Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 347 Another Kind Of Deterrence

When the opponent was busy dealing with Yindu, Ye Zhou finally ended the long conversation with Chen Hao.

He also finally had a complete understanding of the food game between the two countries.

This is not an entanglement between conspiracy and treachery, but a hedging between Yang Conspiracy and Yang Conspiracy. In fact, from an objective point of view, neither side has lost the courage that a great country should have.

Huaxia's opponents are strategizing, planning to spread all over the world, and their layout is far into the future.

If the difference in position is not considered, this hedging can indeed be regarded as a peak in the history of human struggle.

In fact, this fight is indeed the last fight before resorting to force on a large scale.

Regardless of which side fails, further escalation is inevitable.

To avoid such an upgrade, Huaxia's only chance is in the six-nosed project.

Time is the most important thing.

Now, there are still two months before the end of the gene editing project to increase rice production. If there is no good news from the Kunlun Mountains within these two months, then it will be an extremely difficult time for us.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou felt a deep sense of crisis.

Chen Hao, who was beside him, seemed to see what he was thinking. He silently poured a cup of tea for Ye Zhou, and then asked:

"Have you found the crux of the matter?"

Ye Zhou nodded, not knowing how to answer for a while.

This is an unprecedented pressure, and the weight of this pressure is even far greater than when he was still in the sea blue.

Because no matter how anxious I was at that time, I still had a bottom-line judgment in my heart, that is, it would be difficult for a large-scale hot war to break out, because the balance of power between the two sides at that time was still not even.

But now, the situation has completely changed.

As long as you move, you will definitely fight to the end.

Chen Hao pushed the cup in Ye Zhou's direction, motioning him to take a sip of tea to calm down, then stood up on his own, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, and pulled open the blackout curtains.

The sun immediately flooded the entire living room, Chen Hao walked to the table again, patted Ye Zhou's shoulder lightly, and motioned him to follow him.

Ye Zhou stood up in confusion and asked:


Chen Hao said without looking back:

"Take you to the sun."

Ye Zhou hesitated for a moment, but finally followed.

Ye Zhou's current residence is actually in a base of a certain military area. After going out, the two of them walked along the road in the residential area, passed the barracks, the playground, and passed through several buildings with different functions. Finally came to the training ground.

At this time, it was 11:00 in the morning. When the training of the day was going on at its hottest, the two found a seat on the edge of the training ground and sat down. Watching the recruits running and training on the training ground, they were silent.

After a long time, Chen Hao asked:

"Do you have a feeling now that the future of our country lies on you alone, or on a project?"

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment, and then asked:

"Is not it?"

In his opinion, the battle over food launched by the ugly country is bound to be defeated. With the blessing of gene editing technology, the increase in food production has become a doomed future, so it is obvious that the global production reduction that the other party is planning will not possible.

However, the other party has paid a huge price to achieve this goal, including but not limited to a series of factors such as currency credit, capital, alliance influence, military influence, etc. If it fails, these costs will be lost. significance.

It's a huge loss, and they're going to have to figure out a way to make up for it -- whatever it is.

If you want to curb the opponent's madness, the only option is to use some overwhelming advantage to lock in the victory in advance, and let the other party clearly realize the victory.

The nuclear threat is an extremely effective means, but the problem is that the other side also has such a threat.

No one is willing to choose the ending of both perishing, so RSA decryption has become the only alternative to the nuclear threat at this stage.

According to this logic, it seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that the fate of the entire country lies on one project and on oneself.

However, after hearing Ye Zhou's rhetorical question, Chen Hao laughed helplessly.

He took a cigarette from his pocket, lit it and took a deep breath before answering:

"So I keep saying that your involvement in our overall picture is still not enough - you are too focused on the technology area, which is a good thing in the short term, because you can get the most results with the highest efficiency. "

"However, in the long run, this way of working will overwhelm you."

"As you answered me now, the fate of the whole country depends on you alone, think about it for yourself, is this possible?"

"Don't say you're alone. With such a big country and such a huge organization, will our fate be determined by a small six-nosed project?"

"Do you know what your thinking is called?"

Ye Zhou frowned and replied:

"Personal heroism?"

Chen Hao laughed and replied:

"It's wrong, it's opportunism. Blindness, equipment first, great joy, quickness and perfection... These are all manifestations of opportunism - of course, you haven't developed to this level, but you are indeed Take a certain thing or a certain technology too seriously.”

"Is the Six Noses Project important? Admittedly, it's important."

"However, will it be our only reliance? Will it be our only trump card to check and balance the enemy and make the enemy dare not play against us?"

"Obviously not."

"I know what you're trying to say. What you're trying to say is that what we need is not a game of perishing. What we need is a means of containing the opponent with the least casualties and the least cost, right?"

Ye Zhou nodded, his eyes filled with doubts.

The man beside him is full of self-confidence, and seems to have no worries about this war that may happen, but where does his self-confidence come from?

Ye Zhou couldn't understand.

In his opinion, nothing is more effective at ending war than rsa decryption, because it is the only means by which war can be contained in its cradle without actually taking place.

"That's my question. The question is, how are we going to do this?"

Chen Hao on the side shook his head and said:

"You still don't understand. Tell me, what is the nature of war?"

Ye Zhou frowned, and after a while, he replied in a low tone:

"I don't know why you brought me here, but if you want to say that the essence of war is people, and our trump card is these soldiers who are not afraid of sacrifice, then I want to say that you think war is too simplistic, Too frivolous."

"War will kill people, and it will be filled with real human lives one by one. If one day there is a real fight, these fresh lives in front of us will become piles of bones buried under the soil."

"I can't face this result calmly, which is why I want to emphasize the importance of the six-nosed project - if you can defeat the enemy without fighting, who is willing to really give his life?"

"What's more, even if they sacrificed their lives, it is very likely that they will not be able to get back the real good ending."

"Conventional wars between two superpowers will inevitably turn into thermonuclear wars, unless one side can quickly and overwhelmingly end conventional wars, which is obviously impossible for us now. arrived."

Chen Hao nodded slightly and replied:

"It's true we can't do it. But have you ever thought, what if we don't need to do it?"

"What if what we're trying to do is neither a quick end to conventional warfare nor nuclear deterrence?"

"I'm asking you what is the nature of war, not 'how to win', but 'what does the winner get when you win'."

"This question is actually very easy to answer, and can even be summed up in one word: means of production."

"The essence of all wars is to compete for the means of production."

"And the most basic carrier of means of production is land."

"That's why nuclear deterrence is regarded as the strongest and ultimate deterrence, because this kind of deterrence is not only astonishingly destructive to living forces, but also to the means of production and land resources."

"So based on this logic, we can draw a conclusion: the essence of war is the struggle for the means of production, and the essence of ending the war is the demise of the possibility of obtaining the means of production."

"Then, we can continue to reason very easily: Is there really only two options for making this possibility die out?"

"Obviously more than that, because guerrilla warfare, street fighting, and rural encirclement of cities are typical solutions."

"And, after the technology has developed to the current level, we have other deterrents that can also disable production materials in a short period of time and with less sacrifice of personnel."

"Imagine, if one day, your enemy is attacking you or even occupying your territory, but suddenly finds that the more he occupies, the more he loses, and only we can reverse this loss, Will he continue the war?"

Looking at Ye Zhou's expression, Chen Hao smiled and said:

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about the strategy of changing homes, that's too low."

"I'm talking about a direct blow to enemy productivity."

"A blow to productivity?? In what way??"

Ye Zhou asked in astonishment.

"Many, some are dirty, some are more positive, but for now, the most deterrent one is...climate."

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