Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 363 Immediately Shot

On December 6, Yuhang, Liangzhu grain and oil spot trading market.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Yu Wenlong came to this grain trading market on time, and the purpose of his visit this time was very simple, that is, to purchase the huge amount of spot wheat that kept appearing in this market at any cost.

Yes, under the joint efforts of China Grain Reserve and Louis Fuda, the food pattern of the entire world has undergone tremendous changes in just half a month.

On the one hand, Louis Fuda took the lead in selling grain, and on the other hand, COFCO used small-package commodity grains to defeat the other three major grain sales channels, and the recognition of Huaxia's gene editing technology in the international agricultural professional field is still increasing. Under multiple pressures , Ugly country officials finally began to be unable to support.

International food prices are falling at a speed visible to the naked eye, and this downward trend is unlikely to be reversed for a long time to come, so the situation they face becomes extremely clear:

The grains that are now lying in their warehouses, which were forced to sell off by officials by raising prices in the early stage, are depreciating at an alarming rate.

If they don't realize it quickly, the losses they will suffer will be huge—even the officials of the ugly country simply cannot afford such huge losses.

According to normal logic, now they should go all the way to the dark, insist on holding these grains in their own hands, quietly wait for the next rise in grain prices, and exchange time for space to control losses to a minimum. , However, a latest news released by Huaxia completely dispelled this idea:

According to the Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Huaxia will provide high-yield grain seedlings and planting technology to some friendly countries in the next five years to help the world overcome the food crisis and increase global grain production by about 10% in a short period of time.

A 10% increase in food production is enough to smooth out the current food gap of less than 1%. Even if the 4% gap between supply and demand after the hype is included, it will not be difficult to feed everyone in the world.

As a result, the already fragile alliance relationship between the three major grain merchants fell apart in an instant, and the stampede-style buying had not yet appeared, but the stampede-style selling had appeared first.

Those who were still pondering how to buy food suddenly found that there was a sudden emergence of food that could not be bought no matter how much they could buy, and the price of food began to plummet, starting at 5 euros a piece. The white bread fell to 3 euros on the second day, and then returned to the 1 euro before food prices rose on the third day.

However, such price declines are far from the end, and a week later, the price of white bread has fallen below 50 cents and continues to decline at a slow pace.

If it goes down like this, will the price of bread also drop to a negative number like the previous crude oil?

No, this is impossible, because at least, the processing and transportation of bread also requires costs, but in some European granary countries, the price of raw materials for wheat has indeed gone negative.

In China, such a situation did not occur.

The reason is very simple. China Grain Reserve will not allow grain prices to rise above the warning line, nor will they allow grain prices to fall below the warning line. They are very clear about the reason why low grain prices hurt farmers.

Balance is the most difficult thing to grasp, and now, what Yu Wenlong has to do is to grasp this balance.

He walked into the electronic trading hall, sat in his exclusive seat, and began to carefully observe the trend of grain prices on the screen. As long as there was a sharp downward trend, he would immediately place an order to increase, and those grains bought by him would be It will be transported through the freight terminal with extremely high efficiency to the giant grain warehouse of China Grain Storage.

But recently, the warehouse seems to have been a little out of stock. . . .

Yu Wenlong was secretly worried in his heart. Although he was only a trader, he always cared about the overall situation. He also put forward some very constructive suggestions in his previous work. Otherwise, his superiors would not Maybe let him handle such an important job.

As of today, the amount of grain purchased through his hands has exceeded 10 million tons, and this is only the purchase amount of one trading market. If the total amount of all trading markets in the country is counted, the grain recovered by China Grain Reserve this time is even More than let out.

However, China Grain has no economic losses at all.

Yu Wenlong was secretly amusing in his heart, and he couldn't be more clear about the reason.

He looked at the screen and placed another buy order. After the transaction was successful, he stretched out comfortably and glanced around, but saw a familiar person in the position next to him.

Lei Gang, his former colleague, later left China Grain Storage for unknown reasons, and instead started a small storage company by himself.

He came here...

Yu Wenlong was confused for a moment, but in an instant, all the details that he thought were different were suddenly strung together.

For example, why did Lei Gang suddenly have the money to start a company; for example, his son went to study in an ugly country; for example, why his circle of friends was always complacent; for example, why did he come to this grain trade today with a sad face market.

Oh, it turned out to be a dog.

A mocking smile appeared on Yu Wenlong's face, and the idea of ​​a prank suddenly arose in his heart.

And once this thought arises, it is difficult to hold back any longer. After hesitating for a long time, after confirming that today's trading task has basically been completed, he stood up and walked behind Lei Gang, patting him on the shoulder.

"Hi! Lao Lei! Where have you made your fortune recently?"

Hearing his voice, Lei Gang looked back at him in surprise. After recognizing his face, Lei Gang's expression suddenly became a little unnatural.

"Uh... Damn, what kind of money do you make? It's just to earn some living expenses. Wen Long, long time no see, how are you, is your life alright?"

Yu Wenlong smiled and replied:

"It's not like that, it's simple, flat, and nothing is done."

A wry smile appeared on Lei Gang's face.

Yes, you didn't do anything.

That is to say, along with the company, they played the ugly people together, and made themselves and a large number of small traders who called the ugly people bankrupt.

There was resentment in his heart, but there was absolutely no way he could say it in front of Yu Wenlong.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally said:

"Wenlong, you're still too modest, you don't know, your name has been spreading in our Yuhang grain and oil circle recently, you're a big deal... What, you've been promoted? You're starting a big project. ?"

"No, no, just obey the arrangement of the organization. How are you? Looking at your circle of friends some time ago, you are proud of the spring breeze, and you are financially free?"

This sentence suddenly hit Lei Gang's sore spot, and his expression became painful.

Yes, some time ago, even just half a month ago, he thought that he was about to achieve financial freedom and reach the peak of his life, because the price of the food he hoarded has multiplied several times in the international market, as long as Wait patiently, when the country relaxes grain exports, the relationship with the ugly country can help him transport the grain out of the country at the fastest speed, and transport it to Europe and Africa to realize it.

However, in just half a month, the situation has undergone earth-shaking changes. Now he not only has no money to make, but even the previous leverage operation has burdened him with huge debts.

For now, we can only sell these stocks as soon as possible, and recover as much loss as we can.

He is also really glad that the country still has the policy of minimum purchase price, otherwise he may really lose everything.

This made him feel a little ridiculous, and he vowed to let him a rich and rich person run away, and it was the one who was betrayed by him who finally saved his life.

After a moment of silence, he answered:

"Financial freedom...Wenlong, don't laugh at me, you know what my current situation is."

"I did something wrong, but I just wanted to make a little money..."

"Make a little fortune?"

Yu Wenlong interrupted him without hesitation, and the mocking expression on his face was also put away.

"Old Lei, when you took other people's money to open a storage company, you didn't think about making a small fortune, right?"

"What nonsense are you talking about! I was....that was an investment, an investment!"

Lei Gang's expression changed from pain to panic in an instant. What he is most worried about now is that this incident happened. If even Yu Wenlong already knew the inside story, I am afraid that he has really been pulled from the list.

Is it really impossible to save your life?

Seeing his expression, Yu Wenlong shook his head and said:

"Admit that you received the money?"

"Lao Lei, when we were still colleagues, I told you that some people can't make money, and some people can't keep up. You didn't listen at that time, what about now?"

"You think that food can bring down our market, bring down our country, and let you profit from it, now what?"

"You think it's an investment, you think people treat you as a partner, but in fact, people just treat you as a dog."

"You don't have to be so nervous. I just said it casually. Looking back now, maybe it's still too late."

"However, I have a piece of advice for you."

"In the future, don't cooperate with those ugly people."

"Now the strong and the weak are changing, the offensive and defensive are changing, and all the things you are doing smartly are just making us wedding clothes."

Hearing Yu Wenlong's words, Lei Gang nodded dejectedly and did not answer.

He sat quietly on the chair and watched Yu Wenlong leave with easy steps. Then, he clicked the sell button with a face full of pain, and emptied all his spot positions.

After doing all this, he almost collapsed. He leaned back on the chair, opened his circle of friends with a numb expression, and then deleted those high-spirited content one by one.

All is gone.

His so-called glory and so-called pride are all fake, just castles in the air.

It took half an hour for Lei to delete all the content of the Moments just now. After quitting, his eyes swept across the Moments, but he happened to see a video just released by Yu Wenlong.

After hesitating for a moment, he still clicked on the black and white video, but the content of the video made him even more frightened.

It was a man with a phone in his hand and his hair was mostly bald, and he was solemnly issuing his orders to the phone:

"... pick up No. 7."

"Felix Edmondovich."

"Those grain speculators who were arrested by you, we will immediately shoot them down and inform the people of this matter widely."

"It should be explained that any speculators who catch any famine in the future are like the worst enemy and will be shot immediately..."

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