Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 364 When The World Is Shocked

Imperial Capital, inside a red building.

Opposite the man in the tunic suit sat several middle-aged men of his age. They were making the final review of this grain battle in order to arrange further plans for the solution.

"...So, judging from the current situation, we can say that the overall situation has been set. However, there are still a series of problems that we need to solve in the future."

"The most critical issue is that in the next ten years, the large-scale increase in grain production may bring about the problem of excess labor."

"As we all know, our current industrial development is still unable to absorb too much surplus labor in a short period of time. If we do not make arrangements in advance, we will face great difficulties in the future."

It is Secretary Qin who is introducing the situation to everyone in the office. He controls the computer and displays data analysis information one by one.

After listening to the introduction, the man in the tunic nodded slightly, and then said:

"It is indeed beyond our expectations that the grain production has suddenly ushered in such a large-scale increase and may continue to expand in the future. However, we are not without a plan for this situation."

"The expansion of compulsory education, large-scale new infrastructure, and the development of new technologies and new industries that we discussed before are actually preparing for this situation, and now, objectively speaking, we have already occupied a considerable share in all aspects. These plans, which have been slow to progress due to funding, resources and other reasons, can be appropriately accelerated.”

"In addition, the Aerial Silk Road Project, the large aircraft and spacecraft manufacturing industries can also absorb a large number of laborers, and the subsequent Nantianmen Project is even more so."

"However, the premise of all this is that we must further improve the rights of workers, improve the treatment of workers, and encourage workers to continue to learn, thereby improving the quality of workers."

"We should establish night schools for workers and peasants and encourage them to participate in night school studies through subsidies."

"We should start to implement the 8-hour workday in a comprehensive and strong manner -- there were always comrades who felt that the time was not yet, now? I think the time should be here."

"We should change the pattern of unfair competition and encourage good companies to go overseas, especially when we have paved most of the way for them."

"We should strengthen the control over capital, and firmly do not allow them to seize the fruits of our victory through science and technology and through tragic struggles. For those disobedient capital, we will either drive them out of the country or put them in jail. inside."

"We should further implement the whole-industry flying knife plan proposed by the General Technical Office earlier, encourage the flexible flow of manpower, and encourage young people to try and make mistakes. At the same time, we should provide them with the opportunity to choose through appropriate subsidies."

"We should strengthen social security, improve the well-being of low-income people, including the disabled, people with heavy burdens, and people in difficult areas through substantive support, assistance, and guidance, improve their social participation, and create a new environment around this group of people. New social support industries and industries, thereby increasing employment rates—the previous brain-computer projects, exoskeleton projects, and the perception reconstruction project we discussed are a good industry that focuses on helping the disabled. "

"We should continue to encourage technological innovation, not only relying on the General Technical Office, not only relying on Ye Zhou, and not only relying on our scientific research institutions, but encouraging all-people and comprehensive innovation. It should be noted that such innovation is not empty talk To deceive them, it is not a means to consume excess labor, but real, meaningful innovation guided by funds and resources."

After saying seven things in a row, the man in the tunic took a sip from the teacup beside him, then looked at the camera at the top of the screen and said:

"This is my opinion, Comrade Ye Zhou, as our technical helmsman, please also mention your own opinion."

On the other side, Ye Zhou and Chen Hao were sitting in the conference room together, the notebook in their hand was already full of content.

After hearing the man's question, Ye Zhou pondered for a moment, and then answered:

"Leader, I think your content has been comprehensive. Then, from a technical point of view, I will talk about my own opinions."

After coughing, Ye Zhou continued:

"First of all, I ask that in the field of technological innovation, continue to maintain high investment for a long time, because this is the key to ensuring that we can continue to innovate the industry and continue to provide jobs in the future when machinery further replaces manpower on a large scale."

"This kind of technological innovation investment will most likely be concentrated in the three fields of biology, energy and artificial intelligence in the future. These three fields are also the key to fundamentally further liberating productivity."

"Second point, I request to continue to expand the business structure and include all parts of the world in the industrial layout plan, including the Air Silk Road plan you just mentioned, as well as the follow-up series of marine development plans, desert and no-man's land terrain transformation program, space exploration program.”

"The General Technical Office and I will provide technical support for these plans and try to find technical solutions as quickly as possible."

"The third point is that I request to deepen basic scientific research and allocate more funds from the original field of applied science to the field of basic science, and the original applied research will be undertaken by the General Technical Office."

"We will maximize the efficiency of research and development of applied technology, conduct unified management, and reduce resource consumption, so that truly valuable and capable scientific research scholars can receive higher treatment and exert greater value."

"For now, all I see are these three points. If there are more additions later, I will communicate with you at any time."

After listening to Ye Zhou's words, not only the man in the tunic suit, but also the faces of other people in the conference room showed a faint look of shock.

They fully understood what Ye Zhou meant by the "three requirements", and also understood the huge ambition and strong self-confidence behind these three requirements.

This young man, what he wants to do is not limited to one country, not limited to one place, but a real, future-oriented sea of ​​stars is considering.

After a moment of silence, a satisfied smile appeared on the face of the man in the tunic suit.

If before this meeting, he still had doubts about the so-called "Suiren training plan", then after Ye Zhou said the "three requirements", he was completely relieved.

In just two and a half years, this young Sui Ren has completely grown from a young student to a strategic scientist capable of acting alone.

And he was only 25 years old.

He can also accompany the Republic for decades, or even hundreds of years.

On that day, will our footsteps have stepped into that vast and boundless space?

I probably haven't had a chance to see it anymore, but to find this level for future generations is enough to reassure myself.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said:

"I have written down your three comments, and we will discuss them in detail later, and then output the final version of the comments."

"Okay, I think it's too late today, and it's time for you to rest."

"I heard from Chen Hao that your work intensity has started to pick up again recently. The average sleep time is less than six hours, which is very bad."

"Now that the overall situation of the grain battle has been decided, take time out and take a good rest----the Six Noses Project, at the most next week, should be able to produce results."

Hearing this, Ye Zhou nodded silently, and after a few simple responses, he hung up the video call.

Chen Hao on the side smiled and looked at him with a serious face, and said:

"It's a good summary. The three requirements are very refined. I estimate that the document on your 'seven should and three requirements' will be issued soon."

Ye Zhou shook his head and replied:

"It doesn't matter if the document is not the document. As long as the direction is right, everything will go smoothly. I hope it will go smoothly."

"Why, are you still not confident?"

Chen Hao asked suspiciously.

"It's not that I'm not confident, it's that we have a long way to go... There are many difficulties, but we should take it with the most serious attitude."

Seeing Ye Zhou's heavy expression, Chen Hao took a step forward and patted his shoulder heavily.

"You kid, don't be sullen every day, young people have to be a little youthful, you have to be supportive and mad!"

"Difficult? It's not difficult to do anything? The biggest difficulty in these 10 plans is resources, isn't it money?"

"Think about it, we've all come to this position, are we still short of money?"

"This time is different from the past. After the grain war was won, our last obstacle has been removed, the whole pattern has been completely changed, and our thinking should also be changed - don't think of yourself as the second child! "

"You know, when you two were chatting just now, there was a poem in my head all the time. Do you know which one it is?"

Ye Zhou was slightly taken aback, then raised his head and asked:

"Which one?"

Chen Hou coughed and said solemnly:

"The goddess should be safe, and the world should be shocked!"

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