Yindu, New Delhi's outer Pakistani position.

The artillery battle has lasted for nearly 4 hours. Judging from the high-altitude images, most of the residents of New Delhi have been evacuated, and even the Pakistani drones destroyed an official convoy mixed in the crowd.

Logically speaking, if these official personnel are honestly pretending to be civilians, it will not be easy for the Pakistani side to find them, but the key problem is that they want to pretend, but they are not thorough enough.

There was a distance between the motorcade and the civilian team, and there were also motorcycle escorts in the front and back. It might not be obvious from the ground, but from a high altitude, the motorcade looked like a living target.

After paying the price of the loss of several drones, the Pakistani side finally broke through the air defense network of Yindu and dropped two precision-guided bombs on top of the two targets they judged to be the most valuable in the convoy. The loss cannot be estimated for the time being, but the blow to the Yindu military is huge.

The frequency of the Yin side's shelling has obviously slowed down. Taking advantage of this gap, the Pakistani side carried out a round of fire coverage, and then the front was pushed back into the infantry's fire range.

However, just when the Yin side was about to make a final struggle, the Pakistani side did not advance further. Instead, after clearing the Yin side's firepower points one by one, they withdrew to the outside of the main artillery fire range.

At this time, Yin Fang really understood the other party's intention.

They don't want to really bring down New Delhi at all, and they don't want to take over this city full of poor people and refugees. What they want to do is to surround without fighting, and force the official Yindu to reach a ceasefire agreement through a strong deterrent.

The logistics supply line has been established, and such a strategy is undoubtedly the best choice for the Pakistani side.

So, on the third night when the Pakistani army came to New Delhi, the main military leaders of the two countries organized an online meeting and reached a preliminary consensus on the current situation. down.


Highland outpost.

Yu Yu put on the exoskeleton, packed the equipment, and then returned to the barracks, took out a pack of cigarettes that he had hidden under his pillow, and quietly stuffed the cigarettes into the pocket of his tactical vest.

Then, he put on his hood, activated the exoskeleton system, stepped out of the barracks, and joined the patrol team that was ready to go in front of the barracks.

There are a total of 12 people in this patrol team, all wearing the latest mechanical exoskeletons, and the firepower configuration has reached the peak of the individual firepower configuration. In addition to standard rifles and sniper rifles, the team is also equipped with recoilless guns, heavy weapons Machine guns, individual anti-aircraft missiles, and spare battery panels.

This will be a long patrol, and their purpose is to patrol the entire valley.

The troop carrier took them to the starting point of the patrol, and then everyone got out of the car and began to move forward in a column.

As the time entered October, the temperature in the plateau area began to gradually decrease, but due to the heat generated by the exoskeleton running at full speed, they did not feel cold.

As he walked, Yu Yu watched the surroundings vigilantly. As the sniper of this team, he was mostly responsible for finding enemies and coordinating fire control. The data link information to be processed was also the most complicated. .

Jin Yu, the squad leader on the side, noticed his movements, took a few steps to catch up with him, and then asked:

"Is the connection of the data link system normal? How is the communication?"

Yu Yu nodded and replied:

"Squad leader, everything is normal at present, the infrared signal is normal, and the drone has not noticed any changes around it. It seems that they have been really scared."

"It's not enough to be frightened... These gangsters are just being held back by New Delhi. If there is a chance, they will still touch porcelain when they can touch it. , not to be taken lightly.”

"I understand the squad leader, don't worry, leave it to me, and make sure not to miss an enemy."

Jin Yu patted his shoulder lightly, and the exoskeleton gloves hit his shoulder armor with a crisp humming sound.

After a pause, he continued:

"Bayang's side played well this time. Although the start was a little off, it quickly recovered. Look, what did I say before? The more calm you play, the less mistakes you make."

"In modern warfare, as long as you don't make mistakes, the victory is basically locked in."

Yu Yu smiled and replied:

"Squad leader, I have already reflected on it. Don't worry, I won't make such a mistake again mentally in the future."

"It's normal to have problems with your mentality. Anyone can have problems. It's good to adjust in time. How about it? Are you nervous this time around today?"

Yu Yu was stunned, shook his head and said:

"I'm not really nervous, just a little regretful."

"Sorry for what?"

Jin Yu asked suspiciously.

"This can't be said, it's politically incorrect... Squad leader, you know."

Jin Yu smiled silently, turned around and returned to the back of the team.

After several hours of trek and a break in the middle, the patrol came to the far end of the patrol. After crossing a shallow river of glacial meltwater, they began to walk further ahead.

In front of them, dozens of patrols from the Yindu side were watching them vigilantly.

Their muzzles have been raised subconsciously, and the expressions on their faces are extremely nervous.

This is a natural reaction. In fact, when anyone sees a team wearing a mechanical exoskeleton, covered with weapons, and casting a cold electronic cold light on the head mask, they will not Might not be afraid of it.

Because those equipments represent crushing power.

They have no doubt that if this patrol team wants to go against them, then they will not have any chance of resistance at all.

Looking at the reaction of the opposite Yindu people, Yu Yu calmly clenched the gun in his hand, the mask of the mechanical exoskeleton tightly locked the enemy's position, and the information was shared with everyone in the team through the data link system. In the field of vision, several enemies were assigned with red marks.

The fire control radar has been turned on, and if necessary, within a second, this team of selective people can devour dozens of people on the opposite side.

However, they did not do so.

Under the leadership of the squad leader Jin Yu, they just walked towards the boundary with indifferent and firm steps.

The distance between the two teams was getting closer and closer, and small-scale riots began to appear among the personnel of the other side. Some people subconsciously wanted to raise their guns, but they were instantly pressed down by their comrades beside them.

No one dared to make any provocative actions at such a time, but at the same time, no one dared to take a step back without getting an order.

This is a painful torture for them. Behind the patrol team of only 12 people are the ferocious snow-capped mountains that pierce into the sky, and the weight of these snow-capped mountains, at this moment, seems to be on the Yindu patrol team.

The cloud shadow of the sky projected on the body of the 12-man team may be a coincidence. At the junction of shadow and light, it is the land that was once stained with the blood of 4 martyrs.

Yu Yu took a deep breath, the thin air of the plateau seemed to be extremely fresh at this moment.

Following Jin Yu's footsteps, they lined up in a row and began to approach the Yindu patrol in front of them step by step.

Every step of theirs was uniform, and the hum of the motor inside the mechanical exoskeleton merged with the dull collision of the footsteps landing, as if a war drum hit the dozens of people on the opposite side.

Five steps away, the Yin side's formation gradually collapsed. Every time the Huaxia patrol team took a step, the Yin side patrol team subconsciously moved a step backward. Only those officers with higher rank were still standing still under huge pressure. .

Their fears are no different from others, but they also know that this Chinese team should not make too outrageous actions.

This is just a normal patrol, just like every previous patrol. In any country, such patrols are normal.

We won't suffer, they won't do it...

However, the opponent's next move directly destroyed his confidence.

The team crossed the border of darkness and light one step at a time, and then continued to maintain a neat pace, approaching him step by step.

His legs began to tremble, and it was not so-called courage that supported him still standing at this time, but... weak legs.

He didn't dare to move, because he was afraid that if he moved, he would be paralyzed in place.

The other side never raised their arms, like they didn't bother to do so.

When one of their players stepped in front of him, the other party only said one sentence:

"Back off."

Then, the man stretched out his hand and gently pushed it on his chest.

Under the impact of the giant force, he instantly flew backwards several meters, and the Yinfang patrol behind him saw this scene and immediately raised his gun in a hurry.

"Don't shoot! Don't shoot!!"

The officer shouted hysterically, but before his order was passed, an extremely terrifying scene appeared in front of him.

The 12-person patrol team lowered their stature uniformly, and the carrying bracket behind them spread out like the arms of a god and Buddha, and sent the heavy weapons originally carried behind them into the hands of the patrol members.

"Back off!"

The voice with a serious threat came again, this time, without any hesitation, he got up from the ground, turned around and rushed back to the team.

Everyone put their guns down, but it's far from over.

The team continued to move forward until they reached a distance of fifty paces beyond the limit before finally stopping.

At this time, the distance between them and the boundary is exactly the same as the distance from the glacier to the boundary.

The Yin side patrol watched their movements nervously, and finally breathed a sigh of relief after noticing that their carrying brackets had been put away again.

"Okay. Right here."

Jin Yu said.

The soldiers in the team nodded silently, and then, with guns in one hand, they took out from their tactical vests what they had carried before setting out.

What Yu Yu took out was a pack of Lanzhou cigarettes and a photo of the No. 003 aircraft carrier printed on the outpost's printer.

He lit a cigarette and stuck it in the dirt, then lit the photo and put it on the ground.

The flames gradually rose, and in addition to the two team members in charge of vigilance, the others also threw their belongings into the fire.

A postcard from Jiangnan, a handwritten letter from the desert, a flower that has dried up, a newspaper that has been out of date for several months...

The flames rose higher and higher, and Jin Yu finally unscrewed the kettle and spilled the small half-jug of spirits on the flames.

The flames roared, and the ashes flew in all directions.

After everything was burned out, he lifted his foot and stepped on the last flame, and then moved his right foot, and a boundary drawn by ashes appeared in front of everyone.

At this time, the blue sky was like a wash, and under the slowly drifting blue smoke, this exoskeleton flashed a red team, standing like a mountain.

The snow-capped mountains behind them, stained by the setting sun, were eclipsed.

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