like this more, so he assigned me to give it to you."

"I originally planned to send it directly to your representative office, but I happened to see you passing by, so I followed, but I didn't expect it to make things more troublesome... Please forgive me, miss, I I don't know what I'm thinking, sometimes my brain just doesn't work..."

"However, I will deliver this bag of rice in a while, but when I saw you, I couldn't help but want to tell you the news first..."

Hearing the man's stammering words, La Zirou's heart surged with mixed emotions.

Feeling emotional, but also a bit funny at the same time.

After a pause, she smiled and replied:

"We have received your wishes, but we can't accept these foods... You also know that the food supply in Belgrade has been very tight recently, and it is likely that in a few days, there will be no food available on the market at all. ."

"For you, rice is not delicious, but it is food after all. Keep it, you can rest assured that our food reserves are still sufficient. We will even distribute food to residents in the future, so don't worry about us."

There was a look of disappointment on the man's face, but after a while, he laughed again.

"Since you say so, then I will listen to you. By the way, I want to thank you on behalf of our compatriots. I saw Huaxia's planes landed. Those planes are really big... I took a picture, would you like to take a look?"

After seeing La Zirou nodding, the man excitedly took out his phone from his phone, unlocked the screen and said:

"I posted the photo on my tk, I made a short video, and a lot of people liked me.... Wait a minute, there seems to be a problem with the network here... "

La Zirou curiously leaned over to look at the man's phone screen, but after a look, she found something strange.

The signal on the man's mobile phone showed that it was changing irregularly.

The signal from full grid instantly becomes 0 grid, and then back to full grid again.

It's as if....something is interfering with it.

She suddenly had a strong premonition, so she immediately took out her mobile phone in a hurry, and after turning on the screen, the signal indication on it was exactly the same as that of the man.

La Zirou raised her head in horror, and after looking around, she found that everyone was doing the same thing.

Refresh your phone repeatedly.

After a while, the residents on the street seemed to realize something, they stopped silently and raised their heads.

Above the sky they can't see, something has already begun.

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