Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter Three Hundred And Seventieth Unwilling To Retreat, Can Not Retreat

Western Pacific, Yongxia Island.

The construction of the first phase of the "Great Wall at Sea" project has ended. After several months of non-stop efforts by thousands of people and dozens of large-scale engineering equipment, the first indestructible fortress has finally been erected on this island.

This fortress is composed of seven layers of reactive armor, high-strength concrete, steel plate, star rock heat-absorbing layer, steel plate, sediment shock-absorbing layer, and steel plate. The thickness of the outer wall reaches an astonishing 3.6 meters, which can resist the All earth-penetrating projectiles, armor-piercing projectiles and precision-guided bombs attack, and even in extreme cases, the viewing port can be completely closed to resist large-scale, saturated thermobaric bomb attacks.

At the same time, the fort is also equipped with two super-power electromagnetic guns, 4 sets of super-power laser anti-missile systems, combined with airborne early warning aircraft, satellite data links and shore-based radar, the overall radiation range can reach nearly 600 kilometers.

And this range has almost reached the farthest early warning range of the aircraft carrier battle group.

It can be said that this fortress is the largest and most defensive fortress built in human history, but also the most cutting-edge deterrent. At the moment it was built, the balance of the situation in the entire Western Pacific was tilted towards China. a lot.

Today is the first day when the fort is fully completed. The electromagnetic gun has just been tested. At this time, the cooling system in the fort is running wildly. In just a few seconds, the high-temperature air is completely expelled, and the internal temperature is reduced to 40 degrees again. the following.

However, this is only the temperature under low-intensity test firing. If faced with high-density and high-intensity work in the follow-up, the temperature inside the fortress may even rise to nearly Baidu.

At such a temperature, no one can come out of the fort alive, but fortunately, this fort was not intended to let living people in.

This is a split design fortress, and its real center is not inside the fortress, but is set up in the command center of Yongxia Island.

Through the remote control of the command center, the fort can flexibly strike all identified targets at sea and in the air, and the number of simultaneous interception of missiles within 600 kilometers can reach 40.

At this time, in the command center, the team specially responsible for the control of the "Beacon Tower No. 1" fortress is intensively conducting a laser anti-missile interception test. Under their control, the four sets of laser anti-missile systems in the fortress are extremely complex. Algorithms run simulations, and a system doesn't just track one missile, but staggered tracking of all incoming missiles in the most efficient way overall.

The drill has been going on for nearly half an hour. The anti-missile system has endured 3 waves of imaginary attacks. The bright spots on the screen disappear one by one. The disappearance of each bright spot means the explosion of an incoming missile, but in the last wave it was close to 120 Under the saturation of missiles, the fortress finally fell.

"Huh... There's no way out, to this extent, I've basically reached the limit."

The operator in the control room took off the headset, gently pushed open the operation panel, and sighed.

The soldier on the side nodded slightly and replied:

"We have done a good job. The maximum number of simultaneous interceptions peaked at 56, and the success rate basically reached 100%, which has far exceeded our design standards."

"If the opponent really throws more than 100 missiles like we practiced, then we don't have to think about how to intercept it, just start the defense mode to fight a wave, and after the reactive armor is finished, rely on the structural strength alone. At least it can carry a few hundred rounds."

"It's not difficult to interrupt our firepower, but it's not that simple if you really want to completely wipe us out."

Hearing his words, the operator frowned slightly, stood up from the chair and said:

"This extreme situation should not occur. According to previous estimates, this possible conflict should mainly focus on the air-to-air field, and large-scale naval battles will not happen for the time being."

"The most important thing we have to do is to guard the gate, keep Yongxia Island Airport, and slow down their support and supply speed as much as possible, forcing their aircraft carrier formations to distance themselves, thereby reducing air pressure."

"According to this judgment, I feel that we may have less pressure in the early stage, but once we fire, it will inevitably become the most tragic area."

The warrior hummed, and after pondering for a while, he answered:

"There is a possibility that the strategic position of Yongxia Island is too important. If it is lost here, our first island chain can basically be considered lost."

The operator walked behind him and patted him on the shoulder, motioning him to go out with him. Then, in the open space outside the headquarters, after the two lit cigarettes, he said:

"Seriously, do you think there will be a real fight this time?"

The soldier was stunned, and shook his head slightly dazedly.

"I haven't thought about this problem... Anyway, since I came to Yongxia Island, all my tasks and training have been prepared according to combat standards. Fighting or not... It makes no difference to me."

"No difference?"

The operator smiled and continued to ask:

"How can there be no difference? After all, wars and exercises are not the same. In wars, people will die... Don't look at the calm now. If there is a real fight, we will be the vortex at the center of the battlefield. Are you not afraid of death? "

Hearing his words, the warrior took a deep breath and replied:

"I'm afraid, how can we not be afraid? But what can we do? People are bullying us, how can we hide?"

"Squad leader, I'm not a new recruit on the first day of enlistment. My psychological quality is not so bad, so I won't look forward to the future at this time."

"I remember the first day I enlisted in the army, our squad leader told me that my group of soldiers may really want to fight."

"He said this countless times, and my ears got calluses when he said it. I used to think it was annoying."

"What about now? Isn't this coming?"

"It's just fighting... Don't say that we are equipped now, I was not afraid of it when the equipment was poor."

"My lord, if you die, you will die. What's there to be afraid of?"

The operator's expression changed slightly. He looked up at the gradually setting sunset in the distance, and exhaled a puff of smoke with a little emotion, and then said:

"I originally wanted to do psychological construction for you alone, but in the end, you did psychological construction for me... OK, as long as you have this idea."

"We are responsible for defending the soil. If we really fight, we will definitely not be able to get out. However, even if we can't get out, we have to bite down a piece of meat for them."

"It's a pity that our fortress has been built for so long, and we haven't gotten along with it well. Maybe it will be gone soon."

Hearing this, the warrior smiled and replied:

"That's not necessarily true. What if we can withstand it? If the first island chain can really withstand it, then we will have to walk sideways."

"Walk sideways with a hammer! Don't dominate, don't dominate! How many times have I emphasized to you, and then I forgot to go to the horizon?"

"Then I'll just say that... Okay, squad leader, after the cigarettes are finished, let's go in and get some more?"

"Let's go, try to break through the 60 mark this time!"


When two perhaps the most obscure little warriors in the world were on this island, under the sunset, discussing the coming storm, there were also many people who were with them in the vast territory of China. The same warriors were speaking the same topics under the same sunset.

Although their expressions of this upcoming event differed, their attitudes were surprisingly consistent.

"People are dead birds facing the sky, afraid of a hammer, fuck him!"

"Comrades, the time has come for the Party and the people to test us..."

"The great cause of Qianqiu, fight here!"

"Mom and dad, I'll be loyal first, and then go back and be filial after the fight."

"It's tolerable or unbearable, you have to be beaten!"

"Don't say it's unpredictable."

These voices rise from the Kunlun Mountains, from the Great Gobi, from the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River, from the 100,000 mountains, from the vast snowfields, from thousands of miles of waves, and from the boundless space. .

War may be coming.

But they don't want to go back.

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