Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 356 One Side Destroys, One Side Creates

The end of this conference basically announced the complete end of the plateau front, while the desert front on the other side, the two sides are still inextricably fighting.

The sudden outbreak of large-scale fighting has brought huge panic to the entire international community. More importantly, one of them is still an important food-producing country in the world.

Food prices rose further, and tensions about "food shortages" were almost at their peak.

The price of wheat has risen further, and countries have begun to sell grain reserves on a large scale, but only a very small amount of these grain reserves have flowed into the market and into the hands of residents, because most of them have not yet reached the distribution channels. Merchants intercepted and hoarded.

Naturally, such dumping and storage could not achieve the expected effect, but the four major grain merchants did release some grain to maintain the most basic order and stability. This kind of stability is shaky and hovering at the critical value, it seems that there is only a little more new Disturbance, it will immediately slide into an unstoppable abyss.

However, in such a crisis, Huaxia has become the strongest fortress.

The reason is extremely simple.

Small-package commodity grains were officially launched through Hualiang Logistics and COFCO channels.

After the price of wheat had risen, the price of wheat fell, and the uncles and aunts who went to the supermarket to buy them were stunned to see the flour and rice that were almost piled to the ceiling. For a while, no one knew how to start.

The public opinion on the stockpiling of grain on the Internet suddenly reversed, and those who spent a lot of cash stockpiling grain could no longer be stubborn, and the voice of ridicule suddenly became louder.

The agency channels of the four major grain merchants in China were almost defeated, and more and more agents began to defect, and the collapse of one point quickly spread to the whole face. After all, these agents are not loyal dogs of ugly countries. Most of the time, They're just a bunch of swinging businessmen trying to make money.

As long as you're a businessman, you can't face losses comfortably -- especially when grain exports are difficult.

Subsequently, the news of the stable grain prices in China began to spread, and there were also voices of doubts about grain prices in the world. These voices gradually converged and finally reached the ears of the initiators.


On the other side of the sea, the Office of Strategic Analysis.

Johnson has read the analysis report on the price of staple food in the Chinese market, and the results are within his expectations, but in some respects it exceeds his judgment.

He knew that Huaxia would be able to stabilize food prices, and they did not seek to defeat the other party in the first stage, but the other party's series of actions were carried out too quickly and too calmly.

It was as if they had practiced countless times.

From controlling the initiative of public opinion, to combating smuggling, to resisting the enemy for thousands of miles, to the launch of small-package staple food, this combination of punches has no conspiracy, but it has defeated its own offensive.

Is this the so-called mobilization level?

Would it be possible to achieve this level of mobilization if my own country faced the same crisis?

----- No, that's obviously impossible.

After all, our own country is a country where the government will stand up and let the people think of their own solutions when power is cut off in extremely cold weather.

If local officials dare to make such remarks, it is estimated that they will be frozen in a few days, right?

He shook his head and turned his eyes back to the big screen again.

"... The stability of grain prices in China has adversely affected our layout. There is already a strong voice in the international community, questioning that the rise in grain prices is related to our manipulation."

"Behind this voice, we can clearly see the official participation of various countries - a large part of them actually knew from the beginning that they were related to us, but the development of things seems to have exceeded what they can accept. Bottom line."

"We need a new push to counter such doubts. Otherwise, if we let it develop, it will be very detrimental to our follow-up plans."

Johnson nodded and asked:

"What are our options?"

The analyst pulled out a tree diagram, and then pointed to several forks above and said:

"The first plan is wheat virus. We have already made some preparations in the early stage and obtained some experimental data. If it is rolled out on a large scale now, it should be able to achieve good results."

"However, the delivery of this plan is too difficult, because the actual spread of this virus is not strong, and all we can do is to use small-scale cases to influence public opinion."

Johnson hummed and motioned for the other party to continue.

"The second plan, climate change. Similarly, we have already made the groundwork, including some small-scale climate weapons strikes have also achieved results, but if we want to cause actual food production reduction on a large scale, we have technology is not easy.”

"On the other hand, the strike accuracy of meteorological weapons at this stage is relatively poor, and we ourselves are likely to be affected."

"Then don't consider this one. The next one."

Johnson answered decisively.

"The third plan, and the simplest and easiest to implement, is still the use of yin-ba conflict at its core."

"According to our previous strategy, this conflict should have been Yindu's invasion of Bayang, thus forcing Rabbit to participate in the conflict and consume its domestic strength, but judging from the previous test results, such a strategy has proved to be unfeasible. yes."

"The combat effectiveness of the Yindu army is really bad. It is very difficult to maintain the current balance of power. Unless we fully participate, this battle will end soon."

"So, my advice: reversal strategy."

"We should no longer support the Yin side, but let Bayang invade Punjab, and expand the battlefield by extending the front to consume the local food reserves. This can also achieve our goal."

Hearing the analyst's words, Johnson's brows furrowed.

"Are you sure this strategy can be carried out? I remember we discussed it before, if the Bayang invaded the Punjab, not only would they not destroy the grain, they might even open the warehouse to release the grain, if they did. , our plan can also be a complete failure."

The analyst nodded solemnly and replied:

"Yes, they will definitely open the warehouse to put food -- that's a sure thing."

"However, this does not affect our plans."

"What we want to destroy is not grain, but grain fields."

"...Bayang wouldn't do that."

Johnson shook his head and replied.

"But we will."

The analyst's eyes were firm, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him. Johnson was stunned for a moment, and finally nodded.


In October, the stalemate between Yin and Pakistan was completely broken, and the Yin side's defense line collapsed. The so-called elite troops quickly exposed their true combat effectiveness under the integrated attack of Pakistan's air and ground. Later moved to Punjab.

As expected, the Pakistani side aggressively attacked the grain merchants in the city. After forcing them to hand over the grain, only the most basic rations for military supplies were left, and they began to sell low-priced grain in the rear, and even implemented measures to some poverty-stricken areas. Free rescue strategy.

Such a strategy has made food prices in Punjab a depression in the Yindu food market, and other states have followed suit, setting off a wave of food hoarders.

Everything seems to be developing in a good direction, the residents have eaten, and Bayang has won the battle.

However, just when Bayang was about to move further, an air strike against Punjab stunned everyone.

In the report, the target of the air strikes seems to be the logistics supply line of the Pakistani side.

But in fact, almost all the shells of the air strikes fell on non-military units without air defense.

Mainly those farmland that are connected into one piece.

On this day, thick smoke billowed all over Punjab.

The smoke is mixed with the aroma of roasted wheat, the pungent smell of burning napalm, the smell of blood, and the smell of something rotten and disgusting.

Everyone has seen through this conspiracy, but no one can react to it.

---- Except Huaxia.

Two days after the air raid, the official website of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences announced that a breakthrough had been made in the gene editing technology of knr2 and ipa1-pro10 materials.

At the same time, the trait is heritable and the first seeds have entered the production process and are expected to be available worldwide within the year.

In addition, the application of similar technologies in the field of increasing wheat yield has also entered the final verification stage, and the effect is expected to be no weaker than that of increasing rice yield.

As soon as the news came out, this big chess game around food, which had been run by the Chou Kingdom for several months, was instantly overturned.

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