Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 343 The Real Savior

If the defeat in the air confrontation is only the end of the ugly country's further expansion of the food crisis in Belgrade, then the unprecedented tough measures carried out by the srbija official simultaneously really ended the opponent's plan in the srbija.

A large number of merchants who maliciously hoarded food were arrested, a large number of troops were involved in the transportation and protection of food from the region to the capital, the official guide price was released, the news media took turns to report the news that the ea-18 was shot down and the F-35 was captured, state-owned enterprises And Chinese-funded enterprises in Serbia participated in road repairs and water transportation guarantees, and even farmers in the region were all mobilized to participate in the production of small packaged grains.

Compared with the official Huaxia, srbija's organizational ability is still not a little bit worse. After this series of actions are completed, the mobilization rate is actually less than 30%, but even this 30% mobilization is enough to make srbija. The food crisis, which was not too serious in the first place, has been solved.

Asian countries reacted most violently to this scene. They saw with their own eyes the large amount of grain that Serbia had seized from the warehouses of various grain merchants in the news. They saw with their own eyes the huge flow of funds in those accounts. The behind-the-scenes financier to which the funds are directed.

The facts of all this make them compelled to consider something they had never considered before:

What if the so-called food crisis is indeed being manipulated by someone?

What if this is just a strategy of the Western Alliance to use the knife of the four major grain merchants to harvest China and harvest itself?

Then, from what angle should I look at this matter, and what position should I take to deal with this crisis that is obviously not over yet?

The answer, it seems, is not so easy to obtain.

But it is definitely not a wise choice to be coerced into the battle between two behemoths.

Even if you don't stand in line, you should stay out of it rationally.

As a result, under such circumstances, the pressure of public opinion faced by Huaxia plummeted. Just overnight, the voices clamoring for Huaxia to take out the food reserves disappeared, because they clearly saw that even in the When srbija faced such a major crisis, Huaxia did not choose to help them solve their predicament through food aid.

They are more extreme and more effective.

No food, no money.


This seems to be a signal, and it seems to be an invitation.

The success of srbija is like a flag that stands up. As long as they are thrown under this flag, they can get a chance to earn their lives once.

Who would refuse to earn their own life?

On this day, the minds of many countries, many buildings, and all kinds of people on the entire continent suddenly came alive.


srbija, Belgrade, Central Prison.

Under the guidance of the guard, La Zirou entered a small independent visiting room, and the person sitting opposite her was the Dlemmons she had seen before.

The latter had lost that relaxed and indifferent expression at this time, but when facing La Zirou, he still tried his best to maintain his demeanor.

After the two sat down facing each other, Dremmons smiled and looked at La Zirou and said:

"Beautiful lady, this is our second meeting. I didn't expect to see you in such a scene."

"Unfortunately, my image may be a little sloppy today. If it were in the newspaper, it would be ugly, right?"

La Zirou also nodded with a smile and replied:

"If you want, we can use your old photo - the high-spirited one in a suit."

Dlemmons smiled wryly, shook his head and replied:

"There is no need. No matter what kind of clothes I wear now, it is impossible to change my image in the eyes of the public. My business road has come to an end."

"Maybe when I get out of prison, I should go back to my hometown in Vojvodina and become an honest farmer."

"I'm not bragging about it, in fact, I'm very talented in farming, and it's because of the harvest again and again that I finally got to where I am now - I mean, the position before I entered the prison. ."

"The land nurtured me...she nurtured me well."

Hearing his words, La Zirou sighed with emotion, and then said:

"However, you betrayed the land that raised you."

Dlemmons nodded heavily, but then shook his head again.

He stretched out his hand and asked for a cigarette from the guard beside him. After obtaining La Zirou's consent, he lit it and took a deep breath before saying:

"At the time, I didn't think it was a betrayal."

"Why? Helping other countries to attack the food market of your own country, leaving your compatriots without food, even knowing that the other side will threaten war but not reporting it, do you still think this is not a betrayal?"

La Zirou's eyes showed an unbelievable look, she really couldn't understand the thoughts of the man in front of her.

After a pause, she added:

"If it were in my country, your actions would be considered treason."

Dlemmons sighed and replied:

"Of course, of course. Even in srbija, what I committed was treason."

"But when I did those things, I didn't realize it was treason."

"You know, I am a very ideal person, I am keen to read international news, think about the international situation, explore the future of this country, and even put it in a noble way, sometimes I think, how can I make my compatriots live better."

"So the result of your thinking is to make your compatriots unable to eat?"

La Zirou interrupted mercilessly.

"of course not."

"The result of my thinking is that our country cannot be an island."

"Beautiful lady, you also know what kind of situation our country is in right now, we are standing on the front line of confrontation, isolated from all allies by the enemy, as long as we are a little careless, we will face a brutal war. "

"20 years ago, I was one of those people who lived through that war - seriously, that war was horrible."

"Those planes were flying around, dropping thousands of life-harvesting bombs, and we had nothing to fight back."

"We've lost a lot of people. In the beginning, I hated those enemies as much as any other fellow countryman in this country."

"But gradually, I realized one thing, that is, in this world, only the strong can survive."

"They are strong, so they can do evil recklessly on our territory; they are strong, so they don't have to apologize for any mistakes they make; they are strong, so they can easily be forgiven after doing evil."

"So I thought, can we become such a strong man?"

"The answer is, no. We can only rely on the strong."

"It's probably a form of Stockholm Syndrome? Miss, is there such a person in your country?"

Hearing his words, La Zirou was stunned for a moment.

She would have liked to answer Dlemmons confidently "no", but in fact, in her own country, there are not only more, but also many such people.

Seeing the enemy as the master, the perpetrator as the manager, and the atrocity as punishment.... I never knew how to evaluate this kind of behavior, but today, in Dlemmons, she seems to see to the answer.

These people may not be born slaves.

They are just, the bones are softer.

No one's physique can be generalized. Under heavy pressure, some people still stand still, but some have to kneel.

Should they be blamed?

----No, but only if, after kneeling, they can't clamor for others to kneel too.

Thinking of this, La Zirou nodded slightly and replied:

"We also have such people."

"However, we have more people who will use their own lives to support the sky."

Dlemmons nodded slightly and replied:

"Yeah, this is your luck.... Your country is always well guarded by some great heroes, and we? We don't have such heroes, so..."

"No, you are quibbling."

La Zirou interrupted Dremmons again, and said mercilessly:

"Your country has never been short of heroes, you have Caragiorgio, you have Tito, and even further, you have Archduke Lazar...I don't know much about your history, but I know you have no shortage of heroes."

"Take a 10,000 step back, even if you don't, as long as you fight to the end, there will always be heroes emerging. This is not a reason for you to throw at the enemy at all."

A tragic look appeared on Dlemmons' face. He looked straight at La Zirou, and then asked:

"Do you think we have the ability to fight to the end?"

"Of course you can say it without any difficulty, because your country has grown in struggle for thousands of years, you have failed, you have risen, you have fallen, but in the end you have taken back what was yours."

"But what about us? Can our country withstand such a disaster?"

"Needless to say about things that are too far away, we are only discussing this air conflict. Without your help, do you think we could survive even the first wave of each other's attacks?"

Hearing Dlemmons' question, a strange smile appeared on La Zirou's face.

This question, or this series of questions, was actually answered not long ago.

She looked Dremmons straight in the eyes and said word by word:

"Before meeting you, I met another person."

"In the conversation with him, I asked the same question as you: what would they do without Huaxia?"

"That person's answer was the exact opposite of yours."

"He told me that even without our help, he would not give up and neither would his people."

"This country will resist to the end, as it has done for the past two decades."

"If the enemy wants to come, let them come. After all, a weapon made of steel is not as hard as a backbone."

"I agree with what he said, because we also came from this step."

"You thought that our support saved srbija, but I want to say, you are wrong."

"What really saved srbija was the struggle that your country has never succumbed to in 20 years."

"Without such a struggle, we wouldn't have been able to come here as soon as possible."

"Because we are born with hard bones, we can't kneel down."

"And people with weak bones are not worthy of being our partners."

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