Over Belgrade, at an altitude of 8,000 meters.

An ea-18g electronic warfare aircraft is flying forward alone, and they neither know their position nor can they judge their direction.

Just half an hour ago, the plane broke into the airspace of srbija with two f-35s escorting them, they disabled the air defense radar system on the border, and passed through the open gate of srbija without anyone else, in the direction of the capital Belgrade. fly away.

Everything was going well, they didn't even pick up any srbija on the radio, and they didn't encounter any fighters trying to intercept them, they didn't seem to notice them at all.

The two f-35s carried out a forward reconnaissance cruise relying on their superior stealth performance. This was originally a very conventional tactical action, but it was this action that made them fall into a huge crisis.

The reason for the crisis is very simple, which can be summed up in just one sentence, that is:

They lost contact.

Yes, this electronic warfare aircraft equipped with the most advanced electronic information system in the world lost contact with its own escort aircraft, the command headquarters, and the aircraft carrier formation.

However, their difficulties are not as simple as losing contact, communication interruption, data link interruption, radar blindness, loss of control of weapon system, loss of control of photoelectric detection system, failure of navigation system...

All of this, as if their electronic interference operations, all fed back to themselves.

This was something that should never have happened, but the fact is that even though the electronic countermeasures officers on the plane have cursed "Damn" countless times, the situation has not improved in the slightest.

They had become effectively blind, wandering aimlessly in this vast expanse of airspace, hoping to meet the two missing f-35s and lead them back home.

"Robert, I really don't know what's going on, our electronic systems are all down.... The only explanation is that we're experiencing electronic interference, which doesn't make sense at all... "

"It's so sudden, srbija doesn't have such technology at all, I even wonder, are we flying into some space that doesn't belong to our world?"

The electronic countermeasures officer in the back seat leaned forward helplessly and yelled at the driver in the front seat after the last attempt to restore communication.

"You don't have to ask me, this is your specialty. If you think we have encountered electronic interference, then we have encountered electronic interference. What should we do now?"

The driver in the front seat also yelled back at him, but his voice was drowned out by the loud roar of the cabin and sounded a little indistinct.

"I don't know! But we have no other choice now! We must lower the altitude!"

"Lower the altitude?! No way! Our mission is not done yet!"

"Don't worry about the bullshit mission! If we go on like this, we'll crash because we run out of fuel!"

"...David, we don't know our current position at all. If we lower our altitude, we will be completely exposed to the opponent's anti-aircraft fire!"

"You have to figure out, this is their airspace, and they can shoot us down at any time!"

Robert was anxiously checking the fuel gauge. Fortunately, the fuel gauge on this plane was mechanical, otherwise they might not even know how long they could fly.

Hearing his answer, David frowned for a moment and pondered for a moment, and finally said through gritted teeth:

"Not so much now! We're definitely being watched, but now we don't even know where they are! We have to lower our altitude and look back!"

"This is the final decision! I am the air commander, and my order shall prevail!"

"...Well, now lower the altitude."

Robert reluctantly accepted David's order. As a driver, of course, he knew the danger of blindly lowering the altitude in this situation, but he also knew that David's reason was completely correct.

They have now lost all electronic equipment. If they don't try to return home, the longer the time passes, the greater the danger. The time they spend cruising in the air is just the time they wait for death to come.

However, what made him wonder was why all this was happening?

Who is interfering with their electronic systems, and in what way?

srbija? This is impossible, let alone electronic countermeasures, they can't even play the most basic data link system.

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