Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 369 The Final Plan

Across the sea, the Office of Strategic Analysis.

Johnson stood blankly in the empty office area, holding a cardboard box full of his personal belongings, not knowing which direction to go for a while.

His eyes swept across the familiar workstations, which used to be filled with the top analysts and researchers in the country, but now, they have all disappeared.

As he expected, after the complete failure of the food campaign, this large-scale organization that had assumed the most important responsibilities, although it was called the "office", immediately faced the fate of being abolished.

Even the top decision-makers like him were all eliminated, and no one was able to stay or be transferred to other departments.

This was the ending he had been prepared to face for a long time, but when this ending really came, he still felt a kind of desolation.

A kind of bleakness that belongs to the losers.

This failure belongs not only to him, not only to the Office of Strategic Analysis, not even to the White House, but to this whole country.

My own country, within three years, has failed in every confrontation with the other side.

And these failures are piled up, and at this moment, the country is being pushed into the abyss with an unstoppable momentum.

Is there any help?

Johnson had asked himself this question countless times in his mind, but he never got the result.

Perhaps, his ability is really too weak, perhaps, his enemy is too strong?

However, when did they become stronger and how did they become stronger?

Is it the chip? Is it an aero engine? Is it new energy? Is it food?

As if.... neither.

Before all these results appeared, the trend of the opponent becoming stronger was already unstoppable.

The new technology simply accelerates this process without essentially changing the core driving force of things.

If you want to stop the process of the rise of the other party, you can only fundamentally destroy this driving force, but is this possible?

Johnson shook his head self-deprecatingly, pressing down on the unrealistic idea.

Even if it is possible, it is too late for them now.

Because, according to the information he had using his last authority, his side, who was almost in a desperate situation, had already started the final plan.



Medellin moved a chair and sat by the sea, with a fishing rod in his hand, the line hanging on the water, swaying slowly with the wind and waves.

His eyes were not looking at the float, but at the USS Roosevelt, which was docked in the port for supplies not far away.

A day earlier, the carrier had returned to Naval Base Guam for an unusual maintenance and resupply.

This is an extremely rare resupply operation, because the aircraft carrier formation returning to the base to replenish is not only the Roosevelt formation, but...all the active aircraft carrier formations.

Medellin is a veteran, and he has experienced countless confrontations and conflicts between aircraft carrier formations and opponents, so he knows the purpose of such a supply operation.

----It is not so much a non-routine supply, it is better to say that this is a pre-war supply.

The entire six aircraft carrier formations on standby have all returned to Hong Kong for repairs, while the other six formations have also entered the intense preparation stage. What this means is self-evident.

What kind of enemy can make such a move?

Medellin sighed, lifted the fishing rod in his hand, then reattached the bait and threw it into the sea.

He didn't want to fish at all, he just needed to do something to ease his nervousness a little bit.

Just as his thoughts drifted away, he was suddenly slapped on the shoulder. He turned his head subconsciously and saw the slightly naive fat face of his comrade Jamie.

"...Jamie, I said, don't say hello so hard when people aren't paying attention, haven't you watched the news? A lot of people are scared to death by this."

"Many people, but you won't. You are the man who escaped from J-20. How about it, did you have a comfortable vacation during this time?"

As he spoke, Jamie sat down on the embankment, his feet were suspended above the sea, and he began to sway slightly with the ups and downs of the sea breeze.

"...The vacation is good, but the end of the vacation is bad. Being told to participate in a large-scale combat operation immediately after the vacation is over is even worse."

Hearing Medellin's words, Jamie laughed and replied:

"It doesn't have to be a combat operation. You know, those officials like to pose like this, but it's just to scare people... Do you really think there will be two outbreaks at such a time. A war between two great powers? I don't believe it."

"At this time, as long as it starts, it's a thermonuclear war. It's not a question of who wins or loses, but pulls the entire human race to hell."

"I think, no matter how crazy the people above are, they won't do such a thing."

"Isn't it?"

The corner of Medellin's mouth evoked a mocking smile, and then continued:

"You never know what these West Point idiots are going to do, like they ran off to intercept 002 - like they sold weapons to Yindu."

"My cousins ​​who graduated from high school all know that doing business with people in Yindu requires payment before delivery, but these elites don't know that. Do you think it's strange?"

Hearing his complaint, Jamie shook his head helplessly and replied:

"It's just a strategic consideration... and while we did fail, you can't say the strategy was wrong in the first place, right?"

"It's like you can't skydive the first time you see the J-20, right? You have to fight with them...even if the final result is that you are riding on your head to do cobra maneuvers."

Medellin gave Jamie a stern look, but instead of actually taking his teasing to heart, he skipped the subject and continued:

"So, is our goal set this time? To the Western Pacific?"

Jamie shook his head and replied:

"No, that's not my news. We're going to the Indian Ocean."

"Indian Ocean?? For whom?"

Medellin had a shocked look on his face, and when he thought of the previous news that the people of Yindu were in arrears, he became more and more puzzled.

Not really... Is it really just for the dozen or so armored vehicles to fight against them?

What's the benefit to you?

That shabby place, even a rabbit doesn't want to want it. Could it be that my own country has to go to take over?

Seeing his expression, Jamie realized that he was probably guessing in the wrong direction, so he sighed and said:

"Medellin, I sometimes envy your simple-mindedness... How could we possibly do anything to the yin?"

"You need a reason to do it, like weapons of mass destruction, like a humanitarian crisis or something..."

"Isn't the humanitarian crisis in Yindu serious enough? I heard they are all starting to eat people."

Medellin interrupted him mercilessly. The latter froze for a while, and after a few seconds of silence, he said:

"Well, I mean 'what we consider a humanitarian crisis', understand?"

Hearing this, Medellin finally came to his senses.

"So what you said is, Ba Yang?"

"Bayang, Punjab, it's the same. Anyway, the food crops there are almost completely destroyed, and new food may not be able to be transported in. As long as there is no food, there must be a humanitarian crisis."

"Isn't that a good reason? As for what we're going to do, I think you can understand it too?"

Medellin nodded slowly.

At this point, no matter how stupid he is, he will understand.

The younger brother of his own country lost, and now the elder brother is going to end in person.

However, will the other party really be fooled? Will you really follow your own rhythm?

Probably... difficult.

His hand holding the fishing rod tightened quietly, and then, with a sudden mention, he pulled a silvery fish to the shore.

"Nice! A huge fish!"

Jamie admired from the side, but Medellin didn't have the slightest joy in his heart.

He took off the hook silently, held the fish in front of him with both hands, and after looking at the sun for a while, he said something silently in his heart.

"I hope you can always live in the sea, and I hope they don't fall for it."

He then threw the still alive fish back into the sea.

The splash of water splashed by the fish wet his face, he raised his hand and wiped his face with his sleeve, his eyes revealing a trace of exhaustion and loss that could not be concealed.

On the other hand, no matter what method you use.

Quickly end this meaningless fight.

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