Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 354 Retreat The Enemy Calmly

On the plateau, under the snow-capped mountains, a certain post in China.

For the officers and soldiers of the post, it was an ordinary and simple day. They got up on time, patrolled on time, trained on time. After the day's tasks, they went back to the barracks to take a hot bath and watch the news of the day. , If you have enough time, you can also organize a group to watch a movie and relax.

This kind of life is not easy to come by. The first thing to do is to have strong logistical delivery and support capabilities, and secondly, to have crushing strength, so that the opposite side does not dare to act rashly.

Yes, after the first batch of individual exoskeletons arrived, this post has not had a conflict with the opposite side for a long time.

This is not a difficult thing to understand. Just imagine, if your opponents per capita trebuchets, standing seven or eighty meters or even two or three hundred meters away can throw dense stones on top of your head, what else would you think? To conflict with them?

Want to rush over against the "stone rain"?

What are you going to do? Take a hot shower in someone's bathroom?

This is a good solution to the difficulty of taking a bath. The only problem is that if you go, you may not come back.

Therefore, in the past two or three months, this area that should have been drawn with swords and arrows has been calm, even so calm that the mace has begun to rust.

However, this kind of calm seems to have entered the final stage. As a batch of new equipment from the Yin side began to be deployed forward, everyone in the post could smell a chilling breath of war.

This kind of breath became stronger after the war between Yin and Ba, but it was strange that the command system of the post did not seem to respond to this situation.

It is still the same training, patrolling, and meetings are also commonplace such as the requirement to eat less canned fruit for storage, no smoking in the living area, no random throwing stones at the opposite side, and exoskeleton maintenance points.

Many new fighters who have just arrived have even questioned this atmosphere. They ran to ask their squad leader, the veterans in the squad, and even the candy-colored cook, but the answer they got was always one sentence :

"Train well, when it's time for you to work, you will naturally be notified."

Such an answer obviously cannot satisfy these few recruits, but due to discipline requirements, they can't discuss in private, so they have to hold back this distressing pressure in their hearts, or vent them in the distant sky. on the stone.

Yu Yu is one of these recruits. On this day, after watching the daily news broadcast, he did not go to the activity area to exercise like other comrades in arms, but walked to the edge of the post and sat on the edge of a certain boulder. up, quietly watching the setting sun in the distance.

His mood is complicated.

On the one hand, he was apprehensive about the possible test, but on the other hand, he felt that this was a rare opportunity.

It's not about rejoicing in battle, it's not about making achievements, it's just... a small opportunity for revenge.

He also participated in the conflict after the last exoskeleton was delivered, but he always felt that something was missing, always felt that it was not enough, there was a fire in his heart, and it kept burning, and his bones were burning. itch.

When will there be definite news?

It really doesn't work, why don't you just ask the political commissar?

But it seems that I ran to ask him about this matter, and I always felt that I had never seen the world.

Thinking of this, Yu Yu sighed deeply.

Just as he was about to get up and leave, a hand suddenly pressed on his shoulder.

Yu Yu looked up and saw that it was his squad leader Jin Yu.

"Squad leader..."

Yu Yu subconsciously wanted to get up, but was held down by Jin Yu, who then said:

"Sit down, sit down...what's the matter, have an idea in mind?"

Looking at Jin Yu's searching eyes, Yu Yu hesitated for a moment and said:

"It's still those things... I always feel like I don't have a plan, and I don't know what to do."

Jin Woo smiled and replied:

"This is not something planned or unplanned. I told you that if there is any action, the superior will definitely notify us in advance. If we haven't notified it yet, it means that the time has not come yet."

"So, just wait with peace of mind. Isn't our training still behind? Isn't logistics also behind? What's there to worry about?"

Yu Yu shook his head, sighed and said:

"Squad leader, I'm not worried -- I'm not worried that we can't play, can't beat, I believe that no one in our team has such a worry."

"What we're worried about is... hey, how do we say it? It's just like... it's like when I was going to school before, I wanted to take the test, but I was a little afraid to take the test."

After listening to Yu Yu's words, Jin Yu nodded with a smile and replied:

"This kind of mentality is normal -- it's the first time! I remember that I had the same mentality as you at that time. When I heard a little trouble on the opposite side, I wanted to rush over with a bayonet knife, so young and energetic!"

"This kind of mentality has its advantages, but also its disadvantages. I ask you, you have taken so many military theory courses, what do you think is the most important thing in war?"

Yu Yu was stunned for a moment. Many answers flashed through his mind, such as equipment, personnel quality, fearlessness, logistical support... But these answers were all denied by him in a short period of time. .

Asking such a question at a time like this, Jin-woo is obviously not looking for an ordinary answer.

After hesitating for a moment, he shook his head and replied simply:

"I don't know, I haven't played it yet. Squad leader, tell me directly."

Jin Yu glared at him helplessly, took out a cigarette and handed it to him, and then lit it himself before answering:

"I'm asking you this because I actually want to share some of my thoughts."

"Like I told you, a long time ago, I had the same mentality as you, but as I experienced more and more things, my insights became more and more."

"I won't tell you the answer to this question first, but let me ask you another question: what do you think is their biggest problem in the past two days of yin-ba conflict?"

Yu Yu thought for a moment and replied:

"Insufficient preparation, hastily challenged. Whether it is Yindu or Bayang, they have the problem of insufficient strategic and tactical preparation. The tactical coordination of the modern army has not been achieved at all, and the integrated air-ground operation has become a decoration. What should have been a killer was used. Throwing it out to catch and fight, it's like the generals of the two armies duel before the ancient army charged."

"The fuse of this battle was the demise of the Pakistani reconnaissance team. According to the public information we received, in fact, the team had already passed information to the Pakistani side before the death of all members, and won at least 6 hours of time. "

"But the Pakistani side did not make use of these 6 hours."

"If we want to fight, the entire army will be assembled in one hour, and the tactical deployment will be completed in one hour. Electronic jammers will cooperate with early warning aircraft and air superiority aircraft to go out of the clear airspace, and ground attack aircraft and long-range fire will perform pre-strikes at important points. Transport aircraft formations will conduct airborne deliveries and establish forward early warning positions."

"Then, the ground fast-anti-combination brigade started to consolidate the early warning position, followed up mechanized, and the air defense brigade assisted the limited air force to gain air supremacy to the greatest extent, and carried out firepower projection to the enemy airfields within the air strike radius of the forward position, cutting off the opponent's supply. ."

"After completing this, the personnel began to follow up to clean the battlefield, consolidate the logistics supply line, and convert the early warning position into an intermediate supply position."

"After that, it's easy. Follow this route step by step until you reach New Delhi."

"This is still my deduction based on the power of the Pakistani side. In fact, if we can have our personnel and equipment, we can use air superiority to directly establish airspace control, and then combine the brigade to quickly attack and use air firepower to directly reach the other side. Establish a fulcrum in the hinterland, and then continue to expand the defensive range of the fulcrum to form a pincer-shaped offensive and defeat the opponent's front-line troops at one time."

"I remember that Man Guangzhi fought like this one year, and the Red Army was completely stunned. Those people in Yindu must not be able to surpass the northern theater."

After listening to Yu Yu's words, Jin Yu nodded approvingly and said:

"It seems that you have listened carefully to the theory class. It's not bad, and the analysis is in place. But have you noticed that there is a huge difference between your tactics and the actual tactics of the Pakistani side. Do you know what the difference is? "

Yu Yu shook his head and said that he didn't expect it, and Jin Yu said bluntly:



"That's right, calmly. You know how to play every step, what results you may encounter at each step, and how to deal with these results, so you can play very calmly."

"And the more you play calmly, the fewer mistakes you make -- at least you won't forget to turn off the answering machine in an aerial battle like Yindu."

"I know you are in a hurry, especially the new recruits. They have just arrived here. They are eager to make a contribution, to defend their homeland, and to take revenge. This is good, but it is not necessarily right."

"We have invested a huge amount of money to establish the strongest supply line on this plateau, equipped with possibly the most powerful equipment in the whole of South Asia and Central Asia, and conducted so much theoretical education and war situation research and judgment, not to make you ignore it. All to rush to fight, but to fight calmly when the day comes."

"It's like before the individual exoskeletons were shipped, could we be as relaxed as we are now? No way."

"So, you have to learn to adjust, learn to wait, and learn to stabilize your mentality."

"Only in this way can we achieve the greatest results at the least cost."

After listening to Jin Yu's words, Yu Yu took a deep breath, then nodded and said:

"I understand."

"Understand what? Tell me about it?"

"Vengeance is also something that needs to be taken calmly."

Jin Woo laughed and replied:

"Of course. The revenge of a hundred generations can be avenged. What about nine generations? Don't worry, what should come will come."

Having said that, Jin Yu stood up and patted Yu Yu's shoulder and said:

"Yu Yu, go to bed early at night. Soon, it's time to test you."


Towards the end of September, when the battle between Yin and Pakistan was in full swing, the two sides on this plateau finally took action.

The Yin side mobilized a large amount of advanced equipment, the logistics supply line was fully operational, and the most advanced Chouguo Plateau combat armored vehicles were deployed forward, approaching the intersection of the patrol routes of the two sides.

The Yin side has been hyping up this action. In their mouths, their own country seems to have a crushing advantage. However, the rabbit still did not make any military response to such a provocation.

International public opinion made a lot of nonsense about this, and even the coolest ugly country began to think that the rabbit was going to admit it, but just when this argument developed to its peak, several planes took off from a certain military airport.

Therefore, from 10:00 a.m. that day until 18:00 p.m. the next day, the three Yin troops deployed on the plateau front all lost contact.

The duration of the electromagnetic shielding reached an unprecedented 32 hours. During these 32 hours, the three advanced mechanized troops failed to send even a single message for help.

Rabbit's electronic countermeasures once again refreshed the cognition in the international military field. Before the cover was over, Yin Fang began to retreat across the board.

They thought that the range of this interference would not exceed 100 kilometers at most, but in fact, their wireless communication was still severely interfered until they retreated to the combat readiness base 150 kilometers behind the border.

The so-called "Plateau Front" ended before it even started.

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