Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 352 War Clouds Raise Around

In the grass, a group of Bayang soldiers were quietly observing the Yinfang camp in the distance.

They wore bnvd31 binocular night vision devices and cqb05 micro-sound submachine guns in their hands. Each group of three dispersed alert, while the core observers quickly recorded the details of the Yinfang camp through the recorder in their hands.

This is not a very special investigation operation. In fact, such mutual investigations between the two countries are not uncommon. On average, every month, they will have a conflict between "scouts" on the border. loss.

Although the Yin side army has made all kinds of oolong and nonsensical operations all day, it is undeniable that on this continent, they still belong to the military powers, especially its elite troops, in the face of the special forces of Bayang In combat brigade, there is no downside at all.

The news that the so-called Yindu Special Forces were completely wiped out by the regular forces of Bayang is nothing but speculation, because in this world, no matter what country or how powerful the special forces are, in the face of large-scale When the regular army was encircled and suppressed, they could not escape the fate of being killed.

Only when a small-scale reconnaissance force is confronted can they really see their combat effectiveness.

And for this, the members of this team have a deep understanding.

Their team has a total of 12 people, but in just 6 months, 6 new people have been replaced.

Yosef, the leader of the team, looked around vigilantly. He had a natural instinct for danger, and it was this instinct that kept him alive from battle to battle.

And now, he felt something was wrong.

The other side's military camp is too normal.

That is, because it is too normal, it seems a little abnormal.

All the equipment was parked in place and in the garage. The soldiers had already returned to the camp to rest, and the guards on guard patrolled lazily leaning against the wall to smoke...

It's as if this is not the border, but a pension camp in the capital.

After a moment of contemplation, he lowered his voice and said:

"Scan the surroundings to see if any enemy patrols are approaching!"

Hearing his words, the team members on the side immediately turned on the special infrared detectors and began to scan the surrounding area of ​​two kilometers. After a while, when a bright yellow figure appeared on the dim screen of the pda, the team members' voices suddenly became urgent. .


Yosef took the pda immediately, and was taken aback by what it showed.

Not just people, but a lot of people.

Those people were moving along a certain road down the mountain in a neat formation, and there was not even a single light in the line.

This is not in line with the way of fighting in Yindu at all—or rather, it is not in line with the way of their ordinary troops.

Night battles were an important criterion for evaluating an army's combat effectiveness, and now, the team he saw clearly exceeded the average level of the Yindu army.

Such a covert maneuver was not even discovered by his reconnaissance team at the beginning.

Where are they going?

Yusuf immediately had a burst of doubts in his heart, however, before he could continue to think about it, a burst of gunshots erupted not far away.

The team members with pda beside them collapsed in response. Yosef rolled over and rolled down the low slope, but in just a few seconds, their 12 team members had already lost 4 members.

Yes, how could such a large-scale military operation fail to go out for investigation?


At this time, Yosef was no longer concerned with the principle of silence in communication. He turned on his pda, connected to the communication satellite desperately, and began to transmit the information they had just obtained to the rear.

After the communication channel was established, he dropped the cbq05 bullet in his hand, and then replaced it with the more powerful ak-74 on his back. While firing, he quickly retreated to the border line.

At this time, they are still 20 kilometers away from the border. According to the speed of the other party's pursuit, I am afraid that they will not be given a chance to leave at all.

Yosef looked desperately at the gunfire that lit up everywhere and the flares that kept lifting into the air. The weapon in his hand kept firing at the location where the flames were flashing, but after one flame was extinguished, another flame would light up immediately.

"Captain, there are too many people! You lead someone to break through first, and I will lead someone to cover!"

A team member shouted in the communicator, but his thoughts were lost almost instantly.

A grenade fell beside him, and his body turned into a bloody fog, which instantly dissipated into the night sky.

"Lie down, down!"

Yosef shouted frantically, but he knew it was just a last-ditch effort.

There is no hope anymore. This time, their actions coincided with the large-scale mobilization of the other party.

Information, something went wrong.

The other party's purpose does not seem to be in that plateau -- or rather, not only in that plateau.

I thought that my side would be the first mover, but judging from the current situation, the opponent's move was even much faster than my own!

This information must be sent.

The destruction of the reconnaissance team may attract the attention of the domestic military, but it is still too difficult for them to infer the opponent's movements from this destruction, because such losses are actually happening every month. .

He stared nervously at the upload progress on the pda. Thanks to the satellite network, the upload progress had reached 86%, and the upload could be completed in 10 seconds at most.

Mission accomplished.

He squared the pda on a raised boulder to ensure optimal signal reception. Then, he rushed out of the bunker and, together with the only two remaining team members, launched a final exchange of fire towards the Yindu troops encircling in the distance. .

The bullets ran out quickly, but luckily, they were all dead before the bullets bottomed out.

This cannot be said to be unlucky.


The pda on the stone escaped all the artillery fire, and when the Yindu army found it, the data transmission above had been completed.

Seeing this scene, the commander of Yindu who came to inspect the battlefield sank like water.

"As I said, this operation will block all the surrounding areas at least two days ago! What are you doing? Tell me, how did they cross our blockade?!"

A junior officer in front of him glanced at the pda timidly, and then replied:

"We've locked down ... we have close to 10,000 people on the border."

"10,000 people?? Are you kidding me? 10,000 people are used in a dangerous area of ​​several hundred kilometers?? This is not a blockade at all, this is a sieve!!"

"I don't want to argue with you about this anymore. If it wasn't for your caste, you should have my bullets embedded in your head!"

"I said, mobile blockade, mobile patrol! Can you understand the meaning of these two words?!"

"...Sorry, sir."

"What's the use of sorry?! Our actions have been fully exposed! Wait for court martial!"

The commander smashed the pda in his hand in exasperation. When he discovered these Bayang people, his emotions were extremely angry, and after seeing them pass the information with pda, this anger almost rose to madness. degree.

How can there be such a stupid teammate?

Has the gap in combat effectiveness between the elites and ordinary troops in your own country already reached this level?

After a long time, he finally sighed and gave the order to move on.

This large-scale assembly is crucial, and may even decide the fate of his own country, so he does not want any surprises.

But since the accident has already happened, I am confident that I can win this battle well on top of these accidents.

After all, this time, his opponent is only Bayang. Compared with the terrifying dragon, this opponent really does not pose much threat to himself.


In late autumn, in the last week of October, the elite troops of Yindu crossed thousands of kilometers under the guidance of the military advisers of the Chou Kingdom, Chen Bing, and the border between Yin and Pakistan.

At the same time, on the plateau border, Yin Fang, who had just received new equipment, also began to show off his power.

There are constant transport planes taking off and landing in Bayang, and on the highway on the plateau, dark green trucks also meander like a long dragon.

There is snow on one side and desert on the other.

On the two completely different landforms, battle clouds are everywhere.

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