Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 353 The Progress Of The War Situation

The process of the battle on the desert border caught everyone off guard. Just 6 hours after the Yousef team was surrounded and suppressed by the enemy troops, Bacon started rocket strikes against Yin military facilities, targeting military camps, transportation Convoys, outposts, warehouses, etc., they did not even make representations to the Yin side at all, but immediately entered the national combat readiness state, allowing the war machine to start running at full speed.

This strike destroyed a small amount of Yinfang equipment and buildings, but the actual casualties and losses were extremely limited. The rocket's quasi-head is one reason, and the Yinfang's air defense interception system is another reason.

After being attacked by the Pakistani side, the Yin side, who had already entered the state of pre-war preparations, quickly fought back—also in the form of rockets and long-range artillery, but their accuracy was not as good as that of the Pakistani side. The rockets and the shelling that lasted for nearly two hours yielded a measly result.

At this time, no one wants to immediately enter the fighting stage of the ground troops. Even if the armored troops on both sides are ready to go, the next stage is still not the collision of steel torrents, but electronic warfare and air combat.

The f-35 squadron that the Yin side had just arrived at played a role almost immediately. The Xiaolong fighter jets used by the Pakistani side were completely behind in performance and synergy. The battle damage reached an astonishing 0-6, and the Pakistani side only shot down the other's two Mirage 2000s and two MiG-21s.

Fortunately, this kind of battle situation has been reversed with the launch of the Tenglong fighter. Although it is not as good as the f-35 in multi-function attributes, the air superiority of the Tenglong is indeed better than that of the f-35 for at least half a generation. The two Tenglong fighters constitute the smallest. The electronic warfare detachment, one mounted with an electronic warfare pod is responsible for interference, and one cooperates with the early warning aircraft for over-the-horizon killing. .

At this time, the ground radar facilities on the border between the two sides have been basically destroyed, and the heavy task of target discovery has turned to early warning aircraft. In this regard, Yindu is obviously far ahead of the Pakistani side.

The latest battle situation between the two countries was broadcast on the news. With the emb-145h tactical early warning aircraft and the a-50ei large-scale early warning aircraft joining the battlefield, almost everyone believed that this air battle would end in a comprehensive defeat of the Pakistani side.

However, at this critical moment, the Yindu Air Force made a fatal mistake.

One of their A-50ei early warning aircraft forgot to turn off the transponder during the operation.

At first, no one realized that the aircraft flying in the warring airspace was an early warning aircraft. The Pakistani side even believed that it was a civil airliner that had entered the war zone by mistake, and had already made preparations for a temporary ceasefire. The fighter jet passed through the escorting f-16 formation stealthily and appeared over the aircraft. All the talents found out with laughter that it was actually an early warning aircraft in combat.

Without any hesitation, the Tenglong fighter shot it down with two combat bombs, and then calmly cleaned up the six f16s that had suddenly lost the support of the radar data link, and then returned home leisurely.

When the news was reported, almost everyone who followed the war between the two countries was speechless.

No one thought that Yindu could make the same mistake a second time.

That's right, in 2019, such a thing happened once, but last time Yin Fang ran fast, and this time, their luck was really bad.

The balance of victory in the air battle tilted sharply. The Yin side adopted a strategy of temporary contraction and switched to using drones to carry out reconnaissance and strike missions. For Ba Yang, who studied under the rabbit, under the second most advanced electromagnetic warfare technology in the world , those drones are just like door-to-door delivery of equipment, either shot down or captured.

Facts have proved that drones, at least at the current stage, are just toys for small countries, and their role in the battle between two big countries with a complete military system is still extremely limited.

As a result, the air battle inevitably dragged into a stalemate, and the two sides further began to fire missiles at each other, but neither achieved results.

In fact, it is impossible to achieve any results - the base and advanced level of missiles retained by both sides are too low, and they may be able to achieve extraordinary achievements in large-scale battles, but a single-domain, single-tactical confrontation?

At most, they just set off fireworks for each other.

After a series of temptations, the two sides unanimously refocused on the ground.

The armored forces quickly assembled, a large number of the army rushed to the border, and all the equipment at the bottom of the press box was unveiled. It seems that the largest army conflict after World War II will break out in this area in the next second.

However, in such a tense atmosphere, the situation suddenly ushered in the first cooling down.

The reason for the cooling is bizarre, bizarre to everyone's expectations.

On September 24, 10 hours after the conflict between the two countries broke out, a senior official of the Yindu military publicly stated in a TV interview that Yin did not rule out the possibility of using nuclear weapons against Pakistan.

As soon as the news came out, international public opinion was in an uproar.

The four major grain merchants originally wanted to rely on this news to further hype up their nervousness and push up grain prices, but the officials of the ugly country immediately came to an end and denounced Yin Fang's irrational remarks.

So, just two hours after this speech was broadcast, the official was caught again, and it was clarified in the international media that the previous speech was only his personal opinion, not the opinion of the Yindu military, and he was not there. The military holds any position.

----Yes, he was in a high position two hours ago.

This episode allowed both sides of the conflict to see the real situation clearly, all combat strategies were adjusted, the scope of the exchange of fire was reduced, and the frequency of exchange of fire was reduced. A full attack.

Thus ended the first phase of the conflict.


Yindu, an air force base.

Held, the commander-in-chief of the c-5 transport aircraft formation of the Chou Kingdom, leaned back on the reclining chair leisurely, flipping through the combat briefing just sent by the Yin side personnel.

He was not surprised that the front lines had reached a stalemate - especially with regard to air combat.

Yes, the Yin side has f-35 fighter jets supported by its own side. Does the Pakistan side have no new equipment? The electronic warfare version of the Tamron fighter that has previously shined in srbija is a typical example.

A stalemate and a balance of power are normal. In fact, if Yindu can really rely on a few fifth-generation machines to gain an overall advantage, it would be a real hell.

Therefore, he is not in a hurry at all, because the subsequent ground confrontation is the focus of this battle.

The Indian side has added a large number of armored units, while the Pakistani side is slightly inferior in terms of advanced equipment and the quality of military personnel. Such a disadvantage may not be a big deal in a small-scale conflict, but as long as the front line is one Lengthen and scale to expand, and the gap is easy to show.

According to his judgment, the ground confrontation is likely to start after 48 hours, and then quickly enter a rolling battle. Pakistan is likely to hold on for a while with limited air superiority, but this time will definitely not be too long.

But when the Yin side actually occupied the disputed area, or even entered the other side's border, his mission would be complete.

Massive numbers of refugees, devastated productivity, food shortages, humanitarian crises... all of this will eventually add another fire to the result the superior wants.

And this fire will eventually burn back to that plateau and burn to a new battlefield.

What will the rabbit do?

Will they take the opportunity to enter a state of emergency once as an excuse to implement food control strategies?

Will this make our own plans fail?

----No, probably not.

If the other party really wants to make a move on their border, they shouldn't let the genitals fight in the first place, because once the fire on their border burns, it will become more difficult to control the food.

Thinking of this, he dropped the briefing paper in his hand, turned to look at his colleague who was playing with his mobile phone, and said:

"Mill, shall we make a bet?"

The officer named Mir raised his head suspiciously and asked back:

"Bet what?"

"Bet when we leave this base."

"Leave this base? What do you mean??"

Helder smiled and explained:

"When the overall situation is decided, we will naturally leave this base. How about it, bet or not?"

Mir spread his hands helplessly and replied:

"Okay....then I'll bet, two weeks."

"You're too cautious... how about I play a big, 500-dollar game with you and bet we'll leave within a week?"

"Within a week??"

Mill smiled lightly.

"Looks like you're trying to send me money. Well, within a week."

Helder and Mir gave a high five, then stood up and walked out the door.

He is going to attend an important meeting soon. At this meeting, he will propose the most complete and sophisticated combat plan, and personally give command to certain troops, so as to ensure the smooth operation of the operation to the greatest extent. .

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