Simulation: Great Power Technology

Three Hundred And Fortieth Chapters Full Of Gas

Across the sea, the Office of Strategic Analysis.

Johnson sat behind the conference table, and he had a vague feeling that this was probably the last time he would sit in this office and give orders.

Not because he's about to be removed, but, quite possibly, the entire office's functions will be removed.

Since the establishment of this office, from chips to aerospace, from energy to military, and now to food, they have put forward professional and perfect strategies every time, but every time these strategies fall into place.

Sometimes Johnson can't help but think about why -- not like an after-action wrap-up meeting, but to actually stand in the opponent's shoes and try to understand why they won.

To sum up, the only special point he could see was the engineer named Ye Zhou.

At that time, he played a huge role in the fields of chips and aviation. He even suspected that he was related to new energy batteries, and sent relevant personnel to investigate, but the results did not make him satisfied.

This man, after being shocked by the world, disappeared into the vast sea of ​​China with a population of more than one billion, even if he still suspected that he was playing a huge role in promoting the development of China, but he couldn't Do anything unfavorable to him.

Once you can't find it.

Second, if you really find it, you won't dare to do it yourself.

If the other party is just a scholar who is keen on business and even technical research, he and the forces he represents can barely take a chance, but his disappearance has already hinted at too many things.

It's a signal.

When Huaxia officials intentionally make a person invisible, even if he is not really invisible, outsiders can no longer conspire against this person, because even a trace of malice will definitely attract crazy revenge.

And what is the limit of this revenge?

According to the information I have, there are some scientists in Huaxia whose limit is "duizi", and some scientists' limit is "war", and this Ye Zhou......

If he is really connected to a series of technological breakthroughs and major strategies after the sulfur-silicon battery, then his limit is likely to be... Destruction.

----Is it possible to attack the people around him?

For example, the information in the intelligence shows that he seems to have living parents and a younger sister.

After thinking for a while, Johnson dispelled this thought with some humor.

Is this any different from hitting him directly? Since when did you feel that you can only win by relying on this method?

Yes, this kind of method is used a lot, but it is often just the icing on the cake. It has never been regarded as the key to deciding the outcome, and now...

He shook his head, reorganized his thoughts, and looked at the screen that lit up in front of him.

"....a major blunder at srbija this time around has had some impact on our early planning, but overall the rhythm of the planning has not been fatally interrupted."

"We are still moving steadily on all fronts, the planes and pilots stranded in srbija will soon be redeemed, and the international grain market is continuing to develop according to the trends we expect."

"Now, my suggestion is that we should appropriately speed up our actions in Yindu, and at the same time raise the threat level of the Pakistani side."

"We need to let Yin have enough strength to deal with the possible strikes by the Pakistani side. The most important thing is to fulfill the arms sales contract we just signed in the shortest possible time."

"This part of the contract includes short-range air defense missile systems, fifth-generation aircraft, individual combat systems, radar systems and a small number of armored vehicles."

"According to the plan, these equipment should have been delivered next month, but considering the situation in Yindu and the impact of the srbija incident, I suggest moving it forward to this month."

"Because, according to the latest intelligence, the contract between the Pakistani side and Huaxia has been completed, and they have in fact mastered air supremacy. If we do not quickly counteract, our plan is likely to be completely broken due to a defeat in Yindu. "

"The possible battlefield for both sides is in Punjab, where we have stockpiled a lot of grain. Once the Pakistani side enters Punjab, all these grains will be confiscated. I doubt that the Pakistani side will directly put all these grains into the market... ..."

Hearing this, Johnson nodded and replied:

"Your judgment is not wrong, but this strategy involves a wide range of departments and personnel, and we must obtain higher-level approval."

"I understand that this decision shouldn't come from us, but . . . if we don't put pressure on Congress, it will be difficult for them to make a decision."

Johnson was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood what the analyst meant.

This is a gamble.

No one is willing to make such a decision at this sensitive time, because no one knows whether the shipment of this batch of weapons will touch the sensitive nerves of that rabbit.

We have faced each other front and side many times, and each time we have ended with our own defeat.

What if this time, the other party relies on its current strength to force itself to suspend the contract? From then on or not?

Thinking of this, Johnson suddenly felt a little absurd.

Yes, now that the situation has developed, he has actually begun to worry that the other party is "pressing people with power".

And this kind of worry seems to be something that rabbit should do not long ago.

Offensive and defensive change, attack and defense change... He has seen this word many times in the news about China, and now, he finally understands the meaning of this word.

After pondering for a while, he pulled out a fine cohiba cigar from the humidor on the table, chewed off the cigar head with his teeth, and lit it with an alcohol spray gun.

He took a deep breath, but instead of keeping the smoke in his mouth like a normal operation, he inhaled hard into his lungs.

In an instant, dizziness, tingling, suffocation...complicated feelings surged up at the same time, and it wasn't until half a minute later that he regained his senses.

He put the burning cigar on the edge of the ashtray, and the blue-blue smoke rose like a substance.

"...If no one is willing to take on this responsibility, then, I will take it."

"Anyway, I've made enough mistakes, and I don't care if I make this one more mistake."

"Accelerate the performance of the contract and send the equipment as soon as possible. Moreover, we can't let the situation develop like this. I can feel that those Yindu people have begun to be a little afraid of rabbits, and we must add fire to them!"


Yindu, Hyderabad Air Force Base.

On this day, the Air Force base welcomed a special group of guests.

A full 6 c-5 Galaxy transport aircraft landed at the airport, and then immediately put into the intense unloading work.

This was originally a very professional and very smooth job. From take-off to landing, and then to taxiing neatly, there is not a single detail that highlights the accumulation of military quality and long-range delivery capabilities of this powerful country. Even if their strongest opponents came to the scene, they had to give sincere praise.

However, in such a precise and efficient delivery event that is as precise and efficient as a mechanical operation, something happened that surprised everyone.

An armored vehicle rolled over when it was driven out of the warehouse by the driver of Yindu.

This is not a big mistake, even in the military airport of the ugly country, such an accident will inevitably happen occasionally - although the probability of occurrence is extremely small.

However, it is unbelievable that this Hyderabad Air Force Base, which is known as the largest air base in Yindu, has searched the entire base and could not find a crane that meets the quality standards.

The professional soldiers of the Ugly State were already a little mad when they witnessed the accident, and their madness turned into anger when they waited for two hours and the armored vehicle that rolled over was still no one could handle it.

But this is far from the end. The eager Indian military did something even more suffocating: they transferred a crane from a nearby civil facility construction site.

That's right, along with the driver of the crane.

So that night, the news that the "Stryker" plateau combat armored vehicle arrived at the Hyderabad Air Force Base spread throughout the city.

---- Or rather, spread all over the world.

In the form of short videos posted on tiktok.

No one can understand the logic of this matter. Even if the ugly country did not intend to keep the shipment of this batch of equipment secret, the terrifying command level and secrecy level of the Yindu military still taught them a lesson.

Is it really possible for such an army to compete with the rabbit in the north?

No, certainly not against rabbits.

But the problem is, if they continue to develop at this rate, I am afraid... they can't even beat Laoba.

On this day, all the military personnel of the ugly country stranded at the Hyderabad base were unable to eat.

full of breath.

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