Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 360 Who Is The Culprit?

Gartley and Farkas slumped into the real experimental field pointed out by Xu Lei in shame. They could not wait to bury themselves in the soil. The trace of embarrassment in my heart was quickly washed away by a stronger shock.

Whether it is the number of tillers, the effective heading rate, the number of grains per ear, or the weight and fullness of a single grain, the rice grown in this experimental field has the advantage of rolling over the one seen before. Judging from this average level, the so-called "40%" increase in production previously announced by the Academy of Agricultural Sciences is not exaggerated at all, but too conservative.

It is true that the harvest of crops is not only related to improved seeds, but also to many agricultural management techniques, but according to Xu Lei's introduction, their low-cost field management system has completely solved the management difficulties.

Once it is popularized, the agricultural pattern of the whole world will probably undergo fundamental changes.

The boundary between large-scale extensive management and small-scale fine management will no longer exist, and future agriculture will rely on constantly updated improved seeds and cheap information management technology to achieve maximum efficiency.

After standing up from the test field, the two looked at each other the same, and almost instantly overturned the previous evaluation of this technology, and turned to a tacit viewpoint:

Not only the improved seed technology that requires gene editing, but also this set of field management technology must be obtained!

Whatever the cost!


On the other hand, when Xu Lei took a group of foreign friends to visit the experimental field, the news about the experimental field was also conveyed overseas, and just two hours later, Louis Dreyfus, one of the four major grain merchants, ignored the shareholders meeting. The strong opposition of the major shareholders, the firm announced that they would sell food on a large scale.

The reason they gave is that the food price operation has seriously affected the security rights of people all over the world and broke the humanitarian bottom line, so they resolutely broke away from the alliance of capital and turned to stand with the people.

However, those who knew the inside story only smiled ambiguously at this statement, especially Xu Lei, because she saw with her own eyes that after the visit, two representatives of the development of the country entered the office of the leader of the Academy of Agricultural Sciences.

She didn't know what kind of sincerity the two had presented to Huaxia on behalf of the country's official origin, but she could see that such sincerity was definitely not limited to the ones that were publicized internationally.



Ye Zhou leisurely leaned on the sofa in the office, enjoying the rare leisure time during this time.

Chen Hao, who was opposite him, was also drinking tea leisurely. After drinking half of the tea, he said:

"So, this grain battle can basically be said to have come to an end. Louis Dreyfus is against the water, and the alliance between the four major grain merchants will soon fall apart, and their dominance over grain prices will rapidly decline. Combined with the follow-up we A series of actions, in a very short period of time, we can take back those important nodes controlled by them."

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou nodded slightly and replied:

"That's it. I didn't expect Louis Dreyfus to go down so fast. I thought they would hold on for a while longer. After all, they invested so much in the past, and now they have not achieved any results, so they turned their backs decisively. now..."

"You can't say that either."

Chen Hao shook his head slightly and said:

"Actually, the operation of Louis Dreyfus this time is not so radical compared to the operations of the other three major grain merchants. At most, they are just following, and they have also shown more restraint in the large-scale acquisition and hoarding in the early stage."

"And, in the recent period, they have actually started a small-scale sell-off on the grounds of tight cash flow, and the overall loss is not large."

"The most important thing is that, according to the information we have received, most of the funds for this large-scale acquisition came from the ugly country, and the shareholders of the country and the officials of the country gave almost no money----empty gloves The white wolf has played to this point, and they are considered to be the only ones."

"That's true. After all, the country has developed traditional arts. In any case, as long as they can firmly stand on our side in the future, we do not recommend raising a shepherd dog that is used in the international market. Follow-up equity intervention plan Are you done talking?"

Chen Hao opened the pad on the table and handed it to Ye Zhou, then said:

"The preliminary plan has been set, but the follow-up implementation is still difficult. We still have to wait for the Yin-Ba war to come to an end before trying to find a way to start with the capital."

"The capital of the ugly country has taken root too deeply. It is not so easy to eliminate them one by one."

"On the whole, it's not difficult, but it's very cumbersome. So wait, this matter has not been discussed for a year and a half."

"All right......"

Ye Zhou glanced at the plan on the pad, and then continued to ask:

"How about the dual-mode engine technical team? Their Sabre project is actually relatively advanced in technology. If we can talk about these people, it will give a great boost to our somersault cloud plan."

"This is not a big problem. They themselves are not very optimistic about the Sabre project, but we just need it. Among other conditions, this is just a bonus."

"What about communications? Chips and telecom equipment?"

"No problem, they will guarantee to give us at least 50% of the market in the future."

"Uh....large machinery?"

"This piece is still being discussed, but they have already started to clear the historical procurement contracts, and our equipment will prevail in the future."

"What about the media?"

"It's true that the equity issue has not been discussed, but they have given us alternatives, such as allowing independent newspapers, giving policy support, etc... Let's take a look."

"This time, they really paid for their money. Their pain point about food security is probably stronger than ours. Moreover, the official of the country has also begun to be dissatisfied with Louis Dreyfus, who has a big tail, and just took this opportunity to launch a wave against them. Clean."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou couldn't help laughing.

Louis Dreyfus was originally a country-developed company with a lot of American involvement. Without official intervention, the actual decision-making power is basically in the hands of the ugly country.

Now taking this opportunity, the government wants to clean up the equity of Louis Dreyfus, can it be washed and washed, and the equity is washed into the hands of Huaxia?

Emotions just can't be controlled by their own people, right?

Seeing Chen Hao's puzzled eyes, Ye Zhou explained his shop to him. After listening, Chen Hao shook his head dumbfoundedly and replied:

"I don't see how funny this is....Isn't it a very sensible choice for them?"

"Let's reduce the scale a little bit, think about it, if your company needs a hiring manager, one of them is a master of capital operation, who can make money, but doesn't do facts, and the other is an experienced practitioner who can stably export to the company. New product."

"I think as long as a rational founder knows which one to choose, right?"

"But in fact, in our era, most people will choose the first one - after all, the product is enough, and making money is king."

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, Chen Hao smiled and replied:

"But now times have changed."

"This food battle has woken most people up. It's better to count it than us."

"The era of capital is about to pass, and the next few decades will be the era of real science."

"In this era, we will formulate a new order."

Ye Zhou sighed deeply, then nodded solemnly.


October 20, Punjab.

The Pakistani ground troops have completely occupied the entire territory of Punjab. They have assembled heavy troops on the border between Punjab and Haryana, quietly waiting for the best time to attack.

The early warning aircraft have all been launched, and the drones have also started uninterrupted reconnaissance. After more than a month of adjustment, the Pakistani attack has finally begun to become "calm".

On the other hand, Yindu has almost fallen into the brink of collapse.

A large number of refugees have fled from Haryana, and the army's hearts are fluctuating. There are endless incidents of escaping from the establishment. These people have the most advanced equipment, but they have even lost the courage to fight the Pakistani side.

Yindu officials originally wanted to use this foreign war to boost domestic confidence and achieve the purpose of shifting conflicts, but the final result was completely contrary to the plan.

However, on the other hand, their purpose has indeed been achieved.

Because, the domestic food prices in Yindu have indeed begun to fall.

The reason is also very simple. At the moment when the country enters a state of war emergency, more people are no longer regarded as human beings.

The underworld has become a terrifying purgatory, where famine is rampant and disease is rampant, while Punjab, which should have been the most miserable state in the war, has become a paradise for refugees.

Because there is food there.

This is the most bizarre case in the history of world war.

The so-called "no man's land" in war is not in the battle zone, but in the rear.

Under such circumstances, the Pakistani side formulated a strategy to quickly end the war. Along the main road in Haryana, a large number of armored troops charged rapidly, and on the last day of October, they arrived in New Delhi!

There, they faced the strongest resistance since the start of the war, and the troops were forced to retreat to positions more than a hundred kilometers outside New Delhi, but no one regarded this retreat as a failure.

Because their purpose has actually been achieved.

The next last attack will be the end of the war.

As long as New Delhi becomes an empty city, everything after that can be resolved through negotiation.

Under such pressure, Yindu officials couldn't help but start to think about a question:

Who started this war?

In the emergency conference room, the eyes of all the participants could not help but turn to the other side of the sea.

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