Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 349 What Is The Whole Rice Banquet?

Ye Zhou originally thought that the so-called Quan Rice Banquet was a gimmick, but he didn't expect that Quan Rice was really all about rice.

The staple food is rice and rice noodles. Of course, it goes without saying that the various snacks made from rice did not surprise him, but the tricks of the main dish really gave him a lot of surprises.

Hehua fish, rice fragrant chicken, beef rice cracker, rice fragrant shrimp, rice loach, lotus root, bullfrog, rice flower turtle......

All the farming and planting products that coexist with rice have been put on the dining table, which opened the eyes of Chen Hao and Ye Zhou, who were just here to relax. It was even more enjoyable, and even Wu Ping, the security guard who came with him, was faintly at a disadvantage.

According to Ye Zhou's request, there were no other leaders at this meal except Xu Lei and a few young colleagues of the same level. They didn't know the true identities of Ye Zhou and Chen Hao, so everyone was not too restrained and ate until When the cups and plates were messed up, everyone felt their stomachs and leaned back on the chairs to rest.

After breathing for a while, Xu Lei first sighed:

"It's really cool to eat this kind of dinner.... You don't need to drink, you don't need to flatter yourself, and someone will reimburse you for the meal. Ye Gong, you can come a few more times in the future, preferably once a month, give it to us Improve and improve the food."

Ye Zhou gave her a somewhat amused look. After returning from the experimental field, she was still dressed in a plain face, but she changed into fresh clothes and looked more youthful for her age.

"You are guarding so many industries, but you still worry about what you don't have to eat and drink? Are these things you raised yourself? It's a pity that there are no snails----I remember that the first two years of rice snail symbiosis was also a very hot topic, right?"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Xu Lei instantly returned to her professional working state, nodded slightly and replied:

"The symbiosis of rice and snails is indeed a good topic, but the requirements for water quality of field snails are too high, and slight changes in acidity and alkalinity will lead to large areas of death, which requires strict control of the number of rice spraying and fertilization. It's basically impossible."

"I heard that before I came, the Academy of Agricultural Sciences had built a symbiotic field of one or two acres of rice and snails, but the effect was too poor to promote it. The project was cancelled within two years."

"The field is still there now, but it's not the snails, it's the ducks -- it's almost ready to eat by the Mid-Autumn Festival, Ye Gong, do you want to come?"

Seeing Xu Lei's sly smile, Ye Zhou nodded knowingly and replied:

"Let's see if there is time. But seriously, are you all so miserable? How do you feel like you can't get enough to eat?"

Xu Lei laughed and replied:

"That's not as exaggerated as not having enough to eat. The main thing is who would refuse to eat a good meal... Look, this meal is not a meal that our unit canteen can make. It's a chef specially invited to the restaurant."

"Our leader still wants to come, but I heard that you were rejected?"

Xu Lei looked at Ye Zhou curiously. Today's meal was indeed the most special meal she had ever eaten since working, so she couldn't help but explore the reasons behind it.

According to the reception specifications of your own unit, generally speaking, the visits of colleagues at the same level will be settled in the small restaurant of the cafeteria. The cook is the chef of the cafeteria, and the personnel responsible for arranging the reception are not fixed.

The senior leaders of the same level units are also received in a small restaurant, but the dishes are relatively high in specifications, and they are also received by special office personnel.

When you arrive at the superior leader of the superior unit, the reception will go to a special restaurant. The specifications of the dishes are in accordance with the fixed meal standard, and the individual budget is strictly controlled.

As for the dinner arranged on the farm like today, she only participated once, and she participated as the only key employee elected last year. Many of the leaders she met that time were those who frequently appeared on TV.

But today's meal was different from any meal before.

My biggest boss personally arranged the menu, and the director of the office personally went to the best hotel in the county to invite the chef.

Under such specifications, in the end, it was only his little characters who were eaten.

Such a sense of contrast made her wonder what mysterious second generation came this time, but looking at the young and easy-going face on the opposite side, she really couldn't match him with the second generation in her impression.

However, after all, this face is a little familiar.

Ye Zhou on the other side didn't think so much. In the end, he was just here to eat. A series of things were arranged by Chen Hao and Chen Hao's office staff, so when he heard Xu Lei's question, he I didn't know how to answer for a while.

After a moment of hesitation, he said:

"Probably... It's a refusal. Anyway, we're here to see the new rice seedlings this time, it's not an inspection, there's no need to do it... Uh, there's no need to be too serious ."

Ye Zhou originally wanted to say "there's no need to mobilize people too much", but on second thought, this is actually a very naive statement.

With his current status, no matter where he goes or what he wants to do, it is impossible not to make a move, because his importance lies here, and his safety must be strictly guaranteed at all times.

This is actually one of the reasons why he is reluctant to go out. He has not really adapted to this "specialized" treatment.

"Hey, I think it's pretty good, if only there were more leaders like you... Ye Gong, what are you in charge of? Can you say this?"

Xu Lei asked this question a bit rashly, of course Ye Zhou would not answer, but just smiled and said:

"This involves confidentiality, so it's not convenient for me to tell you. However, it must have something to do with our rice research, or else I won't come here."

"Is that so... hehe, actually, I don't really want to know, I understand the confidentiality rules!"

Xu Lei did not continue to ask, but calmly skipped this topic.

Several people returned to the topic of eating, drinking and chatting for a while, Ye Zhou saw that they were all tired, so he proposed to leave.

The accommodation had been arranged long ago and was still led by Xu Lei. Ye Zhou and the others found their own rooms. Just as Xu Lei was explaining to them how to use the various facilities, the watch on her hand suddenly vibrated.

Xu Lei raised her arm and glanced at the display of her watch, then said apologetically:

"Ye Gong, President Chen, I won't introduce you more. Anyway, these things are no different from ordinary hotels and guest houses. I have to go to the fields to deal with my urgent matters. I'm sorry."

"Emergency? What can happen so late?"

Ye Zhou looked at the other party suspiciously and asked.

"The monitoring system indicates that the water level of a field is lower than the warning line. It is estimated that the upstream water channel is blocked. I have to unclog it. It doesn't matter, you can rest. It's not a problem."

"It's not a question of whether it's troublesome or not. You are a girl. Is it safe to go to the fields so late? Why don't you change your leaders."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Xu Lei laughed.

"Ye Gong, the current rural areas are different from the previous ones. Our experimental fields are all networked with intelligent systems, and we have Skynet system and Ping An Village system, so we don't need to worry at all... "

Ye Zhou nodded suddenly, and after a short pause, he said:

"Is that so... Shall we go with you? I just have enough to eat. Let's go for a walk and digest."

"Then let's come together, just to show you our field management system."

Xu Lei nodded without hypocrisy, and then continued:

"Hey, most of our budget is spent on this. We have to let the leaders see the results."

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