Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 342 This Is Psychological Counseling

The news that the Ugly pilots lost their way and made an emergency landing in srbija quickly spread. After all, they lost 5 advanced fighter jets at one time. Such a major failure cannot be concealed from the outside world.

Combined with the previous news that the Ugly State hinted at using force against srbija, all the forces concerned about this matter have realized one thing very clearly:

The srbija at this time is no longer the south alliance of the past.

In other words, the Huaxia at this time is no longer the Huaxia of the past.

Without any military deployment, just relying on the equipment they provide, srbija can start an air confrontation with the strongest country in the world, and even achieve a 0:5 victory, forcing 4 f-35s to land , shot down an ea-18...

Such strength, even if it is placed in the whole of Europe, is enough to protect itself.

So, everyone turned their attention to the Truman aircraft carrier formation far in the Mediterranean, quietly waiting for their next move.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the command room of the USS Truman was unprecedentedly dignified.

Just a few days ago, there was a joke on the aircraft carrier about the Stennis being engraved with Chinese characters, but only a dozen hours later, they themselves became a joke.

The commander-in-chief of the formation looked at the briefing in his hand with a stern look, and asked:

"...So now it is almost certain that our pilots are safe?"

The commander of the carrier air wing on the side nodded quickly and replied:

"Yes, they did not pursue our parachuting pilots and after arrest they were properly accommodated in accordance with the Geneva Conventions."

"Judging from the last call, the injured person's condition is basically stable, and there is no major emotional problem."

The commander-in-chief of the formation nodded and continued to ask:

"Where's our plane? Has it been dismantled?"

"...No, they don't seem to be very interested in the f-35.... To be honest, our adversaries have indeed passed the stage where they need to be interested in the technology of the f-35."

"From the point of view of this conflict, whether it is engines, pneumatics, electronic countermeasures, radar or weapons systems, they are already above us."

"Maybe they did some exploration of the f-35 as well, but at least from the completeness of the aircraft seen on the satellite imagery so far, that exploration is limited."

Hearing the other party's answer, the commander-in-chief of the formation sighed in a complicated mood.

If you go back to 10 years ago, even if an ea-18 falls, is it enough to start a small war against srbija?

But now, 4 f-35s are just placed in the other side's airport, but their own side can only comfort themselves "they are not interested in f-35."

Are you really not interested?

Yes, the technology of those rabbits is already very advanced, but they will never miss any opportunity to learn. As the old opponent who has dealt with them the most, they know this better than anyone.

Can't see it on the satellite image?

What does this prove?

Probably by the time they finally returned the 4 planes, even the screws on the landing gear had already been re-tightened?

Thinking of this, he put down the briefing paper in his hand, and then asked:

"What's the attitude on the Congress side? How are we going to get the plane back? It's impossible by force -- unless we're really going to fight a small war."

"But I don't think that even if we wanted to fight, those rabbits wouldn't give us a chance---the last time around Ryukyu was a lesson."

The commander-in-chief of the wing nodded and replied:

"It's true... Fortunately, our losses this time are not big. We really didn't expect that they would deploy electronic countermeasures fighters in srbija. If we received the news in advance... Forget it."

"It's pointless to say this now. Congress means to get back the fighter plane through negotiation. After the previous communication, the other party has arranged the negotiation time for this afternoon. In theory, the final solution to this matter, we are in In two hours, there will be an answer..."


srbija, Belgrade.

It was two hours after the negotiation that an srbija officer named Loves came to the hospital where the injured pilots were and had a face-to-face conversation with them.

The most seriously injured Robert is still lying in bed, with a minor skull fracture, a fractured left arm, and a dislocated cervical spine. Although none of the injuries were fatal, his recovery was still extremely slow.

Moreover, such injuries have greatly affected his daily life - especially in the absence of professional nursing staff.

Most of the time, he can only be taken care of by David in the same ward. Fortunately, the two of them are tacit comrades-in-arms, and there is no disagreement over these small things.

However, after meeting Loves, complaints about the medical environment and living environment are indispensable.

He probably thought it was a condolence interview from the srbija side, thinking that his country had gained the upper hand in the negotiations.

"...Like I said, if you don't have paramedics or don't want to provide paramedics, that's okay, we can take care of ourselves."

"But, at least in terms of diet, you should provide food that meets a minimum standard."

"I now eat brown bread and water every day. I have vegetables occasionally, and I only need a small glass of milk for breakfast... I'm afraid this treatment is not as good as that of a refugee camp, right?"

"Also, when exactly can we go back? How are my other comrades in arms? Why are we banned from contacting them?"

"Even if we can't go back, when can we leave the surveillance and go out? Staying in this small room, I'm going crazy!"

Looking at Loves' calm smile, Robert became more and more angry, and finally even said directly:

"In such an era, in such a modern country, you still treat us with the attitude you treated prisoners of war during World War II!"

"-----We are not even prisoners of war! It's just that there were some accidents and we were shot down directly by you!"

"You should regret this inhumane behavior!"

"By the way, you have probably negotiated the terms, right? How do you plan to compensate us for our losses?"

Loves, who was sitting opposite him, was unmoved at all, as if he could not hear the accusation and questioning of the other party at all, but just took out a handkerchief and gently wiped the sweat dripping from his face.

This room without air conditioning is indeed a bit too hot.

The weather that year was as hot as it is now.

At that time, I was still an official of the Ministry of Information in the official department. In the last stage of the battle, I witnessed the bombing of civilian facilities and the tragic situation of civilians crowded in the hospital.

To this day, he still remembers a little girl he once visited. Her arm had been blown up by a cluster bomb, and she could only use her unskilled left hand when eating, but she still tried her best to show herself when facing a stranger like him. A strong look.

At that time, no matter how much she tried to communicate with her, she didn't say a word. Only when she was about to leave did she put down the spoon in her hand and asked herself:

"Do you know how much a prosthesis costs?"

At that time, I didn't answer, and later, I never had the chance to answer again.

Because the girl died of leukemia caused by depleted uranium bombs only 4 years later, and she was not able to fit a proper prosthesis until she died.

The past events of this scene are still vivid in his mind. Looking at the domineering face of the man opposite, Loves suddenly felt a little funny.

Did he actually think he was showing weakness to them?

Did he actually think that the country behind him would show weakness to them?

This was probably the funniest joke he'd heard recently.

Seeing that Robert did not speak any more, Loves slowly exhaled, and then said:

"First of all, in my capacity, it is impossible for me to argue with you or to care about the minutiae of what you said."

"But since you brought it up, I'll give you an answer."

"When you are complaining about the poor quality of food, I hope you can think about why there is a shortage of food in Belgrade; when you are complaining about the lack of nursing staff, I hope you can reflect on what caused your pain; When you're complaining that you're not free, I hope you can look at the book on your bed and see how many people lost their lives in your bombing."

"Twenty years of blood debt, we haven't recovered from you, and now you still ask me to treat you with humanitarian standards?"

"Sorry, that's impossible. Keeping you alive in this world is our greatest humanitarianism."

After a short pause, Loves continued:

"You say I should be sorry? Yes, I do."

"However, I regret that why the air-to-air missile didn't blow you up? Why didn't you fall to your death from the air? Why didn't you get eaten by beasts after you landed?"

"...This is probably your destiny, I can't be too demanding."

While speaking, Loves stood up.

He took a cigarette out of his pocket, lit it, took a deep breath, and continued:

"I heard from the doctor that nicotine will have a bad effect on your injury, but sorry, I'm a heavy smoker."

"The purpose of my coming here today is probably different from what you think."

"I didn't come to console you, I was just assigned by my superiors to give you a notice."

"-----You didn't ask me just now, have we reached an agreement on compensation?"

"Yes, we are close to an agreement."

"We will pay you 4.5 million knives for disability pensions, mental damage, and 28.5 million knives for property damage."

"At the same time, you need to pay us the cost of missiles, aircraft depreciation, radar damage, fuel consumption, airport parking fees, compensation for farmland damaged by the crashed plane, lost work due to your electromagnetic interference caused by communication interruption, search and rescue. Team salaries, emergency medical assistance, meals, and psychological counseling, totaling $460 million."

"Until the money is paid, you, and your comrades, will be prohibited from leaving."

Robert and David in the room looked at Loves in shock, and after a long time, Robert shouted:

"We've never had a counselling service at all! It just doesn't make sense."

There was a smile on Loft's face, he turned his head in Robert's direction and said:

"Isn't it now?"

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