Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 358 The Beginning Of Media Split

Country of origin, Paris.

Louie was an employee of an ordinary company, and one of the most unremarkable young men in the country.

His daily life is extremely simple. He gets up, washes up, buys a piece of bread and a cup of coffee at the coffee shop downstairs, sits in front of the coffee shop and finishes eating, and then takes a regular subway to the company to work.

Repeatedly, every day, very boring, but also very fulfilling.

But recently, his life has also encountered some troubles.

Food prices rose, and the price of bread nearly tripled. Then, with the increase in the price of staple foods, the prices of a series of other daily necessities also began to rise, and this price increase was even transmitted to the rent.

Just yesterday, the landlord asked for a 20% rent increase because, according to her, Louie is now paying almost nothing to cover the landlord's cost of living.

This statement sounds a bit ridiculous to Louis, but this is a free market, and he has to respect the landlord's request until he finds a cheaper listing.

As a result, he had to re-plan his expenses. A concert originally scheduled for Saturday was forced to cancel, and the venue for his date with his lover next month was changed from a hotel to a home - but this is difficult To him, as long as the house he is renting is slightly furnished, it is actually a quite suitable place.

He has already thought about it. When the time comes to open the skylight of the attic, after the passion, the two can look at the stars through the attic together.

Probably no girl can resist such romance, right?

After washing, Louis changed his clothes and went downstairs, bought coffee and bread as usual, and sat leisurely in a chair to eat breakfast.

He has a copy of today's latest Parisian newspaper at hand. Reading newspapers at meals is a good habit he has maintained for a long time. This habit has been cultivated since his first visit to Paris a few years ago. It is to pass the boring time on the subway, but now, the Paris subway has also begun to have the Internet, and still maintaining the habit of reading newspapers is probably to maintain the unique elegance of being a Parisian.

He put down the coffee in his hand and spread out the newspaper. When he was about to read, a slender figure sat across from him.

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

Louis glanced at the woman opposite, smiled politely and replied:

"Of course you don't mind, please feel free."

The woman also smiled at him, and after sitting down, sipping coffee while chatting:

"I see you at this store a lot, but we're not on the same subway, so I never planned to meet you before... My name is Emily."

"Nice to meet you, my name is Louie, and I live on the corner -- I've actually met you before."

"Yeah, we are still neighbors... By the way, I take the liberty to ask you, has your rent increased?"

Hearing this, Louis was stunned for a moment, and then asked back:

"Did yours go up too?"

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth, and she replied:

"Yeah...we're probably the same landlord. It's ridiculous, the cost of living in Paris is getting higher, and I'm already thinking about quitting my job here and going back to Compiègne."

"Compiègne? That seems to be a tourist city, right? I'm afraid the cost of living there won't be much lower..."

"At least bread won't be that expensive, and the price of bread has tripled recently."

Emily shook her head while drinking coffee.

"Yes, it's quite disturbing... But at least we can still buy bread, right? I heard that many countries in the world are already starving because of food shortages--- -Can you imagine? In this day and age, there are still people who starve to death because they can't buy food."

Louis sighed with emotion. In fact, he had seen all kinds of news from the newspapers before, such as the famine in Yindu, the conflict in Belgrade, the rise in food prices in Europe... This series of The problem seemed far away from him, but when he pulled out his wallet to buy bread, it suddenly became very close.

As an ordinary person, he didn't have so much energy to think about the reasons behind these things, but after watching a lot of news, a vague impression formed in his mind:

The rise in the price of this piece of bread in his hands is probably related to the country in the east called Huaxia.

Why? He can't speak.

However, grain prices in China have not risen, have they?

When everyone has to pay more for food, a country that doesn't raise prices is very likely to be the culprit.

This is a simple inference, but the woman opposite seems to have a different opinion from him.

I saw that after she took a sip of coffee, she put down the bread in her hand and replied:

"Yes, I heard that a large-scale famine has started in Yindu, and coupled with their conflict with Bayang, a lot of cornfields that are close to harvest have been destroyed... These damned Ugly people, where they are there is always restless."

"Ugly country? Isn't it Huaxia?"

Louis asked in astonishment.

"Why Huaxia? Aren't they the only country where food prices haven't risen?"

Emily asked rhetorically as well.

"But... because of this, they are the most suspect, aren't they? I mean, from the news, the officials of the ugly country have been warning the public of the food problem and are also working to solve this problem. It's a crisis, but Huaxia... they even banned grain exports."

"But it's their own choice, isn't it? I heard that the destruction of the wheat fields in Yindu this time has something to do with the ugly people."

Emily immediately rebutted Louie's point, and after a pause, she continued:

"In my opinion, the Chinese people are much better than the Ugly people - at least they didn't provoke the war, but the Ugly people sent a lot of weapons to Yindu on the eve of the war."

Louis shook his head helplessly, he vaguely felt that the woman opposite seemed to be influenced by some false news.

After thinking for a moment, he opened his mouth and explained:

"This kind of arms trade is very common all over the world. I think it just happened on the eve of the war. Having said that, if there is no support from the ugly country, the situation in Yindu will become worse and worse. More innocent lives are lost."

"Although everything seems to be a little out of control, the Ugly people are at least doing something - this is better than being indifferent? As far as I know, until now, the Huaxia people have not done anything."

"They don't deserve the title of a big country at all, because they are unwilling to take on even the most basic international responsibilities."

The woman raised her head to look at Louis, and a trace of pity suddenly appeared in her eyes. Louis didn't know where this pity came from, but just quietly waited for the other party's answer.

"However, the Chinese people have obviously done a lot of things - have you read the news? They have developed technologies that can increase the production of rice and wheat, and this is the key to truly solving the food problem, not exporting to the rest of the world. own weapons."

"Think about it, if our food production can really increase by 40% as they say, then how can there be a famine in the world? My rent doesn't have to go up, and I don't have to leave Paris."

Louis looked at the woman blankly and asked:

"Where did you read the news? It should be fake, right?"

"Increase production by 40%? I'm afraid even the ugly people can't do it."

"This is most likely the result of hype by some news media in their country. You know, they often do things like this, publish fake news or something."

Emily's face finally revealed a sarcastic look. Before this small talk, she thought the man opposite was a gentle gentleman, but after a few words, the cognitive level of the other party really made her feel surprised.

After a moment of silence, she finally said:

"Speaking of fake news, isn't it our own media that does this kind of thing the most? It's a well-known fact, there's nothing to argue about."

"However, this time at least our media is telling the truth."

"Mr. Louis, I didn't see this news from the Chinese media. In fact, the Parisian newspaper you have has a report on this news."

"This report is written objectively, I suggest you read it carefully..."

Hearing Emily's words, Louis picked up the newspaper suspiciously, and then, the moment he saw the front page of the newspaper, his pupils shrank suddenly.

In this newspaper, a line is typed in the font with the largest publishing expenses:

"Huaxia confirmed that the grain production increase technology is reliable, and relevant international experts commented that this technology may completely end the pattern of food shortages."


New York, inside the Associated Press headquarters office, Gary is making a phone call with a serious expression.

"...You violated our previous agreement. Now I don't want to hear your illusory excuses. I just want to ask you, what is the reason for you to send this report?"

The man on the other end of the phone smiled softly and replied:

"Mr. Gary, we never had an agreement, it was just a verbal agreement."

"We are media people, and our mission is to spread credible news. Obviously, the news of the Chinese people is credible, and it happens that this news can bring us benefits, so why should we refuse it? "

"Do you know how much of a threat you will pose to our goals by doing this?"

Gary's tone was a little angry, but the man opposite was unmoved.

"Mr. Gary, please pay attention to your words, that is your goal, not ours."

"Actually, as far as I know, our people are starting to run out of food because of your so-called target."

"Then tell me, why should we agree with you?"

"The situation has changed, sir! While you're sabotaging all over the place, someone is really working hard for our food. Who should be chosen, I think it's a very simple question."

"No, no, Mr. Gary, this time you can't accuse us of surrendering to the enemy -- not to mention whether Huaxia is our enemy, at least, we didn't surrender."

"We're just succumbing to the truth."

"What's more, it's not just us who do this."

"As long as anyone with a little common sense knows what changes such technology will bring to the world, your monopoly has been broken."

"The game has begun to shuffle, Mr. Gurry."

"We're not a good player, but we can choose to call the good player at the table."

"From a hundred years of history, they've never lost, have they?"

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