Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 326 Simulation Complete: Compound Laser Beam Combining Scheme

According to the direction of the woman, Ye Zhou finally arrived in front of the main building of the Chuanshu Laser Institute after nearly an hour of trekking. To his surprise, the building did not collapse completely, probably because it was considered in the design. For the problem of being located in the seismic zone, the seismic level is much higher than that of ordinary civil buildings.

Therefore, most of the people in the building escaped safely, and only a few senior researchers who happened to be in the underground laboratory were still trapped.

The situation seems to be much better than Ye Zhou expected, at least they are fully staffed now, and even the people present have begun to organize rescues.

But the problem is that the entrance of the underground laboratory is located on the side of the main building, which has been completely buried by the collapsed floor. Without the help of large-scale machinery, it is impossible to open the channel in a short time.

"How's the situation?"

Ye Zhou walked towards a man who seemed to be doing a temporary on-site command and asked.

"It's okay, but we can't contact the staff of the underground laboratory, there is no signal, and the sound can't go on. We have to find a way to clear the obstacles and dig them out as soon as possible."

"Aftershocks are expected to come soon. If you don't hurry, the structure of the building will become more and more fragile, and it will be too late to save people... What are you doing?"

Looking at the man's doubtful eyes, Ye Zhou replied with a constant expression:

"I'm a nearby resident. When I saw you all gathered here, I wanted to come and help... How is it? Is there a way?"

"There is no way, we need large-scale machinery! Now we can only find a way to open some gaps first, at least pass the information on first, the depth of the underground laboratory is not too deep, there should be a way, try it first!"

Hearing this, Ye Zhou frowned and nodded. He walked towards the building and circled around the busy crowd, trying to find a stress concentration point where he could break down, but soon he found , such an effort is in vain.

Under the heavy concrete burial, it is a bit too far-fetched to want to use the mechanical structure to make the small and the big.

But he did see a passage through the cracks in the ruins. This passage was extremely narrow, but after everyone's constant cleaning, the door to the underground laboratory below could be vaguely seen.

Someone leaned into the passage and shouted loudly below. After hearing the vague response, everyone at the scene cheered up.

"They're still alive!"

Ye Zhou nodded slightly, he was indeed still alive and in good spirits, but, 40 minutes later, after the aftershock occurred, it was not certain.

Just when he was in doubt, a staff member suddenly appeared in front of everyone dragging a long optical cable, Ye Zhou fixed his eyes, it was an extended version of the optical cable detection camera.

As the optical cable was continuously lowered, the underground images were also transmitted to the screen on the ground, and the temporary drone base station also flew over this area. For a time, the voice and video communication on the ground and underground were all established.

The temporary commander excitedly dialed the underground phone, but as Ye Zhou had experienced before, the researchers below could not receive the weak cell phone signal at all, and could only communicate one-way through the landline.

The people above can hear their voices, but they cannot hear the guidance of the people above.

The detection camera was also stuck at the entrance to the interior of the laboratory, and the hearts of people who had some hope sank all of a sudden.

"It doesn't matter, at least we know that they are safe now, and there is no other way now. We can only wait for rescue. Come, everyone must gather and stay away from the building area!"

"It's too dangerous here. If there is an aftershock later, it may bury us all in it!"

"Liu, put away the camera, we can use it later!"

While speaking, the commander led the crowd to evacuate, but Ye Zhou held down Xiao Liu who was about to get up.

"You go first, the camera will stay for a while, I still want to see."

Xiao Liu looked at Ye Zhou in surprise and asked:

"What do you want to see? You can't see anything here, the cameras can't get inside, they're all blocked..."

"I'm not looking inside!"

Ye Zhou shouted anxiously, his eyes fixed on the screen, and the expression on his face became more and more serious.

There is a problem with this underground laboratory.

At the beginning of the design, the safe house of this laboratory should be designed to resist earthquakes, but it was born in the 1990s. There are major problems in both the overall design and construction materials. It is very likely that its structural strength Not up to the so-called design standards at all!

From the information Ye Zhou saw in the video, it can be inferred that the entire wall on the side of the safe house is densely distributed with structural vulnerable points, which may not have a big impact in normal times, but in the event of an earthquake, will be fatal.


Ye Zhou cursed silently in his heart.

Does anyone dare to steal this kind of national key project? ?

How crazy was it in those days?

However, it is too late to pursue accountability now. What he has to do is to pass on this information as soon as possible, so that the researchers below can avoid the dangerous area as much as possible.

But do they still have a place to hide?

Ye Zhou's forehead has already started to seep sweat. There are still at most 45 minutes before the aftershock occurs. Within these 45 minutes, they should get in touch with the underground, see the structure of the underground, and at the same time instruct them how to avoid the aftershock. , which is an almost impossible task.

He sighed secretly, intending to give up this simulation first, and wait for the next time to arrive at the research institute as quickly as possible, and then think of another way.

However, just when he was about to give up, a shout suddenly came from the commander's mobile phone behind him.

"We got the receiver, we got the receiver!"

Ye Zhou was refreshed, rushed to the commander and grabbed the mobile phone without any explanation, and immediately said loudly:

"We're deploying the detection camera, so quickly send someone to sneak in and drag the camera in at the door of the safe house! I need to see what's inside!"

The commander on the side didn't react for a while, and when he wanted to grab the phone back from Ye Zhou's hand, he was greeted by Ye Zhou's firm eyes.

"I can give you the mobile phone, but I will ask you, is my command wrong?"

The commander was stunned for a moment, then nodded, leaned in front of the phone and said:

"That's right. He Gong, listen to him and find a way to send someone to drag our cameras in. After we have a clear view of the internal structure, we can find a way to rescue!"

"Now the underground structure is too fragile, and aftershocks may occur at any time. We need to design a rescue plan according to the structure of your location!"

"Understood! Su Rui is drilling forward! Wait, it will be there soon!"

While speaking, Ye Zhou saw a slender, blood-drenched palm appearing in the detection camera's picture. After a few brief fumbles, the hand finally caught the glowing camera, and then slowly pulled it away. go in.

A pale, dusty and delicate face appeared on the screen, her facial features had been twisted into a ball due to pain, but her movements did not stop at all.

When she finally retracted into the safe house step by step, everyone saw from the camera that her thighs and arms had been scratched with blood by the sharp gravel and metal in the ruins.

But now is not the time to feel sorry for her, Ye Zhou instructed them to scan the underground situation with the camera, and as the picture flashed, his brows became tighter and tighter.

As he imagined, the design of the safe house itself was flawed, and with the effects of aftershocks, its structure was already fragile.

This is absolutely impossible to withstand the next aftershock. As long as the aftershock occurs, the safe house will inevitably collapse as a whole.

At this time, less than 40 minutes were left before the aftershock occurred.

How to do?

The commander on the side was also watching the video. He kept comforting the people underground, but there was nothing he could do.

"No, the structure of this safe house is already fragile, and it will definitely not be able to withstand the next aftershock... We have to find a way to move them!"

Hearing the commander's words, Ye Zhou was slightly surprised. He didn't look back, but simply asked:

"Can you see the structural weakness inside?"

The commander shook his head and replied:

"I can't see it, it's just intuition. The deformation of the safe house is too serious, and it is worse than we expected. The quality of this bullshit project is fucked..."

"What's behind the safe house?"

Ye Zhou interrupted him and asked calmly.


The man was stunned and replied:

"In the back is the power distribution room, which is used to generate electricity. There are many diesel generators in it..."

"How high is the generator? How many in total?"

"The's just an ordinary large oil machine, more than two meters but less than three meters high----wait, do you want them to hide in the power distribution room?"

Ye Zhou nodded slightly and replied:

"Only a metal structure can withstand the following aftershocks. The metal strength of the core components of the diesel generator is very high, and coupled with other structural supports, it should be safer than a safe house."

"Indeed! But the question is, how are they going to get there?"

Ye Zhou took a deep breath, did not answer the commander's question, but said loudly into the phone:

"Comrades, listen to my command. The wall behind you is about 110 cm from the ground and about 200 cm from the left wall. It is the stress center of this wall!"

"Find a way to smash it open! The steel bars inside should not be thick! Take out a hole and drill through it!"

Hearing Ye Zhou's words, everyone in the camera started to look for all the available tools, a wrench, a broken steel bar, a piece of falling concrete...

They kept pounding on the wall, and the already weak concrete on it began to crumble.

When a small hole appeared in front of Ye Zhou's eyes, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

At this point, it was less than 10 minutes before the aftershocks arrived.

"Quick! Continue digging! It will be successful soon. After drilling through, remember to pick the angle on the side of the generator to hide! Use the structure of the engine to protect yourself!"

Just as Ye Zhou finished speaking, the picture in front of him suddenly went dark.

Then, in the next second, he reappeared in the void.


Ye Zhou looked at the ending settlement interface in surprise, and then the expression on his face instantly changed to surprise.

【Little Sun Phase 2 simulation ends】

【Score for this simulation: a】

[Achieving the ending: Aggregation]

[Ending reward: Composite laser beam combining scheme based on coherent pulse stacking]

[Ending reward (engineering male talent): Scalable photonic film high reflectivity grating lens material based on h-bn dielectric nanoplates]

[Ending reward: 60 energy points]


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