Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 367 Go To Gongger Peak

Ye Zhou was not in a hurry to read the introduction of the reward, because in the past period of study, he actually had a general understanding of the difficulties of high-energy pulsed lasers in reality, so the moment he saw the name, he had already thought of the so-called Basic logic of "Composite laser beam combining scheme based on coherent pulse stacking".

This is actually a laser technology based on coherent pulse stacking technology and multi-fiber combining technology, and the core of it is a high reflectivity mirror.

It just so happened that the engineering male talent gave him the material for this reflector.

This means that this set of high-energy laser solutions can be used out of the box, and there is no need to solve any technical difficulties in reality.

Moreover, this type of technology has not surpassed the current cognitive level in essence, and it is less difficult to apply in practice.

In this way, more progress can be made, whether in subsequent nuclear fusion or in laser weapons.

Perhaps, this is the origin of a new century?

Ye Zhou shook his head and clicked on the plot summary interface.

[With the help of a structural mechanics expert, the laser expert trapped in the underground laboratory of the Chuan-Shu Laser Research Institute successfully escaped]

[The coherent pulse stacking compound laser beam combining scheme they created has also been applied subsequently]

[Based on this application, Huaxia has developed the most powerful laser igniter in human history, and has greatly promoted the development of controllable nuclear fusion technology]

[Laser confinement nuclear fusion has since replaced magnetic confinement nuclear fusion and has become the most promising solution in the field of nuclear fusion]

[In a short period of time, the kinetic energy of electrons generated by laser-confined nuclear fusion increased from 20 kev to 50 kev, reaching the critical value of electron kinetic energy that can be increased by temperature]

[The East China Sun Plan was upgraded, the "Xihe" plan was launched, and more than 10,000 people were invested in it, trying to create China's own "Mother of the Sun"]

[Since then, China's nuclear fusion research has entered the fast lane, and the application of large-scale controllable nuclear fusion technology is close at hand]

After reading the summary of the ending, Ye Zhou breathed a deep sigh of relief.

As he expected, this technology solves the biggest technical difficulty in future controlled nuclear fusion, although after this, fusion reactors still face challenges such as all-metal active water-cooled first wall, high-performance tungsten divertor, steady-state high There are technical obstacles in power wave heating, precise control of plasma configuration, etc., but as long as the steady progress continues, it is only a matter of time before all these obstacles are overcome.

With a decisive decision, Ye Zhou directly extracted the relevant technical documents, and then immediately exported the technical documents to the hard drive. While it was still early, he put on the hard drive and rushed to Chen Hao's residence.

After seeing Chen Hao, Ye Zhou didn't say much, but directly handed the hard drive to him, explaining the direction and basic ideas of the relevant technology, then turned around and was about to leave, but Chen Hao stopped him.

"So in a hurry to leave? I just want to talk to you about something and see your opinion. Would you like to sit down for a while?"

Hearing Chen Hao's words, Ye Zhou turned around suspiciously and asked:

"What? About the laser?"

"No, you can't talk to me about technical things like's about the six-nose project."

"Six noses? I can't even talk to you about this stuff. It's all purely theoretical. If I tell you about it for three days and three nights, you will be able to understand it."

Chen Hao looked at Ye Zhou helplessly, motioned him to sit down on the sofa, poured another cup of tea, and then said:

"Although I really don't understand, but you don't have to be so straightforward... Seriously, the Six Noses Project has entered the final sprint period, and the project team wants to apply for you to go there, Staring at the final assembly experiment, how about you, do you want to come over?"

Ye Zhou took a sip of the tea in front of him, hesitated for a moment, and said:

"I have no problem with going to the scene to supervise in person, but the problem is that I don't quite understand the significance of doing so."

"Actually speaking, most of the guidance I provided in the six-nosed project was purely theoretical guidance, as well as some material technologies, but in terms of integration, I mainly relied on the experience of Xiao Ping and other domestic experts. Many practical exercises In fact, even I am not very clear about the details.”

"I was able to help a lot during the cold start phase of the project, but now it's almost over. The briefing I just received yesterday, the chip has been assembled, the microwave transmission line has been connected, the shielding mask and the amplifier have been tested. It has been completed, the rest is the whole machine experiment, what do you need me for?"

"I don't need you to do anything."

Chen Hao replied succinctly.

"But, they want you to be there because no one knows this quantum computer better than you, and no one knows better than you how the rsa-solving compiler works at the software level, so they need you to be there in order to be safe. "

"Of course, according to their early feedback, the probability of problems is very small, even according to Xiao Ping, this is the smoothest quantum experiment he has ever done, but no one can guarantee 100% that there will be no problems. "

"And in this new field, once the final result is biased, they have no way to deduce the source of the problem based on the biased result, and you can only do it."

After listening to Chen Hao's explanation, Ye Zhou was silent for a moment, and finally nodded.

He is right, he is the provider of this technology after all, and the knowledge received directly through the simulator is much more intuitive and detailed than any learned through the introduction of the document.

It's okay if there are no problems, but once there is a problem, the only one who can solve it is yourself.

However, from Ye Zhou's own understanding of this quantum computer, the probability of it going wrong is not high, because this is not a low-temperature superconducting quantum computer, nor a high-noise fitting quantum computer, nor an ion trap. Quantum computers require more relaxed working conditions and stronger fault tolerance and self-correction rates.

Objectively speaking, after the indium-aluminum arsenide heterostructure material was successfully fabricated, the biggest difficulty of this quantum computer has actually been broken through, and the subsequent series of work are just step-by-step actions around the quantum chip.

Therefore, his confidence in the final experimental results was actually higher than Chen Hao thought.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou said:

"Then arrange the plane. There's still a week at most, this computer will enter the testing phase, I will fly over as soon as possible, and leave enough time to do the final inspection with them!"

Chen Hao nodded slightly and replied:

"Then leave tomorrow. You have one night to pack your bags and bring everything you need as much as possible. After you go to Kunlun Mountain, at least during your time in Kunlun, you will not be able to contact the outside world. already."

"So, be sure to bring everything you need for work or entertainment!"


A day later, Ye Zhou's plane landed at a military airport near Kunlun Mountains. Then, in order to avoid possible satellite detection, they took a car to the departure point in the suburb outside the airport, and then passed through an unremarkable scenic spot. A dedicated passage leads into the vast underground space.

Following the underground passages distributed like cobwebs, Ye Zhou finally arrived at the destination of his trip after several hours of traveling.

The core underground test base of the Six Noses Project.

Here, he will be the final escort for this unprecedented major project in human history.

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