Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 348: The Progress Of Genetically Increasing Rice Yield

"Climate? You mean weather weapons?"

Ye Zhou asked.

"Yes, limited-range, controlled-use weather weapons."

Hearing Chen Hao's answer, Ye Zhou looked down for a moment and continued to ask:

"However, what's the difference between this and nuclear weapons? It's also a weapon of mass destruction... I get it, you mean, a climate weapon is not a weapon of destruction?"

"That's it. Climate weapons, or weather weapons, are actually a 'secondary deterrence', which can achieve the destruction of productivity by nuclear weapons to a certain extent, but at the same time, its destruction of production materials and personnel is also limited."

"During the duration of the war, meteorological weapons can continuously and massively weaken the productivity of the opponent, and play a far more effective strike than conventional weapons."

"At the same time, his effects are not irreversible."

"Imagine that if you were to strike an industrial area, in the absence of a nuclear bomb, what you need is a huge amount of conventional weapons, a large-scale air strike, and the strike efficiency is extremely low."

"But what if it's done through weather weapons?"

"All you need is one continuous torrential rain that is enough to bring production to a standstill in an entire industrial area."

"This is what's called secondary deterrence, or secondary deterrence."

"The moment the war begins is the moment when productivity declines across the board. The benefits gained from the war cannot make up for the disadvantages brought about by the continued decline in productivity."

"So any rational decision maker would consider whether it is worthwhile to start a war under the current circumstances."

"For example, this time, the defeat on the food battlefield will cost the ugly country hundreds of billions of knives, but if the war starts, they will lose trillions of knives."

"Choose one of the two, and the conclusion is obvious."

"Unless the current situation directly meets the conditions for ultimate deterrence, a hot war cannot be waged."

"That said, no matter how close we are to war, it's impossible to fight when we have multiple levels of secondary deterrence."

"Because in this case, if you don't fight, as long as you fight, it must be the end of mankind."

"----Speaking of this, isn't the Golden Crow you are thinking about also a secondary deterrent? It's just that its deterrence level is higher than that of weather weapons."

After listening to Chen Hao's explanation, Ye Zhou repeated the deductions in his mind silently, and finally raised his head.

"'re right, it's me who limited my vision. In fact, this is a very simple logic - in this era, there is no two countries that do not have a relationship of interests, and We have more ties to our adversary’s interests.”

"In fact, this alone has brought a lot of obstacles to the hot war."

Chen Hao nodded with satisfaction and replied:

"Just think clearly. It's right to have a sense of crisis, but if this sense of crisis goes too far, it will be detrimental to you."

Having said that, Chen Hao stood up again, patted the soil behind his butt, and said:

"Okay, I didn't bring you here to show you anything special. I just wanted you to see popularity and bask in the sun."

"But speaking of it, if I want to bask in the sun, I have a better place. Would you like to go shopping?"

Ye Zhou stood up after him and asked:


"Sea blue!"

Chen Hao replied with a smile.


Four hours later, the two of them reached their destination on this go-and-go trip.

Led by a researcher named Xu Lei, the two walked on the ridge of an experimental field of the Hailan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, feeling the evening breeze blowing the fragrance of soil and rice.

The green seedlings were dyed with a light red halo under the setting sun in the evening. Although this crop of rice has not yet reached the harvest time, at first glance, there is a sense of satisfaction that is refreshing.

Maybe this is an instinct rooted in genes?

Ye Zhou himself lived in the countryside when he was a child. He remembered that he seemed to have a natural affinity for crops, especially rice.

When his grandparents went down to the fields to harvest, he lay on a bed made of straw on one side of the field, breathing the strong aroma of rice roasted by the sun, and slept until the stars filled the sky as soon as he fell asleep.

Yes, then, as now, most of the field work didn't start until the afternoon was getting cooler.

In the past 20 years, many things have changed, but there are also some things that still maintain the logic of thousands of years, giving people a sense of stability.

"It's a great place to bask in the sun....I can feel the smell of the sea. Hey? Is this the sea breeze? The sea breeze is in the daytime, and the land breeze is in the evening, right?"

Chen Hao stretched his waist and sighed. He turned to look at Xu Lei, who smiled and replied:

"Mr. Chen, to be honest, our test field is surrounded by mountains, and it is impossible for the sea breeze to blow during the day or night."

"The small amount of moist salt in the sea breeze will bring uncertainty to the cultivation of seedlings. We chose the location of the experimental field to avoid this effect."

Hearing Xu Lei's words, Ye Zhou couldn't help laughing. He squatted down and said while observing the newly transplanted rice seedlings:

"The psychological sea breeze is also the sea breeze, just have that meaning... Is this the seedling that has been genetically edited by knr2?"

"Yes, this small area is all, each square is a control group, a total of 64 groups of control groups."

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, and curiously moved the seedlings that had not yet started heading, and continued with some uncertainty:

"The tillers of these seedlings... 15, 25, 32... 32 tillers per seedling? Is it a bit too much? What is the final effective ear setting rate?"

Xu Lei also squatted beside Ye Zhou. She was wearing loose trousers and her t-shirt was covered with dried mud. At first glance, her image seemed a little sloppy, but when she focused on pushing a seedling away for Ye When Zhou explained, she exuded a thrilling charm.

Of course, this fascination is not an attraction between men and women, but a grander fascination that transcends gender.

Ye Zhou just glanced away and looked at the position of her fingers.

"Ye Gong, look at this. In fact, the number of tillers in this plant in my hand is lower than the one you just looked at, but it has reached the level of 25."

"The prevailing ear number prediction for our field should be between 30 and 35, which is about a 35% increase compared to other unedited varieties."

"However, unlike the traditional law, the increase in the number of ears in this paddy will not lead to a decrease in the number of grains per ear and grain weight, so theoretically, the more ears, the more harvest it will have."

"You asked me just now whether this piece of rice is knr2-edited rice, in fact, not only, in addition to knr2, in the process of trialing new gene editors, we found that the new editors can be very easy to ipa1-pro10 material Edit."

"The effect of this material is to increase the number of spikes and the average number of grains per spike at the same time."

"Judging from our current tillering situation, the target of number of spikes has been achieved. Next, we will wait for the harvest to see the specific results."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou nodded in admiration.

Xu Lei made it easy to understand. According to her, under the condition that the grain weight remains unchanged, if the number of spikes and the number of grains per spike can be increased by 35% at the same time, the yield of rice per plant can theoretically be directly increased by 82%. !

This is a terrifying figure. If Guo can really achieve such an effect, then in the future, the food problem in the whole world will completely disappear for a long time in the future.

That's an almost doubling boost... how long will it take for the population to double?

Of course, such an increase in yield also depends on many other factors, such as fertility, water source, thermal conditions, etc., but even in the worst case, this type of new breed should be able to increase yield by more than 30%.

Not too much, but enough.

Ye Zhou stood up with emotion, his eyes crossed the rice field, and looked at the red sun that was gradually falling in the distance.

It wasn't until his eyes stinged to the point of tears that he withdrew his gaze.

When he looked at Chen Hao again, the gloomy expression on his face had been swept away.

Yes, this is the country and the nation where I live.

When the sky falls, everyone has to eat first.

And as long as you can eat enough, there is no problem that can't be solved - even the strongest enemy, the power nurtured from the grain is enough to tear them to shreds.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked:

"So, how do we plan our dinner tonight?"

Chen Hao smiled slightly and replied:

"Simple, eat the whole rice feast!"



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