Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Three Hundred And Sixty-Eight

On December 6th, 5 days will be counted down until the final test of No. 003 computer of the Six Nose Project.

Ye Zhou walked in the long corridor by himself, followed by Wu Ping who never left, with a calm expression on his face.

This is the third day that Ye Zhou has come to the underground base of Gongerfeng Six Noses Project, but he has fully adapted to the life of this base.

Contrary to what he expected, this base has been adjusted to the most suitable environment for human living in terms of air pressure, temperature and humidity due to the support of the huge life-support system, and you can't even feel yourself in it. Being under a snow-capped mountain several thousand meters high, I felt that this was just a relatively closed research building.

The central garden is also arranged in this underground base, but Ye Zhou has never been there even once. The reason is very simple: the personnel in this base are relatively complicated. In addition to the core members of the project team, there are also a large number of Edge researchers, logistics support staff.

Although the living and working areas of these personnel are separated from the core personnel, they still share a common recreational area, including the canteen, leisure area, fitness area and central garden.

Based on the maximum protection for Ye Zhou, on the first day he arrived at the base, he was declared that he could not have too much contact with people other than the core members of the project team under non-essential circumstances, so as not to be recognized by some people. out, resulting in a chain of identity leaks.

Although Ye Zhou already had no less than ten fake identities at this time, his face was still the same face after all. There will indeed be a lot of trouble in the follow-up processing.

Ye Zhou is very aware of this risk, so in the first two days, he strictly enforced this rule. Except for discussing technical details with the core group led by Xiao Ping, he hardly participated in any other collective activities, nor did he appear in the In any public area, life is so simple that there is only a bedroom - the laboratory is two points and one line, and even three meals a day are sent to the room for solution.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he was not tired of this kind of life, Xiao Ping first expressed his concerns, especially when he learned that Ye Zhou could almost be said to have passed away even when he was outside. Living as an ascetic, he didn't have more than a week of leisure time in a year. He even called Chen Hao directly and scolded Chen Hao.

The innocent Chen Hao was scolded inexplicably, but he didn't argue too much about it. It was just that night, Ye Zhou received a notice that for a period of time in the future, he could be free in the base. The activity is over, and all the follow-up matters will be handled by the Intelligence Department.

However, even so, he still didn't really let himself go. He just quietly got up from his room on this difficult sleep night, walked alone, and walked to the central garden in the base.

As he had seen from the video material before, this central garden is still a greenhouse layout, with a variety of oxygen-producing plants planted inside, these strange plants from all over the world are placed on the same ceiling down, giving a strange look.

Ye Zhou walked under a huge aloe vera tree and broke off a small piece of aloe vera with a little hand. He was thinking of taking it back and trying to make a cup of clean and hygienic aloe vera drink when suddenly a crisp sound came from behind him. sound.

"Hey! Why did you break the aloe vera?"

Ye Zhou looked back and saw that Wu Ping's right hand was already on his waist behind him. He coughed quickly, and the latter relaxed a little and moved a few steps to the left, separating Ye Zhou and the person who came.

Seeing this posture, the young girl who had come to Ye Zhou was stunned.

In this base with the highest level of secrecy in history, there are security guards at all times to protect her. It is not necessary to think that she is also a big person who is so cute and can't get in touch. No matter how much she doesn't understand the world, she can see it.

For a moment, her mind was almost blank, she couldn't stop talking, and she didn't know what to say if she wanted to.

Fortunately, Ye Zhou quickly broke this awkward situation. He quietly took a step to the left and stood in the shadow of the leaves, and then answered:

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to see if this thing can be eaten... It shouldn't matter much, right? I heard that the self-healing properties of aloe vera are very good."

Hearing his words, the girl's almost tense emotions finally relaxed a bit. After a moment of hesitation, she said:

"It's best not to break it... Aloe vera is actually very delicate. After a part is broken, if it is not handled in time, the whole plant will slowly rot away."

"so serious?"

Ye Zhou asked in surprise that this knowledge had indeed touched his blind spot.

"Yeah, that's why I was so anxious when I saw you break it down... I'm sorry."

The girl peeked at Wu Ping next to him with her eyes, and after confirming that he was not acting hostilely, she carefully moved to the side of the chair, but Ye Zhou was still standing on the opposite side, and she did not dare to sit down.

Seeing this scene, Ye Zhou felt a little funny in his heart. He coughed and sat directly on the ground in the shadows, and then continued to ask:

"Are you the landscaping person here?"

The girl opposite was obviously taken aback by Ye Zhou's question. After a moment of silence, she carefully sat down, and then answered:

"No, I just like to grow plants.... I'm in high-energy physics, that is, particle collisions. The main directions are the smallest unit and the extra dimension. Uh, I can't think of this at once. How can you translate it well, high-dimensional space? It can probably be understood like this, right?"

"Extra dimension? I remember seeing it too."

Hearing Ye Zhou's answer, the girl opposite her eyes lit up and said with a little surprise:

"Yes, yes! Are you also a high-energy person?"

"...I'm not, in fact, I don't know anything about the lowest level of basic science. I'm in applied technology."

"Applied technology? Which aspect? Oh, you are here, it should be about quantum computing... Can I say this?"

The girl looked at Wu Ping, who was on the side with a little uneasiness. The latter moved away calmly and stood in front of Ye Zhou's right again, making way for the direct communication between the two.

"It can be said that those who can enter this base are probably related to quantum computing, but I am a little curious, the connection between high-energy physics and quantum physics does not seem to be very strong... How did you get selected to enter? This project team?"

Hearing this question, an embarrassed smile appeared on the face of the girl opposite. After thinking for a long time, she answered:

"In fact, there are still many connections between quantum physics and high-energy physics... The simplest application connection is the high-energy quantum simulation of quantum computers. In pure theory, there are also theories such as the sky model and the fraction model. These theories They're all trying to unify condensed matter, high-energy physics, and quantum physics."

"In the high-energy physics experiments we are doing now, there are also experiments to verify quantum nonlocality, mainly to study the decay of particles composed of positive and anti-charm quark pairs and entangled spin singlet states. Self-correcting codes are theoretically helpful, and that's what I'm here for."

"To put it simply, my job is to help our current quantum computers reduce random noise through certain conclusions in high-energy physics."

Ye Zhou, who was sitting in the shadows, had a distorted expression. It wasn't that he didn't understand what the girl said. However, it was really difficult for him to connect her content with the quantum computing project currently underway. .

Fortunately, he didn't need to do such a thing - as long as he could understand the girl's last sentence, it was basically the same.

After a pause, he said:

"So, are you busy with your work recently? The project has reached the final stage, and most of the theoretical support work should be over, right?"

The girl on the opposite side nodded, the spotlight above her head shone on her face, making her skin a nearly transparent white color, but she didn't seem to find the light dazzling at all, instead she looked up at the source of the light, There was a confused and lost look on his face.

"I haven't been very busy recently... In fact, I haven't been very busy all the time. The project cycle is too short, I have only been here for less than half a year, and I want to digest the previous theoretical results and provide them to the project team. It's too difficult to use."

"I originally wrote some suggestions before, but they were too theoretical and too practical, and they didn't work in the end."

"So, for me, going here to support the project is actually just a different place to write the paper - but it's good, I can still receive the data results from the collider, and there is no mess. Excuse me, the paper is written very quickly."

Ye Zhou heard the loss in the other party's tone, so he comforted:

"It's like this. This kind of large-scale project requires a lot of redundancy in technology and personnel, so it is normal for someone to be unable to help occasionally, so don't feel disappointed."

Ye Zhou's tone was always gentle, and the nervous girl opposite gradually relaxed. She sighed softly, shrunk her legs to the chair, then lowered her head and said listlessly:

"Actually, it's not. It's not because of the redundancy of personnel in this project. It's because my research direction is very redundant."

"High-energy physics is a talent-intensive direction. At first, I thought I was talented enough, so I chose this major, but I didn't expect to find out after barely getting my doctorate that the doctorate is just the beginning."

"Compared to those real big cows, I'm still too far, and I don't know where I can go in the future... It's very likely that everything I've made in my life will be It's some useless waste, the kind that doesn't bring any value."

Looking at the girl's expression, Ye Zhou also felt a burst of sadness inexplicably.

Yes, the goal that I have worked hard for my whole life, when the conclusion is finalized, I may not be able to keep even the simplest record. Thinking about such a future is quite uncomfortable.

However, since you know the high probability of such a result, but still embarking on this road without hesitation, it is probably a kind of heroism, right?

After all, Romain Rolland really said that there is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, to still love life after seeing the truth of life.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhou suddenly had a question in his heart.

"So, why did you choose high-energy physics in the first place? Don't you know that this road is difficult to walk?"

"I know!"

"However, high-energy physics is probably the closest discipline to the truth of the world."

"The universe, the starry sky, time, space, the future, time... In fact, almost all of these illusory concepts can be explained by the theory of high-energy physics."

"The simplest, there is a branch of high-energy physics called high-energy astrophysics, which studies pulsars, rays, plasmas, etc."

"Did you know? Many of the stars we see in the sky now no longer exist hundreds of thousands of years ago. The reason why we can still see them is because they are too far away from us. The light hasn't gone all the way yet."

"Those stars may disappear in the next second, or they may disappear in decades, because we don't know if the light was produced by a supernova explosion, or the last light before the star's nuclear fusion is about to die out. ."

"In short, what we see now is just the last shadow they left behind."

"It's romantic, isn't it?"

"I was attracted to this kind of romance... But looking at it now, it seems like a big hole."

The girl's face was intertwined with a look of fascination and a little helplessness. The bangs on her forehead kept shaking under the breeze of the central air conditioner, which seemed to make her a little impatient.

She stroked the bunch of hair with her hand, took the hair tie from her wrist and tied it up, revealing a smooth forehead, then sighed softly and said:

"Anyway, the election has already been chosen, and there is no other way. You can only keep going. What about you? What major do you study? ---- I'm sorry, I don't think I should ask this."

Ye Zhou smiled and shook his head, seemingly forgetting that the other party couldn't see his expression in the shadows.

"It's okay, you can ask, but I can't tell you anyway."

"I know, I know... You are probably the most mysterious person I've ever seen in this base. Don't worry, I didn't see your face, so you shouldn't have to silence me, right?"

"...When have we ever done such an inhuman thing."

Ye Zhou replied helplessly.

"Hey, I'm just joking. But you must be very young from your voice, right? It sounds younger than me..."

After pondering for a while, Ye Zhou answered:

"Twenty-five years old, isn't that young? How old are you? Talented players like you, even after completing a Ph.D., should only be in their early twenties, right?"

"How can it be so exaggerated! But I am indeed a little younger than you... 24. Hey, it's okay if you don't ask, I'm 24, and I don't even have a boyfriend. Leader, can you help me with Tell my own leaders, let them arrange a boyfriend for me?"

Ye Zhou smiled lightly and replied:

"I can help you keep an eye on it----how do you know I'm the leader?"

"It's too obvious.... You're not good at asking this question. Forget it, I can't count on you guys if I think about it, I'd better find it myself."

"I'm going back to sleep. I'll see you in the future. Maybe one day, I'll be able to sit with you in a conference room and look at your face."

The girl's words revealed a hint of curiosity with anticipation. Ye Zhou keenly captured this emotion. After hesitating for a while, he stood up, walked out of the shadow, and then said:

"You can watch it now—but better forget it, or it might cause some unnecessary trouble."

The girl smiled, her eyes swept across Ye Zhou's face quickly, then turned around immediately and replied:

"Then I'll wait until I become the number one person in high-energy physics in China. By the way, my name is Lin Ling. If you have any particle-related questions, please contact me. I can help!"

Ye Zhou nodded and replied:

"Lin Ling... is that Lin Lin from Yu Linling?"

"No, it's Lin Ling who's 'a lot of wandering in this life'. Damn, this statement doesn't seem very auspicious, it's the zero of the zero!"

"Okay, I remember. Lin name is...hey, I can't tell you what my name is, so I'll call number one."

"Hey, what a crazy name you have. Okay, I'm leaving. Goodbye, Number One."

"Goodbye, Zero."

Ye Zhou watched the other party take brisk steps and gradually walked away. At this time, he still thought that this was just a simple conversation, like a breeze blowing across the water, leaving ripples, but it couldn't make any waves.

But he didn't know that the conversation that took place on the night of December 6th would, to some extent, completely change the fate of the world.

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