Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 362 How To Repay?

Yindu, New Delhi.

The city has been besieged for more than a month. In November, after a long negotiation, the Pakistani side finally made a decision to withdraw its troops.

However, such a retreat does not mean their defeat, but rather a proof of overall victory.

In this sudden war, Pakistan quickly gained air supremacy by relying on advanced air equipment and powerful electronic warfare capabilities. The f-35 fighters assisted by the ugly country were found almost as soon as they took off, until all the fighters crashed. , people suddenly realized how important the information leaked by the F-35 fighters captured by srbija was.

However, it was too late. With air superiority, Pakistan quickly established ground superiority in a snowball manner, and finally won the war.

The Yindu officials paid a huge price for their hasty decision, but when they looked back, the initiator of the war had already left their territory.

The people who gradually learned the truth set off a huge wave of anti-ugliness in the country, and the Yindu officials once again achieved their goals in a wrong way.

The conflict shifted again.

This time, the object of public hatred has become an ugly country.


In a villa on the outskirts of New Delhi, several high-ranking officials are sitting around discussing the aftermath of the war. They are one of the few officials who still stood by New Delhi during the siege, and this persistence also won them It has gained the support of the top and the public, so that they can have a voice in this matter of great interest.

Yes, the distribution of benefits is not only a matter of the victorious country, but also closely related to the defeated country.

This is a very simple truth.

Defeat means the exchange of interests, and the exchange of interests will inevitably bring loopholes. As long as there are loopholes, the executors of the exchange of interests can take advantage of them and seek personal benefits from them.

This is the usual practice of this rotten country, but this time, the situation is slightly different.

", in essence, as soon as we sign the agreement, that means we will effectively lose control of Punjab, which is our largest food producing region, and lose this source of food, The situation in our country will become more and more difficult in the future.”

"I personally don't agree with this condition. We may be able to provide alternative conditions, such as technology, capital, and even manpower..."

The speaker was an official named Pawang. He was the latest official in this war. In the early battles on the outer border of Punjab, he won several amazing victories as a commander. With high command, the outcome of this war may even be rewritten.

However, this is only if, the fact is that after his results began to threaten the status of his superiors, he was quickly transferred to the rear, under the pretense that the logistics and munitions work required more capable personnel to take over.

This kind of operation brought him a huge blow, especially after seeing his own army in retreat, but fortunately, his talent was finally brought into play, and under the direct promotion from the top, he also entered this school. The villa has become one of the key decision makers.

However, his views did not attract much approval. After listening to the old man on the side, he frowned and asked:

"Pawang, do you think that if you were from Bayang, would you accept such conditions?"

"Don't leave fertile land and a huge population, what technology and capital do you need?"

"Trust me, they're not that stupid. What we're discussing now is not how to change this condition, but how to get compensation from this condition."

"As I said before, Punjab can give it to them, anyway, a large part of the unscrupulous people there have already flirted with them, and the management is very difficult. However, we must obtain the corresponding exchange conditions----- Like the food we need most now and in the future.”

Hearing the old man's words, Pawang sighed.

He also knew that his point of view was unrealistic, but if he didn't bring it up, he always felt a little unwilling.

After a moment of silence, he said:

"You're right, we really should find a way to get more compensation. It's ridiculous to trade land for compensation... But we don't have the right to choose."

"So now, are we going to accept their compensation plan? In the next 10 years, they promise to compensate us with enough food?"

The old man nodded slightly and replied:

"Yes, but that's not enough, we also need agricultural technology, we need educational assistance, and we need advanced agricultural equipment..."

"Bayang has these things??"

The old man glared at him, and said somewhat ironically:

"Do you really think that the operator of Punjab will be Bayang? Don't tell me you are a stunner who doesn't understand anything!"

Pawang's eyes dimmed instantly, and after a while, he finally nodded heavily.

Afterwards, several people continued to discuss the so-called compensation issue. What makes Pawang feel strange is that such discussions are becoming more and more relaxed and heated, as if they are not discussing ceding a whole piece of land , but as a victorious country in dividing up the fruits of the war.

However, he has no right to speak in such a situation.

"...Then the discussion on this issue ends here. We will negotiate with Bayang on this condition. If there is no other opinion, we will now enter the discussion on the second topic."

"As you all know, we haven't paid for the equipment that Chou Kingdom sold to us in the early stage. Now, they are urging us to complete the final payment. I want to ask everyone, what is your suggestion on this matter?"

"Do we need to pay the balance?"

Everyone in the conference room looked at each other, and after more than ten seconds of silence, someone raised their hand and said:

"I think we should not pay for it for the time being... After all, the equipment is of no use at all. If they want, let them take it back."

The old man smiled and nodded, and replied:

"That's exactly what I'm thinking. But we need a good reason to delay the payment, and if we delay it long enough, maybe we can stop it."

"The reason 'not used' doesn't work... do you have any ideas?"

Everyone raised a lot of ideas, but they were all rejected by the old man. In the end, the old man's eyes turned to Pawang, who had not spoken.

Pawan sighed inwardly.

He does have an idea that's almost genius, but he doesn't want to say it here.

Because he knew that the idea would be approved.

However, as long as he said this idea, it means that he will completely become one of them.

A member of an order that rotted, declined, and stinks of money.

But is there really anything wrong with that?

This country has no hope, everyone is eating its flesh and blood, and why can't they be cut with a knife?

A trance flashed in Pawang's eyes, and then he said:

"I have an idea."


Two days later, at the end of the negotiation, the Yindu side unexpectedly assembled their most advanced ground equipment and launched a counterattack. The armored vehicles that had just arrived rushed towards the opponent's position as if they were dying. , and really achieved good results.

Several Pakistani fortresses were defeated, and thousands of Pakistani soldiers were forced to retreat.

This armored force broke into the opponent's hinterland and established a forward position there, but their back path had been cut off.

With nothing to back up, this heroic team ended their mission with a tragic ending.

All killed.

The surviving armored vehicles were captured by the Pakistani side, and countless advanced equipment fell into the hands of the Pakistani side.

On the day when the Pakistani side regained its position, a huge sum of money entered dozens of equally hidden accounts through a hidden channel.

At this time, if someone went to the so-called forward position to take a look, they would probably be surprised to find that there were no dead soldiers at all in that position.


On the other side of the sea, a senior Chou State official in charge of overseas arms sales was frantically yelling at the phone.

"So what do you mean by not paying? The weapons have been handed over to you, and you have used them. If you don't pay, you won't pay? That's not a small sum of money!"

"Don't you think we won't do anything to you and annoy us, we will take all necessary measures!"

"Our aircraft carrier formation is near you, don't you care at all??"

The man on the other end of the phone had a lazy and low voice. After listening to the threats from the ugly people, he answered lightly:

"Mr. Jones, we are all businessmen. When doing business, we must pay attention to the principles of doing business. Don't threaten us, because you know, we have nothing to lose."

"In addition, we would like to state that we are not not paying, but returning."

"You also know that this batch of equipment has unfortunately fallen into the hands of our enemies. According to our estimates, about two armored vehicles were destroyed, and the rest were almost intact."

"We'll pay for the two damaged armored vehicles right away, and return them to you later when we get the rest of the armored vehicles back—that's fair, isn't it? We could even agree to pay depreciation."

"Who cares about your depreciation! Do you really think they'll pay you back??"

"They will, Mr. Jones. We've started negotiations, it just takes time..."

"Tell me how long it will take you! I need an exact answer!"

Listening to Jones' gnashing of teeth, the man over the phone sighed and replied:

"It's hard to say, maybe a week, maybe a month, maybe a year..."

"However, if you are in such a hurry... Why don't you go and tell our opponents in person?"

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