Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Three Hundred And Fiftieth Can Not Lie Back In Bed

Xu Lei led Ye Zhou and his group on the rural road to the experimental field. The solar street lights on the road turned on one by one as they passed by, and then gradually turned off. Ye Zhou watched this scene with some novelty and said yes. Chen Hao said:

"Does this count as excess technology?"

Chen Hao was stunned and replied:

"It doesn't count... Now this kind of induction switch is very cheap, and the failure rate is also low. I have seen a report before, saying that this kind of induction street light is still very practical in rural areas. After the solar panel is installed, it can even be completely disconnected from the grid, which is very convenient for installation and maintenance.”

"Also, I remember that Hailan's batch of street lamps was rolled out after the sulfur-silicon battery, and the overall benefit ratio should be better..."

Chen Hao mentioned sulfur-silicon batteries so far, and Ye Zhou immediately understood what he meant.

Yes, co-authoring is also about myself.


Ye Zhou nodded thoughtfully, then continued to ask:

"For infrastructure like this, is it a unified appropriation or a pool of funds now?"

Xu Lei on the side heard his words and answered before Chen Hao:

"There are both appropriations and fundraising. Generally, relatively large infrastructures are allocated by unified financial resources, such as road construction, street lights, water and electricity communication, etc. This village has also updated the aging circuit this year, and the allocation is used."

"However, smaller things are fundraising, and the most typical example is large agricultural machinery."

"In the countryside now, as long as there are more fields, large-scale agricultural machinery has basically begun to be used. We used to study in textbooks and said that our country's cultivated land is relatively scattered and not suitable for large-scale agricultural machinery farming. Now it seems that this judgment is gradually being used. break in."

"For example, in this village now, there are two harvesters and 12 agricultural drones for spraying medicine, of which 4 are privately owned, and the remaining 8 are all bought with funds."

"I don't know why. It seems that in the past two years, in the rural areas, the means of production have been inexplicably started to be publicized again."

Ye Zhou followed the direction of her finger and saw a harvester parked in the open space on the side of the road, and said with some sigh:

"So this is also one of the technical dividends. After the cost of machinery has dropped, even in scattered farmland, it has become more cost-effective to use machinery than to use people... In rural areas, the changes are really big. ."

Hearing this, Wu Ping, who had been following silently beside him, suddenly interjected:

"Yeah, in rural China, the most difficult time has passed."

Ye Zhou was stunned for a moment. He could clearly hear a kind of sadness in Wu Ping's tone. This emotion was the first time Wu Ping had been with him for nearly two years.

"Brother Wu, are you also from the countryside?"

Wu Ping nodded, answered "yes" briefly, and didn't speak any more.

Today, following Ye Zhou to see the rice fields, eat common meals in the countryside, and watch the countryside at night, he does have some urges to talk about it in his heart, but long-term professional training has made him restrained. this impulse.

Ye Zhou also saw this, he reached out and took out a pack of cigarettes from Chen Hao's pocket, took out one and handed it to Wu Ping, who hesitantly took it. After a few seconds of silence, he finally said:

"Ye Gong, in fact, you have also lived in the countryside, and you have also experienced the life in the countryside, but you should...haven't experienced the most difficult time in the Huaxia countryside."

"I was born in 1985. In my memory, the 1990s until the beginning of the 21st century should be the most difficult time I have ever experienced."

"Looking at it from the current perspective, the Chinese countryside at that time, whether it was the land or the ecological environment, had almost reached its limit for the carrying capacity of the explosively growing population."

"Starvation is common, and physical overload is common. In '95, I was just 10 years old, but I was already doing all the heavy manual labor at home."

"Transplanting rice, cutting pig grass, cooking pig food, ploughing, fertilizing...everything requires the whole family to go into battle. As long as one part is missing in the process, it means that food production will be reduced or even no harvest."

"That kind of pressure is terrible. As a farmer, you never dare to make mistakes, because as long as you make a little mistake, the next year will be very difficult."

"However, even if you really work diligently to cultivate the land, the final harvest is only to ensure that you will not starve to death."

"During that time, the use of 'difficult' to describe it is actually not so accurate. More accurate, it should be said to be 'terrifying'."

"We lack everything. Drinking water, irrigation water, firewood, meat, clothing, fertilizer, electricity, manpower, money... The children in our group, apart from labor, are actually doing what they want to do every day. It's similar to the things I saw in the books that rural children did later, such as digging bird nests, catching fish, etc. However, the only difference is that we do these things not because of the so-called innocence, but because of the so-called innocence. Eat enough."

"I have a very good friend -- a brother since childhood, when we used to act together."

"We are really unscrupulous in order to eat one bite. After catching the fish in the small river ditch, we will go to the big river to catch the fish when the reservoir discharges the flood. After catching the sparrows, we will go to the graves in the deep mountains to catch pheasants. After a paddy field is harvested, we will re-fill the water and turn it over several times, because there will be a lot of loach in it, which can be sold for money."

"Not only that, but we also go to nearby steel mills to steal scrap steel, knock on steel bars on construction sites, and fry fish in reservoirs."

"My brother is stupid. He was always caught when he went to fry fish. Every time I ran halfway, I had to go back to save him. Because of these things, I actually fought a lot when I was a child."

"He's weak and can't fight, so every time I rush in front, and then when he gets home, he goes home and steals safflower oil to give it to me----inevitably, he will be beaten by his father again."

"Once, the two of us really had no oil or water in our stomachs, and we were so hungry. We heard that there was water in a cave in the mountain, and there were fish in the pond, so we lit a torch and wanted to go in and catch fish."

"As a result, the hole was too deep, the water was found, the fish was caught, and when I wanted to go out, I couldn't get out."

"We were trapped in the cave for a whole day, and then the family tied a rope to find us and rescued us both. But do you know what the most outrageous thing is? Just after we found out that we were lost, in our The last thing we did before the torches ran out was to put the fish back in the water."

"At that time, we didn't even think about whether we could go out alive, but thought that if we came back again, the fish in this pond would be enough to eat for a long time."

"Later, when we came out of the cave, one person was holding seven or eight fish in his hand, as if we had won the battle, but we didn't even think about it at all, and we almost died."

"My brother almost died later. When he was 16 years old, he electrocuted a fish in the river and electrocuted himself half-hearted."

"It was in 2002, and I had already joined the army. He was brushed off because of his poor health, and he was even less talented in reading, so he could only continue to stay at home and work in agriculture."

"My mother called me and told me that he had an accident. I asked what happened. My mother said that the electric fish electrocuted herself."

"Just like that, he is a person, even if the coffin is finalized."

"At that time, I thought it was really a pity. A good person may have passed his whole life in such a hurry."

"That's how farmers were in those days. They were born, labored, and then died for various reasons, as if they had never been in this world."

"However, at that time, I really didn't expect that his life would turn around."

"Two years, really two years—three years at the most."

"In 2000, the urban economy began to explode, industrialization was fully rolled out, the rural population began to flow into the cities, and the contradiction between people and land in the countryside was suddenly weakened."

"In 2004, the Three Rural Policy was implemented."

"Since that year, the standard of living in the countryside has taken off, getting better every year."

"Earth, he definitely can't grow, but he sat in a wheelchair and ate all the policy support behind him."

"New rural cooperative medical care, targeted poverty alleviation, rural revitalization, technology to the countryside, e-commerce entrepreneurship..."

"After eating this set, and their brains are still flexible, their family went from being poor to being unable to eat meat once a year. Now, they sell local bacon by themselves, and they have built two floors if they make do."

"He really survived those two years. It was very hard. He lay in bed for two whole years, but in the end he made it through."

Having said that, Wu Ping took a hard puff of cigarette, then smashed the cigarette butt with his hand, and put the cigarette butt back in his pocket.

After exhaling the smoke, Wu Ping continued:

"Last year, I went to see him when I came home from vacation. He looks good and his body is not bad. I bought an electric wheelchair. I went to the pig farmer's house early in the morning to buy dozens of catties of pork, and put it on my leg to transport it home. , and then chop it up, pickle it, dry it, turn it around and go to the computer to put it on the shelf for delivery."

"Really, that scene had a big impact on me at the time - if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, it's really hard to imagine that things with such huge contrasts would come together."

"A disabled person, a wall of bacon, a vacuum packaging machine under the bacon, and a computer with a fill light for live broadcast on the opposite side."

"Ye Gong, you said the dividend of technology, in fact, I feel that this is the dividend of technology that I see."

"What you just said, excess technology, I can probably understand what it means, but I have a point of view, I don't know if it's right."

"That is, the revitalization of our rural areas is actually achieved by the back-feeding of huge resources again and again."

"Such resource investment is bound to be wasted. For example, as you just said, this kind of solar street light may not really be necessary."

"But, I think, it's actually a symbol."

"It symbolizes that most of the fundamental problems have been solved, and we have begun to pursue higher levels."

Wu Ping paused again, he first glanced at Xu Lei, then turned his head to Ye Zhou, lowered his voice to a level that only the two of them could hear, and said:

"Ye Gong, I know very little about what you are doing, but I know that this pursuit depends on you; I also know what you are worried about."

"But, you just do it. As for the outside, there are us."

"If someone tried to take these things we've got, even with our teeth, we'd bite him to death."

"I won't let my brother go back to bed again."

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